How were Japan and China economically different from each other by the end of the 19th century

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How were Japan and China culturally different at the end of the 19th century?

Japan opened its society and culture to Western influences, while China continued to resist any outside influence on its customs and beliefs.

Which best describes Asian relations in the late 16th century?

Korea joined with China to block Japan Japan tried to invade Korea. Japan fought against China and Korea.

Which of these best describes the result of Japan's economic and military changes in the late 19th century?

Japan defeated China in a war for the control of Taiwan and the Korean peninsula.

Where was China in 1944?

In 1944 China was engaged in a massive battle with Japan. Japan had deployed over 360,000 troops to invade Chagsha region. 300,000 Chinese troops participated in the battle but lost to Japan.

How did the Ming limit European traders in China?

China, Korea, and Japan limited contact with western nations!

What was China like in the 19th century?

By the mid-nineteenth century China's population reached 450 million or more, more than three times the level in 1500. The inevitable results were land shortages, famine, and an increasingly impoverished rural population. Heavy taxes, inflation, and greedy local officials further worsened the farmer's situation.

Why did Japan succeed and China Fail?

Two assumptions stood out prominently in the students' projects: first, that Japan “succeeded” in modernization and China “failed” because the for- mer embraced the West and China rejected it; second, that modern- ization and Westernization are synonymous.

Why was Japan more successful than China in maintaining its independence?

Japan's reaction to Western imperialism differed from China's because they modernized government, rapid, and military. Japan was more successful than China in maintaining its independence because they had more of a controlled society and government.

How were Japan and China culturally different?

Both countries have collective society, but Japan has an external collective culture, while China has an internal collective culture. It means Japanese collectivism is more society-centered, while Chinese collectivism is more family-centered. In Japan, following social standard and social order is very important.