When assessing a clients liver during an assessment the nurse should palpate which abdominal quadrant quizlet?


The spleen resides in the abdominal cavity and stores red blood cells and platelets, produces new red blood cells and macrophages, and activates B and T lymphocytes. The pancreas resides in the abdominal cavity and is an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin. The gallbladder, also located in the abdominal cavity, stores bile before it is released into the small intestine. The liver, an organ also located in the abdominal cavity, has a variety of functions to include detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of

"I can perform activities such as swimming, driving, or operating heavy equipment as I need to."

Postdischarge instructions typically include avoiding tight clothing or belts over the ICD insertion sites; rough contact with the ICD insertion site; and electromagnetic fields such as with electrical transformers, radio/TV/radar transmitters, metal detectors, and running motors of cars or boats. Clients also must alert health care providers (HCPs) or dentists to the presence of the device because certain procedures such as diathermy, electrocautery, and magnetic resonance imaging may need to be avoided to prevent device malfunction. Clients should follow the specific advice of a HCP regarding activities that are potentially hazardous to self or others, such as swimming, driving, or operating heavy equipment.

A) Voice sounds are faint, muffled, and almost inaudible when the patient whispers "one, two, three" in a very soft voice.
C) When the patient speaks in a normal voice, the examiner can hear a sound but cannot distinguish exactly what is being said.
D) As the patient says a long "ee-ee-ee" sound, the examiner also hears a long "ee-ee-ee" sound.

Page: 446. As a patient says "ninety-nine" repeatedly, normally, the examiner hears sound but cannot distinguish what is being said. If a clear "ninety-nine" is auscultated, then it could indicate increased lung density, which enhances transmission of voice sounds. This is a measure of bronchophony. When a patient says a long "ee-ee-ee" sound, normally the examiner also hears a long "ee-ee-ee" sound through auscultation. This is a measure of egophony. If the examiner hears a long "aaaaaa" sound instead, this could indicate areas of consolidation or compression. With whispered pectoriloquy, as when a patient whispers a phrase such as "one-two-three," the normal response when auscultating voice sounds is to hear sounds that are faint, muffled, and almost inaudible. If the examiners hears the whispered voice clearly, as if the patient is speaking through the stethoscope, then consolidation of the lung fields may exist.

When assessing a client's liver during an assessment the nurse should palpate which abdominal quadrant?

Palpate the liver at the right rib margin. Listen to bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants. Percuss the right lower abdominal quadrant.

Which structure is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen quizlet?

The spleen is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.

Which of the following abdominal organs could a nurse possibly palpate?

The organs located in the epigastric region are the stomach, pancreas, and duodenum. These organs can be palpated with a combination of deep and light palpation.

Which of the following structures is located in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen?

The left lower quadrant houses the majority of the small intestine, some of the large intestine, the left half of the female reproductive system, and the left ureter.