What will keep the medical assistant current in knowledge in the years to come and will serve as testimony of a commitment to professionalism?

Table of Contents

  • 1 Which of the following will keep the medical assistant Current and knowledge in the years to come and will serve as testimony of a commitment to professionalism?
  • 2 Which of the following best describes the major reason communication is of the utmost importance in the healthcare setting?
  • 3 Which of the following organization allows one to use the initials CMA?
  • 4 What is a good way to show respect for a shy and quiet patient group of answer choices?
  • 5 Which of the following best defines communication?
  • 6 How can doctors communicate better with patients?
  • 7 Why is it important to communicate with patients?
  • 8 What does communication mean in the medical field?
  • 9 How does poor communication affect the health care system?

Which of the following will keep the medical assistant current in knowledge in the years to come and serves testimony to a commitment professionalism? Continuing education.

Which of the following best describes the major reason communication is of the utmost importance in the healthcare setting?

Which of the following best describes the major reason communication is of the utmost importance in the health care setting? Communication serves as the foundation for all patient care.

What is the best way for health care workers to elicit the greatest amount of information from patients?

What is the best way for health care workers to elicit the greatest amount of information from patients? Ask broad questions. Which type of documentation has a purpose of releasing the patient back to their regular lifestyle and giving a record of the interactivity among health care providers?

Which of the following organization allows one to use the initials CMA?

In the specialized world of health care, one versatile professional stands out—the CMA (AAMA). This credential represents a medical assistant who has been certified by the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA).

What is a good way to show respect for a shy and quiet patient group of answer choices?

be sincere, empathetic, and nonjudgmental. What is a good way to show respect for a shy and quiet patient? Which of the following is the strongest influence in managing any patient’s life-threatening illness? relief of pain and stress.

Which of the following best describes congruency in communication?

Congruency in communication can be described as when two different messages are interpreted as the same. The distance at which we feel comfortable while communicating with others is called personal space.

Which of the following best defines communication?

Answer: Communication is exchanging of thoughts, ideas, and messages. through speech, writing, signals, and body language.

How can doctors communicate better with patients?

Doctors can help patients communicate their problems better and feel more understood by acknowledging what they’re saying and encouraging them to continue, and even removing physical barriers between the two of them (i.e., not talking from behind a computer).

Which of the following best describes how the medical assistant should be positioned?

4.13) Which of the following best describes how the medical assistant should be positioned when communicating with a patient? Maintain a close, but comfortable, position to observe her verbal and nonverbal cues. The four modes of communication must be taken into account.

Why is it important to communicate with patients?

A physician who can effectively communicate bad news with a patient in a compassionate manner will be able to improve and strengthen their patient-physician relationship. It is important for a physician to be able to communicate both positive and negative news with a patient (Travaline, Ruchinskas, and D’Alonzo 2005).

What does communication mean in the medical field?

Communication is how medical staff, physicians and patients find out vital information. The medical staff learns information about the patient and the reason for the visit. The physician learns more about the patient through conversation and addresses the reason for the visit.

Who is responsible for communication in a hospital?

Hospital managers and other leaders must communicate frequently with doctors, staff, and patients. All hospital leaders and managers not only oversee administrative staff and tasks but can also play a vital role in individual patient health care plans.

How does poor communication affect the health care system?

“Poor communication skills within a health care setting can result in misunderstanding and faulty decisions that could adversely affect a patient’s health and well-being” (Ponte 2011). Poor Communication [Communication failure is a huge contributor in clinical outcomes.

Why is it important for a medical assistant to have strong professionalism skills?

Professionalism in a medical office is very important, it means putting patient needs as top priority. Professionalism in a medical office is taking responsibility of your patients, committing to patient confidentiality, and having patient-centered care for the patients.

Which of the following most important reason to be able to communicate effectively with patient and keep them informed?

Which of the following is the most important reason to be able to communicate effectively with patients and keep them informed? Make patients feel more comfortable and less threatened.

What is one of the most important duties of a medical assistant?

Updating/Filing Medical Records: One of the most important administrative tasks as a medical assistant is keeping patient medical records current and filing them correctly. These medical records are critical in delivering appropriate and timely patient care.

What are some procedures that a medical assistant may have to assist with?

In some states, MAs can perform procedures such as urinalysis, strep tests, blood pressure checks, weight checks, electrocardiograms, venipuncture and injections.