A tier 3 or 4 data center would be most necessary for an organization with which characteristic?

Personal information system - an information system that improves the productivity of individual users in performing stand-alone tasks.

Work group information system - support team work and enable people to work together effectively whether team members are in the same location or dispersed around the world.

Enterprise information system- information system that an organization uses to find structured interactions among its own employees and or with external customers suppliers government agencies and other business partners.

Interorganizational information system- enable sharing of information and conducting business electronically across organizational boundaries

What is the difference between Tier 3 and Tier 4 data center?

Tier 3: A data center with multiple paths for power and cooling, and redundant systems that allow the staff to work on the setup without taking it offline. This tier has an expected uptime of 99.982% per year. Tier 4: A completely fault-tolerant data center with redundancy for every component.

What is Tier 3 data center requirements?

Tier 3 data center specifications are utilized by larger businesses and feature: 99.982% uptime (Tier 3 uptime) No more than 1.6 hours of downtime per year. N+1 fault tolerant providing at least 72-hour power outage protection.

What makes a Tier 4 data center?

Tier 4: A Tier 4 data center is built to be completely fault tolerant and has redundancy for every component. It has an expected uptime of 99.995% (26.3 minutes of downtime annually).

What is a Tier 3 facility?

Tier III. A Tier III data center is concurrently maintainable with redundant components as a key differentiator, with redundant distribution paths to serve the critical environment. Unlike Tier I and Tier II, these facilities require no shutdowns when equipment needs maintenance or replacement.