Which of the following statements best supports the authors argument about pre-columbian cultures?

  • Richard Shweder defines ‘cultural collisions’ as:
  • A. when cultural artifacts are combined

    B. situations where different cultural groups come into contact

    C. urban planning that takes into account ethnic heritage

    D. when individuals from different ethnic heritages disagree

  • Which of the following IS NOT true about female genital surgery?
  • A. procedures may involve mild or severe modifications to the genital region

    B. this practice connects to cultural identity

    C. worldwide this practice is most prevalent in Australia

    D. one cultural reason for the practice is cultural standards of beauty

  • Richard Shweder argues there is a double standard with respect to female genital surgery. Which statement best supports his argument?
  • A. the practice exists in part because of cultural norms and values

    B. the procedure is acceptable for a Western woman who elects the procedure but barbaric for an African woman who desires the procedure

    C. this is a procedure that is a cultural collision

    D. outsiders are accepting of the procedure

  • An attitude is:
  • A. our reaction to events and experiences in our environment that shape our actions

    B. our reaction to events that create emotions responses

    C. a perspective present at birth

    D. a perspective or belief that is not culture-specific

  • Which of the following is an example of an attitude?
  • A. I really like your shirt.

    B. Our family has a new pet.

    C. I am interested in studying cultural psychology.

    D. I am thinking of a career in medicine.

  • Prejudice is:
  • A. our reaction to events and experiences in our environment that shape our actions

    B. our reaction to events that create emotional responses

    C. a perspective present at birth

    D. a learned attitude that shapes the way we think and act toward other people and social groups

  • Which of the following is an example of prejudice?
  • A. only girls should play with dolls

    B. I would not hire any person under the age of 30 for this position

    C. I like Portuguese food

    D. I don’t like old folks

  • Which of the following IS NOT a component of attitudes?
  • A. cognitive

    B. affective

    C. personal

    D. behavioral

  • A stereotype is:
  • A. a belief assigned to an entire group

    B. present at birth

    C. our actions towards entire groups

    D. a perceived threat due to cultural differences in beliefs

  • Which of the following IS NOT a function of stereotypes?
  • A. they help us describe in-groups

    B. they help us describe out-groups

    C. they help us validate our in-group and undervalue out-groups

    D. connect to how we think about people and social groups

  • Which of the following is an example of a stereotype?
  • A. a perceived threat due to contact with an out-group member

    B. anxiety due to contact with a stranger

    C. only women make good nurses

    D. your negative treatment of an out-group member

  • Discrimination is:
  • A. a belief assigned to an entire group

    B. present at birth

    C. our actions towards entire groups

    D. a perceived threat due to cultural differences in beliefs

  • Discrimination differs from prejudice and stereotypes because discrimination:
  • A. involves our actions and the way we treat others because of their group membership

    B. is a learned attitude

    C. is a belief system present at birth

    D. never has negative or damaging consequences

  • One important difference between discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes is that discrimination:
  • A. involves our beliefs about others because of their group membership

    B. is a learned attitude

    C. is a belief system present at birth

    D. has an emotional component

  • Which of the following is an example of discrimination?
  • A. Younger workers are not loyal to their companies

    B. I would never want to work for a woman.

    C. Asian children are high achievers

    D. I hate customer service representatives who aren’t helpful

  • In their work on stereotypes, Cuddy, Norton, and Fiske found:
  • A. most participants viewed the elderly both positively and negatively

    B. participants in communities that emphasize a respect for elders held different views than other participants

    C. one explanation for participant responses is social media

    D. no ageism emerged in their study

  • Inter-group anxiety refers to:
  • A. unfavorable perceptions we hold about out-group individuals

    B. threats we experience due to our experiences

    C. anxiety from real or anticipated contact with an out-group individual

    D. perceived threats due to cultural differences in beliefs and practices

  • Negative stereotypes are:
  • A. unfavorable perceptions we hold about out-group individuals

