What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for the Parietoacanthial?

Which cranial bone articulates with all other cranial bones?

Which suture separates the parietal bone from the occipital bone?

A patient can't flex the head and neck to put the OML perpendicular to the IR for the Towne method. What should be done?

use IOML and increase CR angle by 7 degrees

The small flap of cartilage covering the opening to the ear

The floor of the cranium includes all of the following except: temporal. occipital, ethmoid, and sphenoid

Which cranial bone possesses the Sella turcica?

The PA axial (Haas method) requires a CR angle of ___ degrees ______

Which positioning line should be perpendicular to the IR for the AP axial Towne with a 37 degree CR angle?

The orbitomeatal line is located between the ______ and ______

The acanthion is located between the ______ and ______

The junction of the 2 nasal bones

For a PA position with the OML and CR perpendicular to the IR, the radiograph will demonstrate the petrous pyramids where?

completely within the orbits

Where is the CR located for a lateral projection of the cranium?

Which cranial bone is best demonstrated for the AP axial Towne?

If a Caldwell projection wad done AP, what would the CR angle be?

Which cranial bone contains the cribriform plate?

The pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri) is associated with and protected by the ______ bone

Which factor is most critical for demonstrating air/fluid levels within the cranium?

Which division of the temporal bone contains the organs of hearing and equilibrium?

Which cranial bone possesses the zygomatic arches?

Where is the CR located for a lateral Sella turcica?

3/4 inch (2cm) anterior and 3/4 (2cm) superior

The slight depression above each eyebrow

What is the largest immovable bone of the face?

What 3 cranial bones articulate directly with the zygomatic bone?

frontal, ethmoid, and temporal

The upper and lower teeth are embedded where?

The point of union between both halves of the mandible

The posterior aspect of the orbit is called what?

Where is the CR located for a lateral projection of the facial bones?

zygoma, midway between EAM and outer canthus

What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the image receptor for the parietoacanthial (Waters) projection?

Which positioning line is perpendicular to the IR for the parietoacanthial (Waters) projection?

Where does the CR exit for a modified parietoacanthial (modified Waters) projection of the facial bones?

Which projection will best show the bony nasal septum?

How much difference is there between the OML and IOML positioning lines?

The ______ sinuses develop last and are not fully developed until the teenage years

How much skull rotation is required to place the ramus parallel to the IR for the axiolateral projection of the mandible?

Why is the chin extended for the axiolateral projection of the mandible?

to prevent superimposition upon the cervical spine

What aspect of the mandible is best demonstrated with an AP axial projection?

What is the only cranial sinus not contained within a cranial bone?

Which sinus is the most posterior?

The maxillary sinus is often referred to as the ______ of ______

For paranasal sinuses, why should the patient always be upright?

to demonstrate the presence or absence of fluid and to differentiate between fluid and other pathologic conditions

Which positioning line must be used with a 30 degree caudad angle for an AP axial projection of the zygomatic arches?

What is the maximum CR angle used for the axiolateral oblique projection of the mandible?

Patient comes in with possible nasal bone fracture; doctor is concerned about the nasal septum, what routine should be done?

parietoacanthial, lateral nasal bones, and superoinferior (axial) projection

What is the angle between the midsagittal plane and the IR for a parieto-orbital oblique projection of the optic foramina?

A partial dislocation of a joint

A fracture that occurs through the pedicles of the axis (C2), with or without displacement of C2 or C3

Which type of fracture is defined as being crushed at the site of impact producing 2 or more fragments?

How much rotation is required for an AP oblique projection of the sternum on a hypersthenic patient?

What is the maximum distance a tech should stand away from the xray tube during an exposure when using a mobile xray unit?

A fracture that involves the 5th metacarpal?

Which fracture usually involves the spine?

Which type of procedure would be performed in surgery to realign a fracture?

What factors can lead to grid cut-off?

off centering, angling perpendicular rather than parallel to grid lines, and exceeding grid focal range

What type of sterile draping forms a sterile barrier between the surgeon and the C-arm and patient?

