Which one of the following statements best characterizes how reinforcement of incompatible behavior can help reduce inappropriate behavior in the classroom quizlet?

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Terms in this set (20)

Only one of the following could be a primary reinforcer. Which one?

A. An electronic tablet, such as an iPad
B. Money
C. A glass of water
D. Praise

C. A glass of water

Which one of the following statements best describes positive reinforcement?

A. Reinforcement consists of getting something a learner finds desirable.
B. Reinforcement consists of getting rid of something a learner finds unpleasant.
C. A desirable classroom behavior is reinforced.
D. An inappropriate classroom behavior is reinforced.

A. Reinforcement consists of getting something a learner finds desirable.

A community of learners can best be described as:

A. A classroom in which a cooperative spirit of helping one another learn prevails.
B. A small group of students that chooses a special topic it wants to pursue independently.
C. A classroom that has an elected "government council" that directs learning activities.
D. A classroom in which students learn almost exclusively through individual and group experimentation.

A. A classroom in which a cooperative spirit of helping one another learn prevails.

Caleb continually blurts out the answers to Mr. Karowski's questions—so much so that other students rarely have a chance to respond. Mr. Karowski decides to ignore Caleb's behavior, hoping that it will decrease if he doesn't pay attention to it. Mr. Karowski is applying the concept of _________ in his treatment of Caleb.

A. intermittent reinforcement
B. incompatible behavior
C. punishment
D. extinction

D. extinction

Alex loses his best friend Tyler after he tattles on Tyler at recess. Alex learns that tattling on friends is not a good idea. The loss of Tyler's friendship is an example of:

A. Positive reinforcement.
B. Negative reinforcement.
C. Presentation punishment.
D. Removal punishment.

D. Removal punishment.

Three of the following teachers are engaging in instructional practices consistent with principles of effective modeling. Which one is not?

A. Mr. Anderson makes sure students are paying attention when he shows them how to do long division problems.
B. Ms. Benson explains what he is thinking as he solves a mathematical problem on the blackboard in front of the class.
C. Mr. Carlson tells his class he smokes cigarettes, although he wishes he'd never started.
D. Ms. Donovan shows her new second-grade class how to spell her name by writing it in large letters on the chalkboard.

C. Mr. Carlson tells his class he smokes cigarettes, although he wishes he'd never started.

Three of the following are likely to give you reasonable clues about a child's cultural background and/or ethnic group membership. Which one is probably least dependable as an indicator of a child's cultural background and ethnicity?

A. A child's physical features
B. The ethnicity of a child's parents
C. The particular language that family members use at home
D. The cultural and religious activities in which a child regularly participates

A. A child's physical features

An incentive is likely to be an effective motivator for students only when:

A. It is described in explicit terms.
B. It will be available by the end of the same day.
C. Students believe it is within their reach.
D. Students believe that their friends will think it's a really "cool" thing to get.

C. Students believe it is within their reach.

When Mr. Thompson yells at his students, they stop being so noisy. Mr. Thompson is receiving ________ for his yelling behavior.

A. intermittent reinforcement
B. negative reinforcement
C. intrinsic reinforcement
D. vicarious reinforcement

B. negative reinforcement

Which one of the following best illustrates a worldview at work?

A. When Mick falls down and sprains his ankle, Rachel says, "That must be God punishing you for calling me nasty names yesterday."
B. On his first trip to the ocean, Eli looks toward the horizon and wonders how far the water goes.
C. Daniella thinks that the earth is round only in the way that a pancake is round.
D. Ophelia is convinced that no one at school likes her.

A. When Mick falls down and sprains his ankle, Rachel says, "That must be God punishing you for calling me nasty names yesterday."

Ms. Aguilar's third-grade students enjoy art and spend much of their free time drawing and painting. If she tells them, "You can paint as soon as you finish your arithmetic problems," she is providing:

A. Negative reinforcement.
B. An activity reinforcer.
C. An intrinsic reinforcer.
D. Intermittent reinforcement.

B. An activity reinforcer.

Which one of the following statements best characterizes how reinforcement of incompatible behavior helps reduce inappropriate behavior in the classroom?

