What is the term for two or more generations of a family living in the same household or near one another quizlet?

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What is the term for two or more generations of a family living in the same household or near one another quizlet?

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Created for Sociology at IGCSE level, the terminology as specified by CIE, in progress.

Terms in this set (53)


The practice of being married to one person at a time.

Serial Monogamy

The practice of divorcing, remarrying, divorcing, remarrying and so on.


A form of polygamy in which a man may have more than one wife simultaneously.


A from of polygamy in which a women may have more than one husband simultaneously.


A form of marriage in which a person may have two or more spouses simultaneously.

Household Unit


One-Person Household

A household consisting of one person living alone in the dwelling

Nuclear Family

A family containing a father, a mother and their child or children. It contains two generations and family members live together in the same household. The parents may be married or cohabitating outside of marriage,

Extended Family

A group of relatives extending beyond the nuclear family. The classic extended family contains three generations who either live under the same roof or nearby. This type of extension is known as vertical extension. In modified extended families, members live apart geographically but maintain regular contact and provide support

Reconstituted Family

The sociological term for the joining of two adults via marriage, cohabitation or civil partnership, who have children from previous relationships


A stepfather or stepmother.
Related by virtue of a remarriage (as of a parent) and not by blood.


A child of one's spouse / partner by a previous marriage / partnership.

Single-Parent Family / One-Parent Family / Lone-Parent Family

A family consisting of one parent and a child or children who live together.


A reconstituted family in which one or both partners have a child or children by previous relationship living with them.

Symmetrical Family

A family form in which spouses carry out different tasks but each makes a similar contribution within the home.

Duel-Earner Household / Duel-Worker Family

A household in which two adults partners work in paid employment.

Family Functions

The activities engaged in by families that contribute to the life and maintenance of the individual or family as a whole. The function of the family tells us the purpose and activities of the family within a larger society and economy.

Dysfunctional Families

- Families in which there is violence; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; parental discord; or other negative family interactions.
- A family in which conflict, misbehaviour, and often child neglect or abuse on the part of individual parents occur continually and regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions.


1. a family, society, community, or state governed by women.

2. a form of social organization in which the mother is head of the family, and in which descent is reckoned in the female line, the children belonging to the mother's clan; matriarchal system.


1. a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe and descent is reckoned in the male line, with the children belonging to the father's clan or tribe.

2. a society, community, or country based on this social organization.


Broadly, any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established in various parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example, opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:


A judicial declaration dissolving a marriage in whole or in part, especially one that releases the marriage partners from all matrimonial obligations.

Divorce Rate

The number of divorces per 1000 married couples per year.

Conjugal Roles

The domestic roles of married or cohabitating partners.

Joint Conjugal Roles

This terms describes domestic roles of married or cohabitating partners, which are divided and shared in an equal way.

Segregated Conjugal Roles (Traditional Conjugal Roles)

The term describes domestic roles of married or cohabitating partners which are separate or divided in an unequal way.


Living with a partner outside marriage or civil partnership.


A sociological approach which examines the ways gender operates within social structures such as families and educational systems. Feminists are committed to bringing equality in the status and power or women, and men in society.

Birth Rate

The number of live births per 1000 of the population per year.

Death Rate

The number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year.

Fertility Rate

The number of live births per 1000 women of childbearing age (usually 15-44 years) in a given year.

Civil Partnerships

A relationship between two people of the same sex who register as civil partners and thereby have their relationship legally recognised.

New Man


Ethnic Minority Family


Social Control


Social Stability



1. the large-scale introduction of manufacturing, advanced technical enterprises, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc.

2. conversion to the methods, aims, and ideals of industry and economic activity, particularly of an area that was previously underdeveloped economically.

Modern Industrial Societies


Traditional Societies


Marital Breakdown

The legal grounds for divorce based on circumstances that impair marital functioning, such as spousal desertion or long-term separation.

Empty-Shell Marriage


Domestic Violence

Acts of violence or abuse against a person living in one's household, especially a member of one's immediate family

Arranged Marriage


Cereal Packet Family

The traditional family image of the nuclear family presented through the media including clearly defined male and female roles.





Integrated Roles





The process whereby the influence of religion in society declines.

Domestic Division of Labour

The division of tasks such as housework, childcare and DIY between men and women within the home.


(In Israel) A community settlement, usually agricultural, organized under collectivist principles.


Relationships between people based on ties of blood, marriage or adoption.

Demographic Trends


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In our own society, it is only culturally acceptable to be married to one spouse at a time though we may practice what is sometimes called serial monogamy, or, marriage to a succession of spouses one after the other. This is reinforced by religious systems, and more importantly in U.S. society, by law.