What memory is the conscious recollection of facts and events that you can verbally communicate?

Term:Explicit MemoryDefinition:- The conscious recollection ofinformation, such as specific facts ofevents and, at least in humans,information that can be verballycommunicated.Term:Flashbulb MemoryDefinition:- The memory of emotionallysignificant events that peopel oftenrecall with more accuracy and vividimagery than everyday events.Term:Implicit MemoryDefinition:- The memory in which behavior isaffected by prior experience without aconscious recollection of thatexperience.Term:Long-Term MemoryDefinition:- A relatively permanent type ofmemory that stores huge amounts ofinformation for a long time.Term:Semantic MemoryDefinition:-A persons knowledge about theworld.

Declarative memory consists of facts and events that can be consciously recalled or "declared." Also known as explicit memory, it is based on the concept that this type of memory consists of information that can be explicitly stored and retrieved.

Declarative memory differs from procedural memory, which encompasses skills such as the use of objects or movements of the body that are deeply embedded and are performed without being aware.

Declarative memory comprises episodic memory and semantic memory, and researcher Endel Tulving first proposed the distinction between episodic and semantic memory in 1972.

Examples of episodic and semantic memory

One component of episodic memory is based on specific events, or "episodes" that are part of your personal history. Some examples:

  • The name of your pet bird growing up
  • Your sister’s wedding
  • The name of your fifth-grade teacher
  • Where you were when you found out about the Challenger space shuttle disaster

The other component of declarative memory is semantic memory, which is the ability to recall facts and concepts, often referred to as common knowledge. Some examples:

  • Understanding the difference between a dog and a cat
  • Knowing that the space shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on Jan. 28, 1986
  • Being able to associate letters with their sounds
  • Recalling how to use a phone

Differences between declarative and procedural memory

Procedural memory is typically acquired through repetition and practice, sometimes described as muscle memory or body memory. Also known as implicit memory, it enables us to carry out ordinary motor actions essentially on autopilot.

Usually, anterograde amnesia impacts declarative memory only and has no effect on procedural memory. An amnesiac can remember how to talk on the phone, but can’t recall with whom they spoke earlier that day.

One common example of the differences between implicit and explicit memory is that implicit memory allows you to type on a keyboard without looking at the keys, while you need explicit memory to remember that the A-S-D-F keys are on the left and J-K-L-; keys are on the right in the "home" row.

Some examples of procedural memory are:

  • Driving a motorcycle
  • Ice skating
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Shooting an arrow

These are typically tasks that you can go months or even years without performing and pick them up again quickly.

Studies of declarative memory

A 1997 study demonstrated that stress can have a significant impact on the formation of declarative memories. Participants went through a three-stage process. The first step involved memorizing a series of words; the second consisted of a stressful situation, such as public speaking or a non-stressful task; and the third asked that they remember the words from the first task. Declarative memory performance was worse in the participants that were exposed to a stressful situation after learning the words.

The chronic stress seen in those with post-traumatic stress disorder contributes to their ability to form declarative memories.

In 1953, a patient who had parts of his medial temporal lobe, hippocampus and amygdala removed to address his epilepsy was studied to determine the impact it had on his procedural and declarative memory capabilities. After the surgery, he could no longer form declarative memories but he was still able to form new procedural memories and short-term memories. This led to the understanding of the differences between procedural and declarative memories.

There have been a number of studies showing the impact slow-wave sleep on our ability to form declarative memories. Declarative memory benefits mainly from sleep periods dominated by deep slow-wave sleep, while REM sleep doesn’t appear to enhance declarative memory.

What is memory with conscious recollection of facts and experiences?

Explicit memory (or declarative memory) is one of the two main types of long-term human memory, the other of which is implicit memory. Explicit memory is the conscious, intentional recollection of factual information, previous experiences, and concepts.

What is the conscious recollection of information that can be verbally communicated?

Declarative memory is the conscious recollection of facts about events. It's a type of long-term memory that can be readily recalled and verbally communicated to another person.

What type of memory requires conscious recollection?

Episodic memory is defined as the conscious retrieval of personal experiences occurring within a specific context [1–3].

What is the conscious recollection of information?

Explicit memory involves recalling information and experiences consciously unlike implicit memory which is unconscious. It is part of our long-term memory store and is used everyday when we remember things we have to do later on that day or else we recall past experiences.