Upgrade von vista auf windows 10

Are they looking for ways to switch from Windows Vista to Windows 10? Many people have been happy with their old computers, so they didn’t need the upgrade. Microsoft support for Vista ended years ago, though, so you probably need the latest Windows OS now. Fortunately, our guide could help you update to Windows 10.

Let’s start by discussing why you need the latest Microsoft Windows operating system. Then, we’ll show the nifty features you get from Windows 10. We’ll also help you choose between the Home and Pro versions. Next, we will proceed with the steps to upgrade your computer from Windows Vista to Windows 10.

Nowadays, technology is an integral part of daily life around the world. Due to the pandemic, we use online tools and services more than ever. For example, more people use their smartphones to order groceries and their computers for remote work. As it becomes better and faster every day, you should adapt by getting the best kit.

Why upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10?

Upgrade von vista auf windows 10

You might have delayed upgrading your PC for several reasons. Perhaps your reliable computer worked well over the years, so you didn’t see the need.

Microsoft released Windows Vista on January 30, 2007. Eventually, the company stopped supporting it on April 11, 2017. Nowadays, It’s hard to find a disc copy of Windows Vista!

If you’re still using Vista, your PC and OS are probably 10 years old or above. Several versions of Windows released since 2007, like Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10.

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Your upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10 is way overdue. Everyone else on the planet runs Windows OS. Most of them use Windows 10 PCs.

As a result, your computer might be running much slower now. Its poor performance may get in the way of your tasks. Unlike Windows 10, Vista doesn’t get Microsoft support anymore.

Versions after Vista have gone through numerous file system and file format upgrades. As a result, your Vista PC may not be able to read files from other PCs.

More importantly, Windows 10 gets constant security updates. Meanwhile, Windows Vista doesn’t. This means your Vista computer is open to hackers and viruses.

Even better, switching from Windows Vista to Windows 10 gives access to new features. These include the Action Center and voice assistant Cortana.

Windows 10 features

Upgrade von vista auf windows 10

Here are the new tools you get by upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 10. Note that these Windows 10 features may have changed after the time of writing:

  • Improved start menu – Windows users love the Start menu’s design, and it’s even better in Windows 10.
  • Use multiple apps at once – Windows 10 lets you put apps side-by-side. Since we’re all multi-tasking nowadays, this is a great help.
  • Change how Windows 10 looks – Make words bigger if the text is too small. You could also make your cursor leave a trail, so you can see where it moves.
  • Cortana – Tell your PC what to do, and Cortana will do it. The Windows 10 productivity assistant can follow your voice commands.
  • Action Center – Windows Vista also has this feature, but it’s not as good as Windows 10’s. The new one displays important notifications and settings.
  • Tablet mode – If you’re using a tablet PC, you can touch Windows 10. You can use the OS just like you would on a smartphone.

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Windows 10 Home vs. Windows 10 Pro

Before you upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10, see which version you want. Choose between the Home and Pro versions, depending on your needs.

The Windows 10 Home version has the features we’ve mentioned. It provides most of the features you’ll find in the Pro version.

If you need more features for your business, you may want Windows 10 Pro instead. You get more features like BitLocker encryption and Information protection.

Make sure your PC can handle Windows 10

Upgrade von vista auf windows 10

Before you upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 10, make sure your computer has the system requirements. Here are the specs you need for Windows 10:

  • Display: 800 x 600
  • Processor: 1Ghz or more
  • Memory: 1GB for a 32-bit OS, 2GB for 64-bit
  • Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later versions with a WDDM 1.0 driver

There isn’t a direct way to upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 10. You’ll need to perform a clean installation with a legit copy of Windows 10.

Visit the Microsoft Store to get the Home or Pro version. Also, prepare an 8GB USB flash drive to create bootable media.

Backup your files

Putting a new operating system means wiping off everything on your computer. That’s why you need to get a copy of all personal data before upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 10.

