If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

To search for files on your computer using Windows XP’s search feature, select Start, Search.

If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

In the window that opens up, you will see the search assistant on the left, and the results window on the right. Click on “All files or folders” in the Search Assistant area unless you know the type of file you are looking for. If you know the type of file you are searching for, then use one of the first two links, “Pictures, music, or video” to search for those kinds of files or “Documents” to search for Word files and the like.

If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

In the next window displayed by the Search Assistant, you can enter the name of the file you are looking for under “All or part of the file name.” You can also search the contents of a file for a particular word or phrase by entering them in the second search field. Under “Look in” you can change the drive to search from the default of the “C:” drive to a CD or a USB drive.

If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

The links below the drive selection menu allow you to set more specific criteria for your search. If you select “When was it modified?” you can search only files modified in the last week, the last month, or the last year using the radio buttons. You can also select “Specify dates”, and enter a date range using the “from” and “to” fields. This date range can cover when you think the file was created, last modified, or last accessed. You can select one of these three options using the pull-down menu above the date range fields. The next link allows you to specify some file size criteria. For example, you can tell Windows to only look for files that are at least a certain size by selecting the “Specify size” option, selecting “at least”, and entering a file size.

If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

If you click on “More advanced options” you can tell Windows to search within system folders (where operating system files are stored) or to search hidden files and folders. By default, Windows is set up to search within subfolders.

If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

If you only know part of the name of a file or folder you are searching for, you can use wild cards such as “*” or “?”. The asterisk can replace a whole group of letters or numbers, while the question mark only replaces one character. For example, typing “books.*” in the search box will find files such as books.doc and books.pdf. Typing in book*.pdf may find files such as books.pdf as well as bookkeeping.pdf. Typing in book?.pdf will only find books.pdf, but not bookkeeping.pdf. That’s because the question mark can only replace one character in the file name.

The Windows 7 search feature is a wonder compared to its predecessors. You can even customize Windows 7’s default search settings to fine-tune the results you get. These changes can speed up the process or make the search more thorough than before.

Most users want and need the default search settings. Although it’s easy to change the search settings, there are consequences to any changes you make. Make sure you understand the benefits and drawbacks to any search modifications before you make them.

  1. Choose Start→Documents. In the upper-left area, click the down-arrow next to Organize. Choose Folder and Search Options. Select the Search tab.

    If you are performing a search of a removable drive Windows searches filenames only by default

    You see the Search options.

  2. Use the tips below to make any changes you want to the Windows 7 search options.

    Remember that altering the settings here can make all your searches painfully slow.

    SettingWhat It MeansRecommendation
    In indexed locations, search filenames and contents. In non-indexed locations, search filenames only. Windows 7 looks for filenames and, in indexed locations, the contents for file types you have chosen. You probably want to pick this setting.
    Always search filenames and contents (might be slow). Ignore the index and crawl through the contents of every file. Slow isn’t the right term — try glacial. Rather than use this option, modify the index to add the folder or drive you want to search.
    Include subfolders when typing in the Search box. Windows 7 looks in the current folder and its subfolders. Leave the check box selected.
    Find partial matches. Match anywhere in the word. Leave the check box selected.
    Use natural language search. Type search strings in a less structured way. For example, typing by Woody will retrieve everything with Woody listed as author. If you select this check box, Windows 7 can get confused when you try to do a “regular” search.
    Don’t use the index when searching the file system (might be slow). Ignore the index entirely. You can use this setting if you think your index is broken, but otherwise don’t select the check box.
    Include system directories. Include system folders when searching for files. Only click this if you frequently search for system files because the searches will take longer. You can always go to c:Windows to search for system files.
    Include compressed files (ZIP or CAB, for example) Look at the filenames of the files inside compressed, which are normally ignored by the indexer. Selecting the check box will slow performance. Besides, if the compressed file is in an indexed location, both the filename and its contents are indexed by default.
  3. When you’re happy with the results, click OK.

    The settings apply to any new simple searches you may make.

About This Article

This article is from the book:

  • Windows 7 For Dummies ,

About the book author:

Andy Rathbone's computer books, which include Windows? 2000 Professional For Dummies? and Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies?, have sold more than 11 million copies.

This article can be found in the category:

  • Windows 10 ,

Where we can search your files and folders on the computer?

Search File Explorer: Open File Explorer from the taskbar or right-click on the Start menu, choose File Explorer, then select a location from the left pane to search or browse. For example, select This PC to look in all devices and drives on your computer, or select Documents to look only for files stored there.

When you use sorting Windows searches the current folder and its subfolders?

When you use sorting, Windows searches the current folder and its subfolders. You use the greater than operator with any property you enter in the search text box or search menu. An indexed location is one or more folders that Windows indexes so it can search them quickly.

Where are all of your Documents saved on a computer hard drive?

On Windows computers, all document-related files (e.g., word processor and spreadsheet files) default to save in the My Documents folder automatically.

Which file locations are indexed by default?

The Windows Search service indexes only a few locations by default. These locations are: Offline files: All offline file folders are indexed for fast searching. Start menu: All menu options are indexed for fast searching.