The hypothalamus and amygdala are to _____ as the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex is to _____.

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    Terms in this set (43)

    Any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to harm another person or persons is called:


    Marvin is a survivor of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting that claimed the lives of dozens. Afterward, he wonders if there is something unjust about him surviving the event when so many others did not. This example best illustrates:

    survivor guilt.

    A man is hired as a hit-man to kill people for a monetary payout. What kind of aggression is this considered?

    Instrumental aggression

    What was Freud's term for what he proposed is the human inborn instinct to inflict harm and destroy life?


    Mark is driving when another driver cuts him off. At a nearby stoplight, the driver flashes Mark the middle finger and challenges him to get out of his car and fight. Mark is most likely to have his testosterone levels _____, and as a result he will be _____ likely to fight.

    increased; more

    The prefrontal cortex is to _____ aggressive impulsive behavior as the hypothalamus is to _____ aggressive behavior

    decreasing; increasing

    Paul was fired from his job. When Paul comes home, he feels angry and frustrated. When his wife asks him what he wants for dinner, Paul violently lashes out at her. What is Paul's reaction called?

    displaced aggression

    The tendency for individuals to feel physiologically aroused by an initial event and shift this arousal to a subsequent event, leading to greater aggression in the subsequent event, is known as:

    excitation transfer theory.

    Between 1993 and 2011, what percentage of murders in the United States were committed with firearms?

    60% to 70%

    According to Strasburger (2007), the average American 18-year-old has been exposed to approximately _____ acts of violence on television.


    The idea that individuals tend to imitate the aggressiveness they observe is known as:

    social learning theory.

    Burton physically spanks his child for failing to do his chores. This is an example of _____ punishment, and research indicates that this form of punishment has the potential to lead to _____ long-term ramifications if used excessively.

    corporal; negative

    The tendency to attribute hostile intent to others' actions, even when others' intentions are innocent, is called:

    hostile attribution bias

    Which of the following individuals would be MOST apt to behave aggressively?

    Tyler, who has low levels of MAO-A and was abused as a child

    Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to behave aggressively?

    Lonnie, who is a narcissist

    The link between drug stimulants and aggression has been established primarily using which research method?


    All of the following have been suggested as reasons why alcohol increases aggression EXCEPT which one?

    increased narcissism

    Larry physically abuses on a regular basis not only his partner but also his child and one of the children he interacts with at work. Larry is most likely a(n) ____ abuser.


    Carl has had several recent setbacks. One year ago, he lost his job at the mill. He has been unable to find work since, and recently his health began to deteriorate. He recently assaulted his wife, largely due to the frustration and lack of control he is feeling with his work and health. Carl is an example of a(n) _____ abuser.


    Sonny is overly attached to his relationship partner. He responds defensively every time his partner provides critical feedback. He has a deep-seated fear of abandonment and an extremely fragile sense of self. Sonny is an example of a(n) _____ abuser.


    Corey undergoes aggressive therapeutic intervention to reduce his aggressiveness. Specifically, the therapist has him engage in a variety of techniques, including brushing his teeth with his nondominant hand and resisting tempting sweets. The therapist is using the technique of _____ in order to reduce his aggressiveness.

    increasing his self-regulatory strength

    Phillip undergoes aggressive therapeutic intervention to reduce his aggressiveness. Specifically, the therapist has him think about those individuals in his life who have acted hostilely toward him. Then, the therapist has him think about how external factors could have made those people act aggressively toward him. The therapist is using the technique of _____ in order to reduce his aggressiveness.

    minimizing hostile attributions

    Which of the individuals below is NOT committing an act of aggression?

    Casey, who accidentally runs into a bicyclist with her car

    The hypothalamus and amygdala are to ____ as the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex is to _____.

    fear and anger; social threat

    Lou is depressed and has decreased levels of serotonin in his nervous system. While driving to work, Lou gets cut off by another driver on the freeway. What is Lou's MOST likely response?

    Lou will respond aggressively by attempting to cut off the driver in retaliation.

    The cognitive neoassociationism model expands on which of the following?

    frustration-aggression hypothesis

    Which of the following is NOT a reason supported by research as to why the weapons effect may occur?

    People have a decrease in serotonin that in turn increases aggression.

    Keith experienced hostile feelings when his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. Of the following, what will DECREASE the likelihood that Keith will act on his feelings?

    high morals, a high degree of empathy, and consideration of the negative consequences of retaliation

    Paying attention to violence on television because it may have survival value is to _____ as watching violent television because of the rewards you get by spending time with peers is to _____.

    evolutionary theory; operant conditioning

    Which type of discipline teaches children that aggression is an appropriate way to respond to wrongdoers?

    corporal punishment

    Which of the factors below is NOT a factor associated with why gender differences emerge in how aggression is expressed?

    Men tend to observe greater amounts of physical aggression in their lives than women.

    "If I ruled the world, it would be a much better place." A person that strongly agrees with this statement would tend to be higher in which of the following?


    Fred is a male who has hostile masculinity syndrome. He has been abusive toward his wife and has raped women that he knows. One explanation for Fred's behavior is that it stems from the functionality (albeit abhorrent) of rape for males in increasing the ability to pass on their genes. This explanation is consistent with a(n) _____ perspective.


    Inflicting harm on another person at the prompting of a negative emotion is called:

    affective aggression

    What brain region is involved in the detection of social threat?

    the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex

    Which of the following situational factors are especially likely to lead to frustration, and in turn, aggression?

    being closer to an intended goal when it is impeded

    Aggression directed to a target other than the source of one's frustration is called:

    displaced aggression.

    The results of Berkowitz and LePage's (1967) weapons effect study is most consistent with which of the following statements?

    "People ultimately decide whether to pull the trigger of a gun, but the gun itself could be helping pull the trigger."

    According to research on cultures of honor, it has been theorized by Cohen and Nisbett that individuals in the South are more aggressive than individuals in the North because, historically speaking, _____. For individuals in the North, _____.

    resources of trade and livelihood (i.e., cattle) were easily taken; resources of trade and livelihood (i.e., farmland) were not easily taken

    The clearest evidence in support of genetic influences on aggression is provided from correlations between _____ regarding aggression.

    identical twins

    Donald assaults a woman after a college party. Afterward, his friends defend him, saying that the woman "should not have worn such a low-cut dress. She dressed in an extremely provocative manner." This example best illustrates the rape myth of:

    "She asked for it."

    Acting more aggressively in the future toward a person one has already acted aggressively toward in the past is best understood by the role of:


    Assume that Kyle grew up in the South, where a "culture of honor" predominates. Based on research presented in the text, Kyle would be more likely than a Northerner to behave aggressively when:

    someone insults him

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