    B. threats we experience due to our experiences

    C. anxiety from real or anticipated contact with an out-group individual

    D. perceived threats due to cultural differences in beliefs and practices

  • Realistic threats are:
  • A. unfavorable perceptions we hold about out-group individuals

    B. threats we experience due to actual experiences with our-group members

    C. anxiety from real or anticipated contact with an out-group individual

    D. perceived threats due to cultural differences in beliefs and practices

  • Symbolic threats are:
  • A. unfavorable perceptions we hold about out-group individuals

    B. threats we experience due to our experiences

    C. anxiety from real or anticipated contact with an out-group individual

    D. perceived threats due to cultural differences in beliefs and practices

  • In their study with Dutch workers, Curseu and colleagues found:
  • A. symbolic threats were more influential in determining ethnic prejudice toward immigrants

    B. realistic threats were more influential in determining ethnic prejudice toward immigrants

    C. negative stereotypes were more influential in determining ethnic prejudice toward immigrants

    D. inter-group anxiety was more influential in determining ethnic prejudice toward immigrants

  • In their study with Dutch workers, Curseu and colleagues found that:
  • A. repeated positive interactions with immigrants reduced all threats and negative stereotypes

    B. repeated positive interactions with immigrants reduced negative stereotypes

    C. repeated positive interactions with immigrants reduced all threats

    D. repeated positive interactions had no impact on Dutch worker and immigrant relationships

  • The Stereotype Content Model is useful for studies on:
  • A. symbolic threats

    B. inter-group anxiety

    C. realistic threats

    D. stereotypes

  • The Stereotype Content Model uses two traits to study stereotypes. They are:
  • A. warmth and competence

    B. warmth and nurturance

    C. warmth and power

    D. status and power

  • You are interested in studying stereotypes. Which of the following relates to the dimension warmth in the Stereotype Content Model?
  • A. a group’s ability to work cooperatively

    B. social status

    C. power

    D. positive attitudes

  • Glick and colleagues studied college students worldwide regarding their perceptions of the US and its citizens after the 9/11 attack. They found:
  • A. US citizens were competent, arrogant, and cold

    B. the US government was more arrogant than its citizens

    C. the US government showed more concern for cooperating with other nations

    D. the US government showed no desire to exploit others

  • Which of the following IS NOT true about colorism?
  • A. it is the biased treatment of individuals based upon skin color

    B. it is a type of prejudice

    C. it is a type of discrimination

    D. it appears in every cultural community worldwide

  • Evidence suggests that a preference for fair skin in India connects to all of the following EXCEPT:
  • A. Hinduism

    B. British colonization

    C. the caste system

    D. modernization

  • The origins of light skin preference in the US connect to which of the following?
  • A. slavery

    B. the Civil Rights Act

    C. interethnic romantic unions

    D. social media

  • Implicit bias is:
  • A. an unintentional and unconscious bias towards light-skinned individuals

    B. a learned attitude

    C. a stereotype

    D. a bias on the basis of social status

  • In a study that explored cultural mismatch between jurors and defendants, the authors found that European American jurors were more likely to render a guilty verdict when the defendant was dark-skinned. This is an example of:
  • A. a stereotype

    B. implicit bias

    C. a learned attitude

    D. discrimination

  • What is one possible explanation for skin color bias in Mexico?
  • A. slavery

    B. a person’s occupation

    C. Spanish colonization

    D. implicit bias

  • Xenophobia is:
  • A. an irrational fear of heights

    B. an irrational fear of water

    C. an irrational fear of the unfamiliar

    D. an irrational fear of snakes

  • One explanation for the hostility some people feel towards immigrants is:
  • A. implicit bias

    B. prejudice

    C. stereotype

    D. xenophobia

  • Yakushko suggests that hostility towards immigrants is due to all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. xenophobia

    B. ethnocentrism

    C. economic struggles

    D. implicit bias

  • Out-group entitativity describes:
  • A. how outsiders perceive a group’s strength to act together to achieve shared goals

