What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

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What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

CHAPTER 1 Interpersonal Process

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Why Study Communication? Why study an activity that you’ve done your entire life? New look at a familiar topic Increased communication effectiveness

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Section 1 Interplay WHY WE COMMUNICATE

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Why We Communicate How does communication help to fulfill the following human needs? Physical needs Identity needs Social needs Practical needs

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Dark Side of Communication Social needs are represented in research on loneliness and the Internet Connecting with others online can alleviate lonely feelings (Lee et. al, 2013) Preference to connect with others online can lead to problematic Internet use and increased loneliness (Chung, 2013)

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Communication & Career Advancement Communication skills are crucial to finding a job Abilities in spoken and written communication rated highly (Supiano, 2013) Interpersonal communication essential for success (Coffelt et al. , 2016) Important in virtually every career

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?


What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

The Communication Process Communication is about using messages to generate meanings (Korn et al. , 2000) Public speaking Small groups Mass media

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Early Models of Communication Early models Linear, one-way event Resembles an archer shooting a message at a target Later models Tennis game: Senders and receivers exchange messages Respond with verbal or nonverbal feedback

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Insights from the Transactional Communication Model Sending and receiving are usually simultaneous Meanings exist in and among people Environment and noise affect communication Channels make a difference

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Focus on Research: Twitter Communication channels influence messages Research shows that Twitter messages created on a mobile device differ from those created on computers Mobile Tweets more egocentric and negatively worded than computer-generated Tweets

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Communication Principles Transactional Mutual influence Interdependent behaviors Uniquely created Intentional or unintentional Irreversible Unrepeatable Content dimension and a relational dimension Which principles are demonstrated in this video?

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

The Nature of Interpersonal Communication Every exchange has a relational dimension, ranging from highly impersonal to highly interpersonal

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication Features of interpersonal relationships: Uniqueness Interdependence Self-disclosure Intrinsic rewards

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Masspersonal Communication Masspersonal communication characterizes interaction that crosses boundaries between mass and interpersonal contexts

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Communication Misconceptions All communication seeks understanding. More communication is always better. Communication will solve all problems. Effective communication is a natural ability.

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?


What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Communication Competence Principles of Communication Competence Competent communication: Effective Appropriate No single “ideal” or “effective” way to communicate Competence is situational Competence can be learned

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Characteristics of Competent Communication A large repertoire of skills Adaptability Ability to perform skillfully Empathy/perspective taking Cognitive complexity Self-monitoring

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?


What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Social Media and Interpersonal Communication Technology allows for starting and maintaining relationships Social media describes all communication channels that allow: Community-based input Interaction Content-sharing Collaboration Use the textbook quiz to assess your own use of social media

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Characteristics of Social Media Leanness Asynchronicity Permanence

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Focus on Research: Permanence Some instant messaging services – like Snapchat – are ephemeral Lightweight channel Sharing of spontaneous experiences More enjoyable than other digital platforms More likely to use for flirting and finding love

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Social Media and Relational Quality Social media might seem inferior Lacks richness Discourages community Superficial Can be rich and satisfying Increases amount and quality of interpersonal communication Why? Easier, less complicated

What describes all the communication channels that allow community based input interaction content sharing and collaboration?

Communicating Competently with Social Media Be careful what you post Be considerate Respect others’ need for undivided attention Keep your tone civil Be mindful of bystanders Balance mediated and face-to-face time Embrace Multimodality

What are the 4 types of communication quizlet?

Terms in this set (23).
Intrapersonal Communication. Occurs within the person..
Interpersonal Communication. Two persons communicate with each other..
•Conversation. •Interview. ... .
Conversation. -Characterized by adaptability, enthusiasm, tact and sensitivity. ... .
Interview. ... .
•Job interview. ... .
Job Interview. ... .
Information Interview..

What is a channel in communication quizlet?

Channel. The medium through which a message is transmitted from a sender to a receiver.

What are the components of a communication channel quizlet?

What are the eight essential components of communication? Source/Sender, Message, Interference, Channel, Receiver, Feedback, Environment, and Context.

What describes the process of paying close attention to one's own behavior and using these observations to shape it?

The process of paying close attention to one's behavior and using these observations to shape the way one behaves is known as: Self-monitoring.