How does evidence about aggression and testosterone in males contradict the idea that biology alone defines the difference between male and female quizlet?

black feminism- White, privileged, U.S. feminism does not account for the experiences of women of other races.

postmodern- There is no single social group called "woman"; all categories must be interrogated and deconstructed

liberal- Political reform is the best way to work toward gender equity.

radical- The family is one of the primary social institutions that perpetuates patriarchy and oppression of women

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a type of man, idealized by men and women alike, who functions to justify and naturalize gender inequality. EX. "real man" embodies all the positive traits of the masculine side of gender binary. Has athletic speed and strength, smart, wealthy, good looking, powerful, loyal etc., All men by virtue of being men, have claim to all of these traits, even if they don't possess them themselves. Just by being a man, all men benefit from hegemonic masculinity. Values men over women as more supreme and powerful. Benefits of masculinity not rewarded equally to all men.

"Men" continue to be conceived as the generic human, with woman as deviant from the norm. Allows for political concerns to be divided up into men's and women's issues. Men are seen as people first and men second, versus women are seen as women first and people second. Seen in the way our brain processes language, words like he, his, man, used generically to refer to individual of the human race, and words like human, individual, and person tend to conjure up images of men not women. Societies symbolize power as male, power is gendered. Synonyms for power are male, manful, man like. Synonyms for weakness are effeminate, womanly. A sign that we live in a modified patriarchy is persistent centering of men as normal or neutral and the marginalizing of women as non-neutral type of person, or relative of a male person.

the attribution of positive traits to women that, nonetheless, justify women's subordination to men. Because women are seen as loving, patient, kind, it is seen as emotional weakness that threatens their ability to compete and dominate in work, sports and politics. By making women more dependent on men by virtue of expressing positive characteristics ultiamtely positions women as weak. Being feminine as a wife, mother, teacher, nurse is seen as supportive roles not leading roles, means being powerless. Feminine roles are disparaged, considered weak which stops them form masculine areas of power, prestige, accomplishment which are valued.

(Class privileged women and wealthy women who work that can pay for domestic help)-
-Is a form of patriarchal bargaining- pushes off mothering to other women with lower status, disadvantage to other women
-helps women mediate some of the loss of status, power and economic well-being but intensifies inequality among different types of women.
-most who do domestic work are: 95%women, 54% racial or ehtnic minority, 32% less than high school education,46% foreign born, 35% noncitizens
-Low paying, long hours, insecurity, little chance for advancement, no minimum wage
-causes care chains- a series of nurturing relationships in which care of the children or elderly is displaced onto increasingly disadvantaged paid or unpaid carers, decreasing financial returns down the chain

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