What could countries with a sphere of influence in China do within their respective spheres quizlet?

What importance did the sphere of influence have for China?

What importance did the spheres of influence have on China? Spheres of influence were places where other countries had all the power. They controlled all the trade and exchange of goods in that area. In result, the citizens got mad that foreigners had more power than them.

Which countries had spheres of influence in China quizlet?

Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia all acquired spheres of influence in China. This struggle for economic power among the European nations caused a rise in tensions between the countries.

How did the sphere of influence differ from the open door policy?

How does the sphere of influence differ from the open door policy? Instead of controlling trade in one region, it controls all of the regions. Anyone has equal rights of trade anywhere. How did the Chinese react to imperialism?

In what respect were Qing China and the Ottoman Empire similar in the nineteenth century?

In what respect were Qing China and the Ottoman Empire similar in the nineteenth century? Both were semi-colonies within the informal empires of Europe.