When you click the new sheet (+) button on the tabs bar, where is a worksheet always inserted?

On which menu tab can you find the command to Move/Copy a worksheet? Home
What is one reason to copy an entire worksheet using the Move/Copy command? The style and format will be identical
When you press the Ctrl key, click on a worksheet tab, and drag the tab, you ________ a worksheet. copy
__________ the worksheet tab, and then type the new name of the tab. Double-click
What actions can you perform within the Move/Copy dialog box Move a worksheet within a workbook, Copy a worksheet within a workbook, Move a worksheet to another workbook, & Copy a worksheet to a new workbook
Which actions allow you to rename a tab on a worksheet? Right-click and select Rename & Double-click the name on the tab.
When repositioning a worksheet within a workbook, after clicking on the tab, what does the arrow change to? paper
What worksheet will you see when you open a workbook? last active sheet regardless of the tab order
What is the command on the shortcut menu to change the color of a worksheet tab? Tab Color
On which Menu Tab will you find Hide and Unhide a window? View
On which menu tab and command will you find Hide and Unhide a worksheet? Home, Format
What is a shortcut to hide a worksheet within a workbook? Right-click and select Hide
A gradient tint is applied to a worksheet tab when it is ________. visible, active
What is the limit on selection of tab colors? 56 colors
What happens to the tab color when your worksheet is copied? The tab retains its color
In order to see a list of hidden worksheets, you can click _____________. Home > Format > Hide & Unhide > Unhide Sheet
To hide several worksheets at the same time, _____________ and click the tab on each sheet you want to hide, and then right-click and select __________. press Ctrl, Hide
When managing worksheets, which of the following is recommended? Utilize cell referencing across workbooks
On which menu tab can you find the Insert Sheet command? Home
How do you insert multiple sheets into a workbook? Right-click on the tab and select Insert then Worksheet, and then repeat for each worksheet
The shortcut key Ctrl + Z is what command? Undo
In order to ensure hours of time are not wasted, you should _________ often. save
In order to select a block of worksheets adjacent to each other, hold the __________ key down and click on the tab at one end of the block, and then click on the other end of block. Shift
In order to select a group of nonadjacent worksheets, hold the _______ key down and select the worksheet tabs needed in the group. Ctrl
How do you view multiple worksheets from the same workbook at the same time? Go to the View tab and select New Window
How do you look at multiple worksheets from the same workbook side by side in one window? Go to the View tab, select Arrange All, and then select Vertical
The ___________ located in the lower left corner allow you to view all of the worksheet tabs when all tabs are not visible. scroll arrows
In which corner of the screen can you locate the Zoom Control Slider? lower right corner
On which Menu Tab can you locate the Zoom option? View
In order to magnify one section of the worksheet, what can you select under Zoom? Zoom to Selection
What can you do to keep the top row headers of a worksheet visible while you scroll down the worksheet? freeze panes
In order to keep Row 1, Row 2, Column 1, and Column 2 visible, which cell(s) would you select before selecting Freeze Panes? C3
What will be frozen when you have Freeze First Row selected and then select Freeze First Column? the first column
What are the keystrokes for utilizing the Find command? Ctrl + F
On which menu tab can you locate Find and Replace? Home
When using the Excel Find dialog box, what can you search within? sheet & workbook
What options can you select when using the Find and Replace dialog box? Match case, Format, Match entire cell contents, Search in Formulas, Search in Values, & Search in Comments
When using the Find and Replace dialog box and typing in what to find, what can you click to see a report of all instances within a worksheet? Find All
If you select a range of cells to Find and Replace, what will happen when you select Replace All? All cells within the worksheet that meet the criteria will be replaced
What dialog box will be displayed when you use the keystrokes Ctrl + H? Find and Replace
If a calculation references a range name, what options must be selected to find? Look in: Formulas
Using the Format option of the Find dialog box, what can you search for? number, alignment, selected cell, font, & fill
What result would you receive using Find and Replace to change St to Street on this cell? Address: 403 St Martin St, West St Petersburg? 403 Street Martin Street, WeStreet Street Petersburg
What result would you receive using a Find and Replace to change 403 to 4403 on this cell? 4032584036 440325844036
What could you use to Find and Replace the street abbreviation St with Street on this cell? St. Mary’s is located on 456 Stevens St, St Louis, MO Find: St, Replace: Street
On which tab and area will you locate the Go To command? Home > Find & Select
What keystrokes will display the Go To dialog box? Ctrl + G
In a workbook for ABC, Inc., if a week’s total sales were over $1,000,000, the cell was filled with bright green. To find all of those weeks in the workbook, what options would need to be selected? Search Within Workbook, Use Find All, & Format Fill: Bright Green
What options does the Go To Special Command dialog provide? comments, blanks, dependents, last cell & formula errors
What does the Go To dialog box list? Name Ranges

Where is the new sheet button in the sheet tab area in Excel?

To insert a single new worksheet to the right of the currently selected worksheet, click the “New Sheet” button at the right end of the spreadsheet name tabs. Alternatively, you can also click the “Insert” drop-down button in the “Cells” button group on the “Home” tab of the Ribbon.

When you click on a worksheet tab What happens?

In Microsoft Excel, a sheet, sheet tab, or worksheet tab is used to display the worksheet that a user is currently editing. By clicking a worksheet tab (located at the bottom of the window), users may move between the various worksheets. Every Excel file may have multiple worksheets, but the default number is three.

Where is the insert worksheet tab?

On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Insert, and then click Insert Sheet.

Where are the tabs to navigate between worksheets located?

Worksheet tabs are located at the bottom-left of the Excel window. To move to the left, press and hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard. Press and release the PgUp key on the keyboard. To move another sheet to the left press and release the PgUp key a second time.