Which contraceptive method provides protection against sexually transmitted infections Quizlet

1 The couple should abstain from sexual intercourse from days 10 through 17.

The patient has regular menstrual cycles of 28 days. The beginning of the fertile period is estimated by subtracting 18 days from the length of the shortest cycle. The end of the fertile period is determined by subtracting 11 days from the length of the longest cycle. Therefore, according to the formula, the fertile days are from day 10 through day 17 (shortest cycle, 28 - 18 = day 10, and longest cycle, 38 - 11 = day 17). Therefore, the nurse should advise the patient to abstain from sexual intercourse between days 10 and 17. If the woman has a shortest cycle of 24 days and a longest cycle of 30 days, then the couple should abstain from sexual intercourse from days 6 through 19. As per the calculation, women who have regular cycles of 28 days should not have unprotected sexual intercourse between days 11 and 17 and days 12 through 16 because it is a fertile period.