Are evaluative statements either positive or negative about objects people or events?

are evaluative statements – either favorable or unfavorable – about objects, people, or events.They reflect how we feel about something.“I like my job” reflects your attitude toward work.

Attitudes are commonly measured with a self-report scale where the respondent describes how positive/negative they feel towards a particular target Example: Attitude toward exercising daily:

The emotions and physiological feelings elicited by the target being evaluated Example: Attitude: I like chocolate cake. Affective Component: I feel happy when I eat it

The belief (“declarable knowledge”) regarding properties of the target being evaluated Example: Attitude: I don’t like chocolate cake. Cognitive Component: Chocolate cake has many calories.

The intentions to act towards a specific target Attitude: I like chocolate cake. Cognitive Component: It they are selling chocolate cake, I will buy it.

is any incompatibility an individual might perceive between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.

Moderating variables: variables that change the strength or direction of the relationship between two other variables If whether or not X and Y are related depends on Z, then Z moderates the relationship between X and Y Example: The Temperature (Hot or Cold) moderates the relationship between Hot Chocolate and Satisfaction

(More important attitudes better predict behavior)

correspondence to behavior

(Attitudes that more closely align to the behavior better predict the behavior)

(Attitudes that are easy to recall better predict behavior)

the presence of social behaviors

(The greater the social norm for the behavior, the better attitudes will predict behavior)

whether a person has direct experience

(People whose attitudes are based on first-hand experience will have their attitude match the behavior more closely)

Some variables moderate the relationship between attitude and behavior. These variables include the importance of the attitude to the person, the correspondence of the attitude to the behavior, the accessibility of the attitude, 

the presence of social pressures on behavior, and the direct experience a person has with the attitude. These mitigating variables will affect whether or not and to what degree a certain attitude will predict behavior. 

attitude–behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger if an attitude refers to something with which we have direct personal experience.

Job Satisfaction Job Involvement Psychological Empowerment Organizational Commitment Perceived Organizational Support Employee Engagement

A positive feeling about the job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

Degree of psychological identification with the job where perceived performance is important to self-worth

Psychological empowerment

Belief in the degree of influence over one’s job, competence, job meaningfulness, and autonomy

Organizational commitment 

identifying with a particular organization and its goals and wishing to maintain membership in the organization.

Theoretical models of organizational commitment  

Theoretical models propose that employees who are committed will be less likely to engage in work withdrawal even if they are dissatisfied, because they have a sense of organizational loyalty.

Perceived organizational support POS

Degree to which employees believe the organization values their contribution and cares about their well-being.

Higher when rewards are fair, employees are involved in decision making, and supervisors are seen as supportive.

The degree of involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the job. Engaged employees are passionate about their work and company.

A positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics.

2 approaches on how to measure Job sanctification:

The single global rating. The summation of job facets.

Single global rating of Job satisfication

Most commonly used measure is the Job in General (JIG) scale Asks respondents to evaluate their job on a variety of positive and negative attributes Does not give a specific aspect of the job to evaluate, but just the job in general Has excellent psychometric properties

Multiple Facets of Job satisfication

Most commonly used measure is the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) scale
Has excellent psychometric properties:

Multiple facets of Job satisfaction

Five major facets/dimensions of a person’s job satisfaction People on Your Present Job Work on Present Job Pay Opportunities for Promotion Supervision

How satisfied are people in general? job

last 30 years, employees in the U.S. and most developed countries have generally been satisfied with their jobs. With the recent economic downturn, more workers are less satisfied. Satisfaction levels differ depending on the facet involved Employees in Western cultures have higher levels of job satisfaction as compared to employees in Eastern cultures.

What relates to Job satisfactions?

Research shows that job satisfaction is positively correlated with life satisfaction. Pay relates job satisfaction only to a point. Personality also plays a role in job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction shows us

People who have positive core self-evaluations, who believe in their inner worth and basic competence, are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations.

Outcomes of Job satisfaction #1

Exit: a behavior directed toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position and resigning.

Outcomes of Job satisfactions #2

Voice: actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and some forms of union activity. Definition

outcomes of job satisfactions 

Loyalty: passively, but optimistically, waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism, and trusting the organization and its management to “do the right thing.”

outcomes of job satisfaction 

Neglect: passively allowing conditions to worsen, including chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate.

More specific outcomes of job satisfaction include: Job Performance Customer Satisfaction Organizational Citizenship Behaviors More specific outcomes of job dissatisfaction include: Turnover Counterproductive work behaviors

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers. Job performance measured in different ways: Supervisory ratings , Objective records Peer-subordinate ratings

dissatisfaction of job outcomes

Correlation is moderate in strength (r = .30; Judge et. al, 2001) This relationship between satisfaction and performance is also true at the organizational level Organizations with higher average job satisfaction have higher performance

Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction Happy workers are more likely to have satisfied customers.   Job satisfaction (perceived organizational support) positively related to how helpful the employee seemed to a customer (r = .23; Vandenberghe, 2007).

Job Satisfaction and Turnover (Tett & Meyer, 1993) A pattern of lowered job satisfaction is a predictor of possible intent to leave/quit (“turnover intention”). Job satisfaction negatively correlated with turnover intentions (r = -.581) Job satisfaction negatively correlated with turnover (r = -.245)

Counterproductive behavior

intentional employee behavior that is harmful to the legitimate interests of an organization Absenteeism Lateness Theft Abuse & Bullying

Organizational Citizenship behavior

intentional employee behavior that is discretionary and typically not recognized or immediately rewarded but that nonetheless improves the functioning of the organization Helps others who have been absent. Gives advance notice if unable to come to work. Assists supervisor with his or her work. Attend functions not required but that help company image

Job Satisfaction and Workplace Deviance If employees don’t like their work environment, they’ll respond somehow. Job satisfaction is negatively correlated with counterproductive work behaviors (r = -.37; Dalal, 2005)

Dissatisfied employees are more likely to be absent, especially when there are plenty of other jobs available (Hausknecht, Hiller, & Vance, 2008), Job satisfaction is positively correlated with organizational citizenship behaviors (r = 0.24; LePine et al., 2002)

Managers overestimate how satisfied employees are with their jobs, so they don’t think there’s a problem when there is one

Interestingly, many managers simply don’t seem to recognize that employee satisfaction can have an impact on a company’s bottom line.  

Are evaluative statements either positive or negative?

Attitudes are evaluative statements – either favourable or unfavourable – concerning objects, people, or events. Attitudes have cognitive, affective, and behavioural components. Cognitive components of attitude relate to what a person knows, while the affective components relate to how people feel.

Are evaluative statements about objects people and events?

Answer and Explanation: A) Attitude refers to evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events.

What is attitudes in evaluative statements?

Attitudes are evaluative statements—either favorable or unfavorable—about objects, people, or events. They reflect how we feel about something. When you say “I like my job,” you are expressing your attitude about your work.

What are the components of an evaluative statement?

So, to review, an evaluative essay contains three key elements: judgment, criteria and evidence.