    B. negative perceptions of an out-group

    C. an unconscious bias toward light-skinned individuals

    D. an irrational fear of the unfamiliar

  • In their work with Norwegian college students, Ommundsen and colleagues found that:
  • A. native born Norwegians did not perceive Muslims as a cohesive group

    B. positive interactions increased fears of xenophobia

    C. when native born Norwegians perceived Muslims as a cohesive group, fears of xenophobia increased

    D. when native born Norwegians perceived Muslims as a cohesive group, fears of xenophobia decreased

  • Which of the following IS NOT a strategy some immigrants may use to adjust to their new home?
  • A. they maintain their cultural traditions

    B. they maintain their cultural values

    C. they seek out members of their in-group for a sense of belonging

    D. they assimilate to the host country as soon as possible

  • Which of the following is the cause of much psychological distress for immigrants and their children?
  • A. learning a new language

    B. finding a job

    C. pressure to assimilate

    D. finding a place to live

  • Acculturation is:
  • A. a type of implicit bias

    B. an adjustment process that most immigrants experience

    C. a type of stereotype

    D. a form of xenophobia

  • Berry introduced several different orientations that help immigrants adjust to their new community. They include all of the following EXCEPT:
  • A. assimilation

    B. integration

    C. separation

    D. enculturation

  • A Liberian family now living in Austria has adopted its new country’s values while retaining their native Liberian cultural values. According to Berry, this is an example of which orientation:
  • A. assimilation

    B. integration

    C. separation

    D. marginalization

  • A Uruguayan family that moved to Costa Rica decides to highly value Uruguayan values and traditions while also choosing to isolate themselves from the dominant majority in their new home. According to Berry, this is an example of which orientation:
  • A. assimilation

    B. integration

    C. separation

    D. marginalization

  • Integrated threat theory explains:
  • A. stereotypes between different social groups

    B. implicit bias between different social groups

    C. inter-anxiety between different social groups

    D. the causes of threats between different social groups

  • Many immigrants experience a loss of their cultural identity when moving to a new country. The term for this experience is:
  • A. implicit bias

    B. identity theft

    C. xenophobia

    D. separation

  • Which strategy might an immigrant family use to reduce the stress of coming into contact and interacting with members of their new host country?
  • A. xenophobia

    B. identity theft

    C. implicit bias

    D. cultural retention

  • Biculturalism is all of the following EXCEPT:
  • A. a good strategy to help immigrants adjust to their new home

    B. the ability to interact in more than one cultural setting

    C. the ability to speak more than one language

    D. something many teenage immigrant children experience in adjusting to their new home

  • Schwebel and Hodari’s case study of a Filipino teenage boy adjusting to life in the US, supports the benefits of which of Berry’s orientation types?
  • A. integration

    B. marginalization

    C. separation

    D. assimilation

  • Integration as an orientation strategy for immigrants connects to which of the following?
  • A. implicit bias

    B. xenophobia

    C. biculturalism

    D. cultural retention

  • The contact hypothesis predicts that when in-group and out-group members have face to face interactions and share cooperative goals these should:
  • A. increase intergroup anxiety and stereotypical thinking

    B. decrease symbolic threats and stereotypical thinking

    C. decrease prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypical thinking

    D. increase prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypical thinking

  • The contact hypothesis helps reduce:
  • A. stereotypes

    B. implicit bias

    C. assimilation

    D. acculturation

  • A longitudinal approach:
  • A. is a short term research design

    B. a research design that lasts for an extended period

    C. must take place in only one cultural setting

    D. must take place in numerous cultural settings

  • Binder and colleagues studied ethnic majority and minority children in Germany to learn about intergroup contact and prejudice. Which of the following did their findings support?
  • A. the contact hypothesis

    B. implicit bias

    C. xenophobia

    D. acculturation

  • Which cultural creation was a symbol of a cultural collision in Australia and France?
  • A. the canoe

    B. the burkini

    C. female genital surgery

    D. sculptures made of paper

  • In their work with Portuguese children of European (majority) and African (minority) ethnic heritages, Guerra and colleagues found that:
  • A. children who kept their ethnic identity had more positive views of out-group members

