How can you begin to establish a therapeutic rapport with Gemma using the picture as a tool



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    Terms in this set (41)

    Which of the following best describes Peplaus theory on therapeutic use of self?

    Using excellent interpersonal skills to help patients improve their health status

    Therapeutic use of self involves

    forming a relationship based on the nurses knowledge, attitudes, and skills to communicate effectively.

    What is the most important information the nurse should share with the patient during the orientation phase?

    Name, credentials, extent of responsibility

    One of the most important outcomes of the orientation phase of the nurse-patient relationship is the development of mutual


    Which behaviors help patients develop trust in the nurse?

    Conveying acceptance of the patient and a nonjudgmental attitude

    The nurse says to a newly diagnosed diabetic patient, I will be working with you during your 3-day stay to help you practice insulin injections and to review your new diet. Im wondering if we could find a time of day to begin the teaching sessions that is good for us. This conversation would occur in which phase of the nurse-patient relationship?

    Orientation phase

    Which of the following suggests that a successful contract has been established between the nurse and patient in the orientation phase of the nurse-patient relationship?

    Patient has agreed to learn to change his colostomy bag.

    A newly diagnosed diabetic patient states I have very definite likes and dislikes when it comes to food. Am I going to have to eat only certain foods, or will I have some choice? The nurse responds, Why dont you give me a list of your likes and dislikes? I will consult with the dietitian about how to include your preferences and still come up with a good diet for you. What phase of the nurse-patient relationship is this?

    Working phase

    A patient demonstrates obvious regression in ability to perform self-care during the working phase. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

    Patience and understanding because regression is a defense mechanism

    When should the preparation for the termination phase of the nurse-patient relationship begin?

    In the orientation phase

    The nurse and patient may experience sadness during the termination phase. How can the nurse help the patient be successful in the termination phase of the nurse-patient relationship?

    Emphasizing the achievements the patient has made, including the ability for self-care

    A patient is being discharged from the hospital. Which statement by the nurse is appropriate for the termination phase of the nurse-patient relationship?

    During the past 3 days, you have learned how to inject insulin and how to make appropriate food choices. Remember that you have the unit telephone number if you have any questions.

    Which of the following is an effective way to maintain safe professional boundaries?

    Finding ways to satisfy your needs through personal relationships outside of nursing

    Which of the following is most important in order for a new staff nurse to communicate therapeutically with patients?

    Becoming aware of own feelings about illness and death

    During report, a nurse complains about a 3-year-old boy, saying He sure knows when to pour on the tears. Theres nothing wrong until he sees you; then the tears start, but they stop as soon as you leave or his mother comes. Hes just spoiled because they have a nanny at home who waits on him hand and foot. This is an example of

    stereotyping because the child has a nanny.

    A nurse comments in private about a patient: That lady with six kids is pregnant again! It makes me sick to see these people on welfare taking away from our tax dollars. I dont know how she can continue to do this. The best response by a nurse peer is to

    convey acceptance of the patient.

    Which of the following best illustrates nonjudgmental acceptance by the nurse?

    Demonstrating caring behavior in spite of negative feelings

    Using Hagerty and Patuskys theory of human relatedness (2003), the nurse-patient relationship has been reconceptualized by approaching

    patients with a sense of the patients autonomy, choice, and participation.

    Which is true of verbal and nonverbal communication?

    The nonverbal communication may be a more reliable message.

    Which of the following could be considered congruent communication?

    The nurse manager sits with you in the nurses lounge and asks, Is there anything you would like to talk about?

    A nurse is irrigating pressure ulcers on a patients coccyx. When the patient asks how they are healing, the nurse grimaces and says, Oh, theyre doing just fine. This is

    incongruence between verbal and nonverbal messages.

    Context is one of the five major elements of communication identified by Ruesch. Which of the following is part of the context of communication?

    Attitude of the receiver

    A new mother says to the nurse, It really hurts me to breastfeed. I think I should wean my baby. The most appropriate response by the nurse is,

    If I understand you, it hurts when you breastfeed. Tell me how and when it hurts.

    A new mother says to the nurse, It really hurts me to breastfeed. I think I should wean my baby. The nurse responds, If I understand you, it hurts when you breastfeed. Tell me how and when it hurts. This response best represents which criterion of successful communication?


    When a co-worker tells the nurse, I am not sure I will be able to give the right answers in the job interview, the nurse replies, I know what you mean. Interviews have always been a problem for me, too. This response can be evaluated as lacking


    A new mother says, My baby is being kept in the nursery. Im really worried about him. Im also worried that the separation will interfere with breastfeeding. The most appropriate response by the nurse is,

    I can see this is a problem for you. I will go to the nursery and see if I can get some answers for you.

    Using simple, clear words to explain the details of a colonoscopy procedure shows sensitivity to which successful communication criterion?


    A 4-year-old child is going to have an abdominal x-ray examination. The child asks, Why do they have to do this? Will it hurt? Which of the following is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

    You will go to the x-ray department so they can take pictures of your tummy to find out why you have a tummy ache. The bed you lie on may be cool, but you will have a blanket to keep you warm. The test will not hurt.

    Which of the following examples illustrates the nurses failure to use flexibility effectively in professional communication?

    Continuing to follow the agenda in a staff meeting when people are obviously upset by a recent death on the unit

    The nurse plans to teach a patient about the care of her mastectomy site. The nurse finds the patient crying. The best response by the nurse is,

    I see you are upset. Is there something on your mind you'd like to talk about?

    The patient says to the nurse, The staff treats me like Im a child. Everyone tells me what to do. No one ever asks my opinion. After all, it is my body. Which response by the nurse indicates active listening?

    Let me see if I understand. It bothers you not to be recognized for your abilities to handle your life. I can discuss this with the staff if you wish so that everyone involves you in planning your care.

    In which of the following examples is the nurse demonstrating empathy for the postoperative mastectomy patient?

    This must be a very difficult time for you.

    Which of the following demonstrates giving information versus opinion?

    Mrs. Khan, lets practice together the breathing techniques you learned in Lamaze classes. That will help us to work together more effectively later when your labor is stronger

    How would a nurses use of the technique of reflection help a person?

    Encouraging the person to think through problems for himself or herself

    Within nurse-patient communication, the use of silence can

    allow the patient to not feel pressured to provide information.

    A patient states, The harder I try to get along with my son, the more I feel he just wants to be left alone, and the nurse responds, I guess parents have to expect these problems as children get older. The nurses response is an example of a communication breakdown known as

    failing to see the uniqueness of the individual.

    A patient states, The thing that scares me the most about surgery is the spinal anesthesia. Im afraid itll leave me paralyzed, and the nurse responds, Everything will be fine. The anesthesiologists are very skilled in administering spinal anesthesia. The nurses response is an example of a communication breakdown known as

    using false assurance.

    Collaboration in health care settings involves

    professionals respected for their unique knowledge and abilities.

    Collaboration among health care professionals most importantly results in

    positive patient outcomes.

    Which behaviors foster active listening? (Select all that apply.)

    a. Encouraging the speaker by saying, Tell me more
    c. Sitting in an open posture such as leaning forward
    e. Good eye contact at eye level and nodding of the head

    Which of the following are examples of open-ended questions? (Select all that apply.)

    b. How are you?
    c. How do you feel about staying with your daughter?
    d. What would you like to discuss today while we take a walk?

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