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Under System and Maintenance, click Back up your computer.
  3. Then, click the Backup computer button.
  4. If a window asks for your permission, click Continue.
  5. Choose a hard drive that will store the backup, then click Next.
  6. Click the Start backup button to begin.
  7. Once it says “The backup completed successfully,” click Close.

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Steps to upgrade to Windows Vista to Windows 10

Upgrade von vista auf windows 10

After getting backups and meeting the requirements, you may start the Windows Vista upgrade to Windows 10. Here are the steps:

  1. Download the Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft support. You may want to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
  2. Choose Windows 10 under “Select edition,” then click Confirm.
  3. Choose your language from the menu, then click Confirm.
  4. Click 32-bit Download or 64-bit Download, depending on your computer.
  5. Download and install Rufus.
  6. Launch Rufus.
  7. Select your USB flash drive under “Devices.”
  8. Click the disc drive icon next to “Create a bootable disk using ISO image” under “Format Options.”
  9. Select your Windows 10 ISO file, then click Open.
  10. Click the Start button.
  11. Remember that this process will erase all your data. Once you’re okay with this, click OK.
  12. Restart your PC with the new bootable media.
  13. The Windows Setup wizard should appear. Click Next on the first screen.
  14. Click the Install Now button.
  15. Type the product key of your copy of Windows 10. Then, click Next.
  16. Choose the Windows 10 edition you want. Afterward, click Next.
  17. Accept the license agreement. Click Next.
  18. Click Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced) to start the installation.
  19. Choose any partition on the hard drive and erase them with the Delete button.
  20. Choose that hard drive.
  21. Click Next to start the installation process.

After the installation, return your backup files to your PC. Then, go to Settings > Update & security > Windows Update, and click Check for updates. See if it’s fully updated.

Final thoughts

Upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 10 isn’t easy. Vista’s an old piece of hardware, after all. Yet, the new features and upgrades are worth the trouble!

Your computer may have served you for years, but it might be too old for Windows 10. In that case, this could be the best time to buy a new Windows 10 PC!

Once you have your fully upgraded computer, it’s time to put it to good use. Have you ever heard of Bitcoin? You may want to use your PC to invest in cryptocurrencies.

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Kann man von Vista auf Windows 10 upgraden?

Die beste Nachricht: Sie brauchen keinen topaktuellen PC für Windows 10. Generell gilt: Wenn bislang Windows Vista, 7, 8 oder 8.1 auf Ihrem Rechner läuft, funktioniert auch Windows 10. Microsoft empfiehlt für die 32-Bit-Version mindestens 2 Gigabyte Arbeitsspeicher (RAM).

Kann man Windows Vista noch updaten?

April 2017 gibt es für Vista keine Updates mehr. Allerdings könnt ihr weiterhin versuchen, Updates einzuspielen. Da Windows Vista die gleiche Code-Basis hat wie Windows Server 2008 – und dieses Betriebssystem bis 14.01.2020 Updates erhält – greift man eben auf dessen Updates zu: Öffnet den Microsoft-Update-Katalog.

Was tun wenn Windows Vista nicht mehr unterstützt wird?

Das sollten Sie tun nach dem Ende von Windows Vista.
Machen Sie das Update! ... .
Finden Sie heraus, ob Sie überhaupt Vista nutzen. ... .
Ersetzen Sie Vista durch ein aktuelles Betriebssystem. ... .
Machen Sie sich klar, das Vista ab jetzt gefährlich ist. ... .
Suchen Sie gegebenenfalls Verbündete. ... .
Nehmen Sie's mit Humor!.

Ist das Upgrade auf Windows 10 wirklich kostenlos?

Das Gratis-Upgrade funktioniert mit allen Windows-7- und -8-Versionen. Wer Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium oder Windows 8 Core nutzt, erhält danach Windows 10 Home. Besitzer der höherwertigen Varianten Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate sowie Windows 8 Pro bekommen Windows 10 in der Pro-Ausgabe.