What strategies can an organization use to build and maintain trust in its consumers?

Why is customer trust essential for your business? People won't spend their hard-earned money on a brand they don't believe in. No matter the quality of your product or service, if customers don't trust that you can deliver, they are still unlikely to purchase. 

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, it's one of the most critical factors of the consumer decision-making process. Sadly, many business owners don't realize the importance of establishing trust with their target and existing customers. 

But how do you build customer trust? Like other business undertakings, it's not something that you can do overnight. It can even be more difficult, especially when dealing with a skeptical customer. For starters, consider the following strategies: 

1. Increase Brand Awareness 

These days, consumers depend on family and friends' recommendations. They often do extensive research about a brand, product, or service before deciding to purchase. Making your business known is the first step you can take to foster credibility and trust. It's easier for people to trust and become comfortable with your business if they are already familiar with your brand. 

2. Personalize Products and Services

Personalizing your products and services is another crucial factor in building trust. You may get people to try what you offer with an excellent reputation. But it won't be enough to turn them into repeat customers. If you cannot deliver the expected service, consumers may stop purchasing from your brand. 

Meanwhile, they're likely to trust and continue doing business with you if you pay attention to the customer's specific needs and wants. And you can do that by tailoring your offerings based on their productivity, financial, process, and support pain points. 

3. Perform Account Planning

Acquiring new customers is vital to growing your business. But unlike the traditional way, you can’t expect to make a sale by simply making a list of your product’s features. These days, understanding your potential customer’s business goals and strategies is also crucial. And to gain their trust, you must clearly convey how your products can help them obtain these objectives. 

How can you make it possible? This is where account planning comes into play. Before pitching your product, ensure that you have thoroughly analyzed their needs. Note that this includes examining the current industry trends and how your solution fits their reality, such as their existing technology and current workflow and processes. 

In addition, positioning your product’s unique value against all competitors is also essential if you want to make a sale. Thus, find out the decision-makers, influencers and users of your products. This will help you develop better strategies that will win them over. Remember that value proposition still plays a role in the buyer’s decision-making process. 

4. Use Customer Feedback Loop

Ensuring the customers have the best experience is crucial in gaining their trust. And it only takes one negative encounter for customers to feel bad about your brand and never return. 

One way to ensure that you meet and exceed customer expectations at every touch point is by getting their feedback, both good and bad. This will help you deliver an improved product customer experience. And the more they value interaction with your brand, the more likely they will trust you. 

5. Offer Customer Loyalty Programs

It's essential to maintain trust and establish long-term connections among your customers. And one way to make that possible is by offering customer loyalty programs. Exclusive deals or special sales are a great way to drive customer interaction and loyalty. As your long-term customers grow, more people will trust and advocate for your brand. 

Always Have the Customer in Mind

Building trust and loyalty among customers doesn't happen in an instant. It will take a lot of time and resources. But, whatever strategy you employ, always have the customer in mind. This can help you focus on crafting messages, products, and services that appeal most to them. Remember that customers are more likely to trust you if they feel valued.

Trust is paramount in the customer-company relationship. However, not all businesses realize how easily it can be lost. From data breaches to privacy concerns to legal and independent investigations, there are many factors that can affect a customer’s trust in a company. In fact, Salesforce’s third State of the Connected Customer report revealed that 84% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products or service. Furthermore, 73% of customers say a company’s trustworthiness matters more than it did a year ago, and 54% say it’s harder than ever for a company to earn their trust.

Trust isn’t so hard to build, and it isn’t hard to maintain.

Trust isn’t just an imperative for business leaders, it is also a competitive advantage. The importance of trust rings even more true with small business leaders, who overwhelmingly (more than eight in ten) view trust as the most critical element in their customer, employee and vendor relationships.

Therefore, the trust deficit expressed by customers in the State of the Connected Customer report gives businesses the opportunity to differentiate themselves simply by being an organization people can trust. But to do this, where do businesses start when it comes to not only gaining customer trust but maintaining it?

Here are eight communication tips that I believe businesses can use to build and maintain customer trust:

1. Improve Your Security Strategy

Businesses are constantly in a race to adopt the latest technologies in order to gain an advantage over their competitors. However, becoming more digitalized also opens businesses up to an increasing threat landscape. It’s important that all businesses prioritize the implementation of appropriate, CCPA-aligned security strategies alongside other technology investments, promoting themselves as a company that takes security seriously. Doing so will help reassure customers that they are putting their data in safe hands.

2. Transparency Is Key

No one likes being lied to, plain and simple. And in today’s digital age, when a business is dishonest, there is almost no going back. Therefore, if something is not as expected or promised, and the business is at fault, it must quickly own up to its fault and be fully transparent with customers as to how it will fix the matter for them efficiently.

