What is the most common type of internal process for technology and innovation in the organization?

Process innovation is the application or introduction of a new technology or method for doing something that helps an organization remain competitive and meet customer demands. 

Process innovation happens when an organization solves an existing problem or performs an existing business process in a radically different way that generates something highly beneficial to those who perform the process, those who rely on the process or both. For example, the introduction of a completely new sequence to an existing production process that speeds production by 100%, thereby saving the organization money and time, could be considered a process innovation. Organizations today often bring in new information technology systems or find ways to use older in new ways at the forefront of their process innovation efforts.

Process innovation is different from incremental innovation in both scope and size. Whereas incremental or continuous improvements generate limited value, innovation generates improvements that increase value by upward of 50%, 100% or even more. Some describe process innovation as creating radical or game-changing shifts. In addition to the introduction of a radically new approach or technology, process innovation generally requires a longer planning time and support from high-level management. It’s also riskier than incremental improvements and requires a higher level of cultural and structural change. Process innovation also typically impacts a broader portion of an organization than do incremental improvements.

Process innovation can generate value to either internal customers, including employees or the actual organization itself, or it can create value to external customers, including business partners, end users or actual consumers. Values stemming from process innovation include reducing the time it takes to produce a product or perform a service; increasing the number of products produced or services provided within a time frame; and reducing the costs per product produced or service provided. Additionally, process innovation can generate significant gains in product quality and service levels. Overall, an individual organization needs to see a significant increase in some of its key performance indicators (KPIs) to be a true process innovation.

This was last updated in October 2015

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How do organizations develop technology and innovation?

Internal sources of new technology/innovation for the organization include research and development of new products as well as reconfiguring or developing new processes—ways of doing things. This can be organization structure or redesigning an assembly line.

Which of the following concept in technology management describes the process of taking an innovation or technology?

Technology roadmapping—the process of taking an innovation or technology and trying to build more value by looking for ways to use the technology in different markets and places.

What is a disadvantage of external processes creation method?

Often, the external processes are less costly. The disadvantages are tied to the need to blend different firms or bring “others” into the activities of the firm. For example, there may be cultural conflicts in an acquisition or there may be resistance to acceptance of the newness that is brought into the firm.

What are the source of technology?

Every technological system makes use of seven types of resources: people, information, materials, tools and machines, energy, capital, and time. Technology comes from the needs of people and people's needs drive technology.