Which action most clearly demonstrates a nurses commitment to social justice quizlet?

Which action most clearly demonstrates a nurses commitment to social justice quizlet?

Chapter 6: Values, Ethics, and Advocacy

An employee health nurse is assisting a stressed, working mother with value clarification. Which of the following best defines value clarification?

a process by which people come to understand their own values and value systems

a systematic inquiry into principles of right and wrong conduct, of virtue and vice, and of good and evil, as they relate to conduct.

an organization of values in which each is ranked along a continuum of importance, often leading to a personal code of conduct.

a belief about the worth of something, about what matters, that acts as a standard to guide one's behavior.

a process by which people come to understand their own values and value systems

Using the nursing process to make ethical decisions involves following several steps. Which step is the nurse implementing when she reflects evaluation on the

decision-making process and the role it will play in making future decisions?






Which action most clearly demonstrates a nurse's commitment to social justice? 3adala ijtima3iya

lobbying for an expansion of health care resources and benefits

documenting patient care in a timely, honest, and thorough manner

answering a client's questions about her care clearly and accurately

ensuring that a hospital client's diet is culturally acceptable

Lobbying pressure for an expansion of health care resources and benefits dart min ajli tawsi3 mawarid wa fawa2id ri2aya sihiya

What are standards for decision making that endure last longer in ones life for a significant time in one's life?






The nursing student demonstrates the need for further instruction with which statement concerning moral values?

"Moral values determine one's beliefs about others."

"Moral values give individuals some sense of what is right and wrong."

"Moral values place an emphasis on emotional attitudes."

"Moral values are intertwined with one's religion."

"Moral values give individuals some sense of what is right and wrong."

Moral values give individuals the ability to identify correct behaviors and the ability to discern right from wrong.

When examining values, a nurse notes that one country uses physician-assisted suicide and another country considers physician-assisted suicide as illegal and

punishable with imprisonment. How are these two views on physician-assisted suicide affected?






A nurse is caring for a client who is a practicing Jehovah's Witness. The physician orders two units of packed cells based on his low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.

The nurse states to the surgeon that it is unethical to go against the client's beliefs even though his blood counts are very low. What is the best description of the

nurse's intentions?

acting in the client's best interest

siding with the client over the surgeon

observing institutional policies

being legally responsible

acting in the client's best interest

A nurse states to the client that she will keep her free of pain. However, her family wishes to try a treatment to prolong her life that may necessitate withholding

IMTINA3 3AN pain medication. This factor will cause an ethical akhla9i dilemma for the nurse in relation to which ethical principle?


Which ethical principle Do nurses follow when they protect life and promote the well being of all clients?

Social Justice When nurses vow to protect the health and safety of patients, that promise does not end at the bedside. While social justice is a logical extension of the nursing profession, it can be difficult for nurses to navigate these divisive areas and ensure every individual receives timely and high-quality care.

Which action involving a medication demonstrates the ethical principle of beneficence?

Beneficence is defined as kindness and charity, which requires action on the part of the nurse to benefit others. An example of a nurse demonstrating this ethical principle is by holding a dying patient's hand.

Which nursing actions best demonstrate the ethical principle of autonomy?

Informed consent and right to refuse medications are a part of autonomy.

Which nursing action demonstrates the principle of fidelity?

Promoting patient autonomy Patient autonomy is the right of competent adults to make informed decisions about their personal medical care. Nurses who promote patient autonomy demonstrate an excellent example of fidelity in nursing.