Following this initial step, a business should then keep its customers informed throughout the entire process, to ensure that the customer feels appropriately looked after and reassured that the problem will not happen again in the future.

3. The Customer Always Comes First

A successful business should focus on each of their customers individually, rather than rushing to get things done. When a customer receives a memorable, personalized and truly helpful service experience, they feel as though they can trust a brand with their problems.

To start, a telephony platform is a great solution as it offers customer service agents a 360-degree view of their voice interactions, from their previous conversations with the brand, right down to their specific preferences. A company shouldn’t assume that all of their staff understand the impact they have and the role they each play with a customer. While it may be obvious to some, it’s important that all service agents receive the right training and leadership in order to deliver great customer experiences.

4. Get on the Same Playing Field

In order to focus on solving customer issues, businesses need to converge with their customers. One example of this in practice is using real-time voice translation. This allows global companies to break down language barriers between service agents and customers.

Businesses should also consider changing communication channels for the issue at hand. Often times, a customer inquiry or problem will be delivered via email or web form, but based on the issue, it may not be the best channel to continue communication.

An emotional customer may be better served via phone call in order to diffuse the situation and resolve it quickly and empathically, without the risk of a misunderstanding via email.

5. Don’t Keep Your Customers in the Dark

A vital part of good customer-company relationships is consistent communication. Companies should send an email or pick up the phone to keep their customers proactively informed, rather than wait for the customers to come to them. Furthermore, companies should set expectations in mutual agreement with their customers – most of the time customers don’t need an answer in a few hours.

However, if a business doesn’t set any expectations on response time, a customer’s confidence in the company can quickly start to wane. By keeping in constant communication with their customers, organizations have the opportunity to over-deliver.

Read more: How Conversational AI Automates Travel Insurance Inquiries Received Through Online Chat

6. Be Present

Organizations should make sure there are a handful of ways for customers to contact them. This can be done using various channels of communication like an online chat function or phone number. Many businesses decide to adopt a wide range of channels in the belief that breadth is better. However, as with most things, quality is better than quantity.

When a customer sends a message to a company, whether it be via social media, web form or email, and doesn’t receive a response in a timely manner, frustration will only continue to mount. A business should focus on the communication channels it has the manpower to monitor regularly to ensure consistent and reliable communication with the customer.

7. Provide Feedback

All businesses should encourage customers to provide feedback on their experience, whether it be good or bad. If a company can show they can deal with negative reviews in a sensible and appropriate way, prospective customers will feel confident that their experience with the brand will be the same. There is nothing wrong with making a small mistake, but it’s how it’s dealt with that is key.

8. Showcase the Human Elements of Your Business

Not everyone has time for a chit chat on the phone, but it’s important to ensure that customers feel comfortable on the other end of the line. Therefore, businesses should scrap the script and really get to know who they’re talking to.

Companies should practice being personable, using a customer’s name and be as informed about the customer as they can; where possible, adopt technology that can help staff with this personalization.

Ideally, when a customer contacts a business, the company should know they have an open issue, offer up a personalized menu addressing them by name and direct their call faster to an informed agent who is ready to help. This avoids a sometimes awkward and slow initial conversation where a frustrated customer has to repeat their issue over and over.


Trust isn’t so hard to build, and it isn’t hard to maintain. All that’s required is a bit of time, effort and investment into the customer. However, without that commitment, customer trust can be very easily lost. While customers today still report being disappointed with customer service and experience, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing for all companies. Businesses should use this feedback as an opportunity to become a provider that customers remember for the right reasons. Keeping in mind the eight tips above is a great starting point to building long-term customer retention.

Read more: Humans vs. Machines – the Future of Communication

How do you maintain consumer trust?

5 Simple Ways You Can Build Customer Trust & Loyalty.
Encourage your customers to leave reviews. Encourage your visitors and customers to leave reviews about your product and service. ... .
Avoid shortcuts and clickbait tactics. ... .
Don't remove all negative feedback. ... .
Treat your customers as you would a friend. ... .
Offer loyalty programs..

What strategies did you use to develop and maintain trust with your client?

5 Tips for Establishing Trust with Clients.
Respect Your Clients. This is the key to getting your client to trust you. ... .
Get Personal. If a relationship is strictly business, trust won't come naturally. ... .
Admit Mistakes and Correct Ethically. ... .
Surprise Them. ... .
Listen first, respond later..

Which of the following is the most effective way to build trust with customers?

Respond to customer feedback One of the most effective ways to build trust with your customers is simply to 'listen': take on board, and respond positively, to customer feedback.

How do you gain and maintain the trust and confidence of customers?

Be reachable..
Provide top-notch customer service. One of the most, if not the most, important ways businesses gain customer trust and confidence is through customer service. ... .
Share positive reviews and testimonials. ... .
Be honest and transparent. ... .
Ask for and act on feedback. ... .
Be reachable..