What selection technique requires individuals to perform activities similar to those they might encounter in an actual job quizlet?

: C

Explanation: C) An employment application form must reflect not only the firm's informational needs but also Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements. Potentially discriminatory questions inquiring about such factors as gender, race, age, convictions, national origin, citizenship, birthplace, dependents, disabilities, religion, color, and marital status should not be used. Asking candidates about their experience, education, and skills is acceptable.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Skill: Concept

What are 3 different selection methods?

Methods of selection.
CV. A CV is a document that applicants complete and submit alongside a job application. ... .
Application form. An application form is completed by a potential employee when they apply for a job. ... .
Letter of application. ... .
Interviews. ... .
Tests. ... .
Group activities. ... .

Which type of test requires an applicant to perform a task or set of tasks representative of the job?

Job-knowledge tests require an applicant to perform a task or set of tasks representative of the job.

Which one of the following terms is used for choosing the individual who is best suited to a particular position and to the organization from a group of potential applicants?

4) Which term refers to the process of choosing from a group of qualified applicants the individual best suited for a particular position? Explanation: B) Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position and the organization.

What is a selection techniques?

The most commonly used selection techniques include assessing written applications, conducting panel interviews and checking referee reports. Recruitment decisions should not be based on the results of one selection method alone.