What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple methods for job analysis for a particular job?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple methods for job analysis? Why?

Reply to the student’s response in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference


 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple methods for job analysis? Why? 

Student response

 Job Analysis is the systematic study of jobs to identify the observable work activities, tasks, and responsibilities associated with a particular job or group of jobs. It is a systematic method of gathering information. It reports the job as it exists at the time of analysis, not as it was in the past nor as it exist in another organization.

Advantage: It provides all-round data on a particular job because it ensures consistency in the work evaluation process, it also guarantees the process’s material validity and it provides information on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of validity. It is not possible to define such job characteristics in a quantitative way, so qualitative approaches are useful in this case.

Disadvantage: One of the main drawbacks of using multiple job analysis methods for a particular job is the increased coast associated with it. Sometimes, using multiple methods can lead to costs beyond budget. It is also very time consuming because job analysis is to be conducted using multiple techniques. Having multiple job analysis can also lead to conflicting information about a particular job.
Job Analysis provides the objective criteria needed for executives to make informed decisions regarding staffing, selection, performance, succession planning and compensation. This allows companies to not only create better selection systems, but also create effective training development programs, compensation and talent management systems.

David, C. (2011, October 11). How conducting a job analysis improves your business’s efficiency, growth and innovation. Retrieved 10/30/19, from http://www.sbnonline.com/article/how-conducting-a-job-analysis-improves-your-businesss-efficiency-growth-and-innovation/ 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using multiple methods for job analysis for a particular job?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages to using multiple methods of job analysis for a particular job?

Multiple methods gives the individual the ability to be more cooperative of the job analysis when it is achieved. The disadvantages of using multiple methods of job analysis for a particular source or multiple sources would include the expenses and the response of the staff.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods used in job analysis?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis:.

What are the advantages of multiple methods?

The use of multiple methods increases the robustness of results because findings can be strengthened through triangulation – the cross-validation achieved when different kinds and sources of data converge and are found congruent (Kaplan and Duchon 1988).

What are the major advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of collecting job analysis information quizlet?

Advantages include being efficient and inexpensive. Questionnaires show differences among incumbents in same job. They are easy to quantify and analyze, and they make it easy to compare different jobs on common dimensions. Disadvantages would be that questionnaires ignore the context in which a job is done.