A clustering of doctor’s offices and pharmacies near hospitals is best explained by the benefits of


Define Industrialization

Process that occurs when countries evolve from primarily agricultural producing basic, primary goods to one based on mechanized mass manufacturing of goods (craftsmen→ assembly lines)


A clustering of doctor’s offices and pharmacies near hospitals is BEST explained by the benefits of

a. decentralization

b. agglomeration

c. intervening opportunity

d. balkanization

b. agglomeration


Define the Primary Sector & give an example

extraction of raw materials/natural resources

-farming/ agriculture 


Define Sustainable Development 

Development that address issues of natural resource depletion, mass consumption, costs/effects of pollution, impact of climate change, issues human health, social/economic equality


Economic activities that involve the extraction of natural resources, such as lumbering, fishing, mining, and agriculture, are called

a. subsistence activities

b. organic activities

c. secondary economic activities 

d. primary activities 

d. primary activities


Define Industrial Revolution

social and economic changes in agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing resulting from technological innovation and specialization in the late 18th century


Which of the following is the primary geographic effect of globalization of the economy?

a. Countries have greater control over economic activity within their borders

b. More local ownership makes industries less likely to move

c. Production is increasingly concentrated in the Rhine- Ruhr Valley of Europe

d. Production is shifted to low-cost locations in developing countries

d. Production is shifted to low-cost locations in developing countries


Define the Secondary sector & give an example

processing/ manufacturing raw materials into finished product



Define HDI 

Measurement used by the United Nations to calculate development in terms of human welfare (using both economic/ social indicators)


Which of the following variables has an inverse or negative relationship with the level of economic development of a country?

a. literacy rate

b. birth rate

c. percent of labor force in tertiary sector of economy

d. life expectancy 

b. birth rate 


Define Least Cost Theory

Alfred Weber, theory that describes the optimal location of an industry in relation to costs of transports, labor, and relative advantages of agglomeration


Free-trade zones such as the countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are established to increase the ease and volume of international trade by

a. Increasing diplomatic relations between member states

b. Opening borders to migrant guest workers from member states

c. Establishing a common monetary unit among member states

d. Eliminating tariffs on goods that cross borders between member states 

d. Eliminating tariffs on goods that cross borders between member states


Define the Tertiary sector & give an example

service sector that focuses on moving, selling, and trading products in primary/secondary sectors

-retail, marketing, design, restaurants 


Define Wallerstein's World Systems Theory

Model that describes how economic power is distributed between dominant regions and less powerful regions and proposes that less developed countries are defined by their dependence on a developed core


The maquiladoras of northern Mexico are

a. manufacturing outsourcing plants

b. illegal migrant labor camps

c. border squatter settlements 

d. organic agricultural cooperatives 

a. manufacturing outsourcing plants


Define Rostow's stages of economic growth 

Theory that assumes all countries are capable of development along the same trajectory which encompasses five stages of linear development towards self-sustained economic growth/ high levels of mass consumption


Which of the following is an advantage of Japanese corporations that locate their manufacturing plants in the United States?

a. Freedom from Japan’s overprotected distribution networks

b. Wider variety of climate conditions in the U.S

c. Less competition in the U.S than in most other countries

d. Lower transportation costs and greater access to markets

d. Lower transportation costs and greater access to markets


Define the Quaternary sector & give an example

knowledge based sector, focusing on research/ info creation

-investment banking, real estate, teachers, scientists 


Define GNP

Measurement of the total value of goods/ services produced within the borders of a country plus the net income from companies that are located outside the country and foreign investments during a specific time period, usually one year


Rostow’s modernization model is concerned with which of the following concepts?

a. dependency

b. structuralism

c. core-periphery relations

d. economic development 

d. economic development 


Define GDP

Measurement of the total value of goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually one year


As less developed country’s economy evolves, the size of the primary sector, the size of the secondary sector, and the size of the tertiary sectors fluctuate. Which of the following statements best describes the highest level of job-opportunity changes countries shift from the periphery to the semi-periphery level of development?

a. Primary sector employment increases as the country’s domestic demand for food and energy increases

b. Primary sector employment increases as the country’s economy becomes increasingly export oriented

c. Tertiary sector employment grows more quickly than any other sector because of foreign direct investment 

d. Secondary sector employment increases as the demand for manufactured products increases

d. Secondary sector employment increases as the demand for manufactured products increases


Define the Quinary sector & give an example

highest level of decision making includestop officials in gov/business

-congress, CEOs, President 


Define Post Industrial Society 

A society in which the economy has transitioned from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy


Which of the following explains a limitation of the three-tired structure of Wallerstein’s world systems theory?

a. The model does not provide for countries outside of the core to accomplish any of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals

b. The scale of the model does not pertain to individual countries but rather io regions in the global contexts of core, semi- periphery, and periphery

c. Individual countries can score higher on certain indicators of development and lower on other indicators as they shift from the periphery to the core

d. The model locks most countries into the development model of core, semi-periphery, and periphery with little opportunity for peripheral economies to advance into the wealthy core

d. The model locks most countries into the development model of core, semi-periphery, and periphery with little opportunity for peripheral economies to advance into the wealthy core

Click to zoom

What is the primary geographic effect of the globalization of the economy?

Which of the following is the primary geographic effect of the globalization of the economy? Production is shifted to low-cost locations in developing countries.

Which of the following is an advantage for Japanese corporations that locate their?

Which of the following is an advantage for Japanese corporations that locate their manufacturing plants in the United States? Often a manufacturing company will attempt to merge with another company that possesses forward or backward links in the supply or production process.

Which of the following best explains the strength of the diagram shown as a theoretical model?

Which of the following best explains the strength of the diagram shown as a theoretical model in human geography? The model presents a general theory that is most applicable to metropolitan areas that were once colonial-era Spanish cities.