2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5010793)

  • #1

2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5010793 has downloaded 100%, but is stuck on 20% of its installation. Help, please!



  • #2

Typical Mickeysoft. I NEVER install "optional" updates - more often than not they destroy the existing OS installation. (Thank god for restore points.) This I learned through bitter experience.

  • #3

Several suggestions here as to how to remove it;

I have never had problems with optional updates, but it is always a good idea to have a quick google at what it is updating, first.
If you read the link through, you may be able to establish why it failed on your computer.

As it says at the bottom of the linked site, you must be sure that you have been updating to the latest version of windows 10 - they are all there to download.

  • #4

Bfore installing any updates I always run a dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth followed by an sfc /scannow commands.

  • #5

Thanks for your response. I had a quick look at some website - I forget which now, because I looked at so many - and it advised against installing KB501793 on the grounds that it was a security risk. As my PC works perfectly well without the update and I had no problems with 'Windows Server Domain Controllers restarting' , I decided not to install the update. I use VPN regularly and it still works just as before. Yours, geccantab

  • #6

I doubt if there is any security risk with an update from Microsoft, although they can exist under any circumstances, but it would certainly have been overwhelmingly reported by now.. Sorry you didn't note the site as I would have liked to have challenged it.
NB: I misunderstood. I thought the problem we were dealing with was that you were stuck on the install?? Obviously solved??


  • #7

Interestingly, my 19044.1469 21H2 system does not have this update installed and neither is it being selected for install. I wonder what the difference between our systems is??

  • #8

Interestingly, my 19044.1469 21H2 system does not have this update installed and neither is it being selected for install. I wonder what the difference between our systems is??

Hmm. Thi is where I am

2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5010793)

I see the op has marked it as solved!

  • #9

With a manual update I went from 1466 to 1503. I never saw 1469.

2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5010793)

  • #10

Currently here

Getting ready to apply this...

Which I expect will advance me to .1503
Fingers crossed.

2022-01 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5010793)

  • #11


Lucky guess.


  • #12

Interestingly, my 19044.1469 21H2 system does not have this update installed and neither is it being selected for install. I wonder what the difference between our systems is??

For some reason not everyone was offered the out of band update. Only my main PC was offered it as an optional update. Since I wasn't having issues that the update was supposed to fix, I just skipped it. And my build is 21H2, 19044.1466