Based on the suggestions for preparing effective rules, which of the following rules is best stated?

How do you want to study today?

Sally Harvey, an eighth-grade, middle-school math teacher, typically spends about 7 minutes after the bell rings taking roll, handing out papers, and writing assignments on the board. Karen Walters, who teaches in the room next to Sally, has a "do now" exercise written on the board, which the students complete while she takes role and completes other beginning-of-class routines. Based on this information, of the following, which conclusion is most valid?

a) Behaviorism views learning as a change in observable behavior that occurs as a result of experience, and it treats motivation the same way. An increased in the amount of time spent for studying, for example, is views as evidence of motivation, so reinforcers such as praise, comments on homework, and good grades, are motivators. At first, Amanda demonstrates potency, the effectiveness of a consequence in changing behavior. In hopes to change her motivation, her teacher uses stickers as a potent reinforcer, attempting to change her behavior to work for something she wants. At first, the potency reinforcer works in favor for both Amanda and the teacher, but after awhile, the sticker lost its satiation, that being, its potency. Satiation is when a consequence becomes less and less appealing. Amanda does not feel the need to put forth effort in order to receive anymore stickers.

b) Maslow's hierarchy of needs is grounded in this holistic view of human motivation. It describes human needs as existing in two major groups: deficiency needs and growth needs. Deficiency needs are needs that energize people to meet them if they're unfulfilled. Survival, safety, belonging, and self-esteem are the deficiency needs and a person cannot move to a higher need without meeting the one below it. After these needs are met, people can move onto growth needs, which are needs in intellectual achievement and aesthetic appreciation that increase as people have experiences with them. In this example, the teachers attempt to motivate Amanda was ineffective because the needs of her sleep was never met. In order for her growth need of intellectual achievement to be met, she needs to satisfy her need of survival, that is receiving enough sleep each night in order to be productive in a classroom setting.

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Based on the suggestions for preparing effective rules, which of the following rules is best stated?


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What are the best classroom rules?

Classroom rules.
Ask questions..
Respect and listen to your classmates..
Respect and listen to the teacher..
Raise your hand to speak..
Be prepared for class..
Be quiet when the teacher is talking..
Be quiet when classmates are talking..
Share new ideas..

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Which of the following best describes the results of research that has examined the physical arrangement of middle and secondary classrooms? No one physical environment is necessarily superior to any other in middle and secondary classrooms.

What rules should teachers follow?

24 Simple Rules All Teachers Should Live By.
Act in your students' best interest. ... .
Build important relationships. ... .
Be explicit about rules and expectations. ... .
Be prepared. ... .
Learn every day. ... .
Leave your problems at the door. ... .
Involve families. ... .
Protect your students..