How do rates of intimate partner violence differ across racial groups quizlet?

Stalking consists of specific kinds of behavior that are used to harass or threaten another person.
The behavior varies, but can include any unwanted contact or communication between the stalker and the victim.
Legal definition: a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
1. Love Obsessional Stalker: no personal relationship with victim, may have mental disorders, socially maladjusted, low self esteem. Victims include celebrities, athletes, politicians, and ordinary people.
2. Erotomanic Stalker: stalker has no connection to victim, but believes he/she is loved by the victim. Has mental disorders, delusions, little to no romantic involvement, lives a fantasy. Victims include celebrities, public figures, or people of higher status.
3. Simple obsessional Stalker: victim knows stalker; may have had an intimate relationship. Shows personality disorders, low self esteem, control of coerces victim back.
4. Domestic Violence Related Stalking:
most common and most dangerous. 75% of being murdered by partner. Highest risk to domestic violence victim is when she leaves her abusive partner. Stalking escalates.
Stalking Incidence Rates:
3 in 4 stalking victims are stalked by someone they know.
30% are stalked by a former partner.

It is legal to ask specifically about kids and deny employment based on that in PA and other states.
NJ laws protect against employment discrimination based on "Race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, race, sex (including pregnancy and sexual harassment), marital status, domestic partnership status.
BUT NOT if you have kids. they are allowed to discriminate against you.

Whites: likely to graduate highschool, 34% graduating with bachelor's degree, median income is $50-60,000 a year.
Blacks: 85% graduate HS, 20% bachelor's degree, income $30,000
Latinos: 65% graduate HS, 14% bachelor's degree, $40,000
Asians: 88% graduate HS, 50% bachelor's degree, $70,000 a year

Internalized racism is the personal conscious or subconscious acceptance of the dominant society's racist views, stereotypes and biased of one's ethnic group.
Gives rise to patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that result in discriminating, minimizing, criticizing, finding faults, invalidating, and hating oneself white simultaneously valuing dominant culture.
Video about black people:
Light skin is prettier
You have to dress, act, and do your hair a certain way
Baby doll experiment shows black children perceive white dolls as good and pretty and black as bad

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Terms in this set (20)

-reported violence is more common among American Indians and African Americans than among whites and Asians
-We know that poverty and substance abuse, which contribute to family violence, are more prevalent in American Indian and black populations.
-Also, some groups are less likely to benefit from resources directed at preventing and/or addressing violence:
--Research shows that there are more domestic violence shelters, hotlines, and counseling services in some areas than others (e.g., wealthy areas, college towns, and places with a higher percentage of whites)
-When blacks and whites in similar social setting are compared, the rate of domestic violence in the two groups is virtually the same.
-Intersectionality (from Feminist Perspective) - not race/ethnicity alone but its intersection with gender and class
-Black women and family violence NOT TRUE that black men are inherently more prone to violence. RATHER:
--Black families are more likely to live in disadvantaged areas with less resources.
--Black families often have reason to distrust police or other figures of authorities research suggests that police are LESS likely to make an arrest in response to a domestic violence call when those involved are racial or ethnic minorities.
--Black families (for better or worse) may not want to contribute to the problem of incarceration that affects a disproportionate number of black men.
-Latina women, along with some of the above reasons, may also not report violence or abuse to authorities because they fear provoking immigration authorities to investigate their families (true for all immigrant families, not just Latinos)

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