Which of the 3 cardinal rules of radiation protection is the most effective means of reducing exposure?

Where should the operator stand when using a C-arm fluoroscopy unit in a horizontal CR position?

intensifier end of the C arm

How should the CR be aligned for an AP projection of the chest?

perpendicular to long axis of the sternum

What type of breathing instructions should be given for an AP projection  (supine) of the ribs above the diaphragm?

What projection should be performed for a patient with possible abdominal bleeding and free air that can stand or sit erect?

Which positions will best demonstrate free air intra abdominal air on the patient who can't stand or sit erect?

What is the primary disadvantage of performing a PA thumb over an AP thumb?

How much should you adjust the kVp for a fiberglass cast?

How much should you adjust the kVp for a small to medium cast?

How much should you adjust the kVp for a large cast?

What should the radiographer be prepared to assist with at anytime during a surgical or mobile procedure?

If the exposure rate at 2 meters from source of radiation is 18 R/min, what will be the exposure at 5 meters from the source?

A radiographer receives 400 mR/hr standing 1 ft from C arm. What is the exposure rate if the tech moves 3 ft?

A patient comes to the ER with possible pneumothorax of right lung, patient can't stand/sit, what position should be done?

T/F: post reduction projections of the lower limbs generally need only to include the joint nearest the fracture site

T/F: the tech makes the decision whether a parent stays in the exam room during an exam

Who should the tech report to if there is suspected child abuse?

radiologist or supervisor

Which factors should be 1st considered in controlling motion for the peds patient?

short exposure time (high mA)

The primary center for ossification of long bones

The secondary center of ossification of long bones

Where is the CR located for a 2 year old lateral chest?

What kVp should be used for a lateral peds chest?

What projections/positions should be done for non traumatic hips on a  peds patient?

AP and bilateral frog leg projections

What is the NPO fasting period for a 2 year old before an upper GI?

Where is the CR located for a KUB performed on an infant?

Where is the CR located for a KUB on a small child to adult?

What size needle is used to introduce contrast media during a shoulder arthrogram?

2.5 or 2 3/4-3 1/2 inch spinal needle

How much contrast is used during a single contrast shoulder arthrogram?

Which position will project the bilary ducts away from the spine during a postoperative (t tube) cholangiogram?

T/F: an ERCP can be a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure

The majority of ERCP procedures are performed by a ______

What is the purpose of the hysterosalpingography to demonstrate?

the uterine cavity and the patency of the uterine tubes

What is the most commonly performed contrast medium for a hysterosalpingography?

positive, nonionic, water soluble

What is the most common clinical indication for a myelogram?

What is the most common injection site for a myelogram?

For optimal demonstration of wood, plastic, and glass what type of exposure is required?

What are the most common grid ratios used for mobile radiography?

How long should the patient lie in a decub before making an exposure during a mobile chest exam?

What is the maximum height the enema bag should be above the table top at the beginning of an barium enema procedure?

A 2 year old child is unable to hold still for an exam. Who should hold the child if present?

father wearing protective apron

What is the suggested positioning routine for a lumbar myelogram?

prone horizontal beam lateral

What is critical when performing orthoroentgenography?

patient should not move between exposures

What is the name of the ruler used for orthoroentgenography?

What kVp is recommended for a peds voiding cystourethrogram for patients newborn through 18 years old?

How is the water soluble contrast eliminated following a myelogram?

What is the angle between the OML and the plane of the IR for the Parietoacanthial waters projection?

RTE 1533 Week 4 test review.

What is the angle between the MSP and the plane of the IR from a lateral position for the Parieto orbital oblique projection for the optic foramen?

Chapter12 Bontegar.

What positioning line is placed perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor for the Parietoacanthial projection of the facial bones?

Which positioning line is placed perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor for the parietoacanthial projection? The posterior aspect of the orbit is termed the: apex.

Where does the CR exit for a modified Parietoacanthial modified waters projection of the facial bones?

Rotation review.