A. When a teacher reinforces different students for different behaviors, they begin to discover which behaviors are appropriate and which are not.
B. Negative reinforcement of an incompatible behavior can ultimately reduce the frequency of that behavior.
C. An undesirable behavior will decrease when a student is reinforced for behaving in an opposite manner.
D. A teacher can reduce serious behavior problems by allowing students to engage in less serious misbehaviors.

C. An undesirable behavior will decrease when a student is reinforced for behaving in an opposite manner.

The textbook advocates the use of classroom dialogues for promoting learning. Which one of the following student interactions is most likely to be effective in this regard?

A. Two students work together on a crossword puzzle that includes the week's new spelling words.
B. The students in a cooperative learning group discuss different ways of solving a certain math problem.
C. When a French teacher begins class by saying, "Comment allez vous?" the students reply in unison, "Trés bien."
D. Two students help each other prepare for a quiz by giving each other practice test questions.

B. The students in a cooperative learning group discuss different ways of solving a certain math problem.

Sharon knows that Kathy frequently completes her assignments long after their due dates. She has noticed that their teacher willingly accepts Kathy's late assignments because Kathy always has creative excuses for turning them in late. Sharon begins to do the same thing—she turns in assignments past the due date and makes up excuses for why she is late. Sharon's increase in excuse-making is due to:

A. Shaping and intrinsic reinforcement.
B. Modeling and vicarious reinforcement.
C. A mediated learning experience.
D. Distributed cognition.

B. Modeling and vicarious reinforcement.

Which one of the following examples best illustrates the concept of distributed cognition?

A. Reginald brainstorms the various plots he might use in the short story he is writing and then eventually chooses one of them.
B. Mark, Jason, and Leanne each solve one-third of their assigned homework problems and then share their answers with the other two.
C. Rhonda watches her favorite situation comedy while simultaneously eating an apple and doing her homework.
D. Edie, Linda, and DeWayne discuss various ways they might solve a physics problem.

D. Edie, Linda, and DeWayne discuss various ways they might solve a physics problem.

Three of the following alternatives illustrate prosocial behavior. Which one does not necessarily involve prosocial behavior?

A. Ashley lends a shoulder to cry on when Sarah breaks up with her boyfriend.
B. Bruce shares his lunch with a classmate who forgot hers.
C. Carla and Suellen cooperate on their history project.
D. Dustin asks Maura if she will let him copy her homework.

D. Dustin asks Maura if she will let him copy her homework.

The concept of socialization, as psychologists typically use the term, can best be described as:

A. Frequent interaction among same-age peers.
B. Frequent interaction among children of different ages.
C. A process that encourages children to think positively about themselves.
D. A process that molds children to act and think in culturally appropriate ways.

D. A process that molds children to act and think in culturally appropriate ways.

Three of the following are recommended strategies for addressing students' stereotypes about cultures and ethnic groups very different from their own. Which one is not recommended?

A. Invite professionals from diverse ethnic groups to speak to students about topics related to the curriculum.
B. Gently discourage students from talking openly about racism in the local community.
C. Assign short stories and novels set in various cultures.
D. Create cooperative groups in which students from diverse backgrounds each have unique talents to offer.

B. Gently discourage students from talking openly about racism in the local community.

Three of the following statements about a community of learners are accurate. Which one is not accurate?

A. A community of learners is especially useful when students have diverse backgrounds and talents to contribute.
B. Sometimes members of the "community" can effectively exchange ideas through a computer network.
C. Students are urged to accept all of their classmates' ideas as being equally valuable and correct.
D. Members of the "community" may sometimes pass misconceptions about a topic on to others.

C. Students are urged to accept all of their classmates' ideas as being equally valuable and correct.

Which one of the following common expressions best reflects the idea of distributed cognition?

A. "A stitch in time saves nine."
B. "Two heads are better than one."
C. "Look before you leap."
D. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

B. "Two heads are better than one."

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