    B. children from the minority ethnic group preferred their ethnic identity label over a shared identity label

    C. children who shared a common group identity label had more positive views of out-group members

    D. children from the majority ethnic group preferred a shared group identity label over their ethnic identity label

  • Who is more likely to experience skill discounting?
  • A. a native born Canadian applying for a managerial position in Canada

    B. a native born Australian applying for an hospital internship in Australia

    C. a Peruvian doctor applying for a medical residency in the US

    D. a native born Columbian applying for a teaching position in Columbia

  • In their study on skill discounting among adult Canadians, Esses and colleagues found that several factors influenced applicant evaluation in their hypothetical hiring scenario. This included all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. where the applicant received training

    B. the applicant’s birthplace

    C. attitudes towards immigrants

    D. implicit bias

  • What is one stereotype that many Western educators have of Asian children?
  • A. they actively engage in class discussions

    B. they are quiet and passive at school

    C. they are high achievers in language arts

    D. they are extroverted in all social contexts

  • In the Chinese worldview, knowing when to be quiet is a positive skill because:
  • A. children defer to authority

    B. being quiet indicates concentration

    C. being quiet indicates children have learned to accommodate their behavior to specific social contexts

    D. it indicates that children are striving for uniqueness

  • What cultural values shape many Chinese children’s decision not to directly confront or challenge a teacher in class?
  • A. modesty and group cohesion

    B. self-expression

    C. assertiveness

    D. uniqueness

  • In their study that explored how cultural norms and practices shape perceptions of quietness among Chinese parents and teachers, Yamamoto and Li compared the perceptions of Chinese immigrant and native born European American children attending schools that had both Asian teachers and European American teachers. They found that:
  • A. Asian teachers evaluated quietness as a positive quality that connected to learning

    B. teachers rated Chinese immigrant children as quieter only in the Asian contexts

    C. teachers correlated quietness for Chinese immigrant children who attended European American schools with student learning

    D. there was no cultural mismatch in perceptions between either group of teachers

  • Social justice is a construct in which:
  • A. no individual should receive equal treatment and access to resources in any society

    B. no individual should receive equal care and power in a society

    C. no individual should receive equal treatment, care, and access to resources in a society

    D. all individuals should receive equal treatment, care, and access to resources and power in a society

  • Which of the following is not an overriding theme and social justice?
  • A. fairness

    B. access

    C. opportunity

    D. individual wealth

  • Which of the following IS NOT a difficulty some Moroccan immigrants are experiencing in their new home, Spain?
  • A. acquiring good jobs

    B. language barriers

    C. an inability to travel to receive services

    D. living in affluent neighborhoods

  • According to Paloma and colleagues, what is one way to help ensure social justice?
  • A. access to community services

    B. access to good paying jobs

    C. learning the language

    D. assimilating to their new home’s cultural values, beliefs, and practices

  • What is a distinguishing factor of Tibetan immigrants?
  • A. they demonstrate a personal and cultural connection and concern for social justice in their native homeland and new home

    B. they are subject to oppression and discrimination more than any other ethnic group

    C. they never received the support of social service agencies

    D. when living under Chinese rule they experienced little oppression

  • The meaning of the gesture ‘thumbs up’ is culture specific. What does the gesture ‘thumbs up’ mean in Nigeria?
  • A. all is well

    B. I’m okay

    C. it is a rude gesture

    D. I’m very happy

  • The bow in many countries and cultural communities that practice this custom and gesture is a sign of:
  • A. respect

    B. humility

    C. submission

    D. a simple greeting

  • Recent immigrants, students studying abroad, and fieldworkers engaging in fieldwork in foreign regions are all likely to experience:
  • A. implicit bias

    B. culture shock

    C. cultural relativism

    D. assimilation

  • Intercultural competence is:
  • A. the ability to communicate with people from different cultural communities

    B. the ability to adjust to a new cultural setting

    C. learning cultural practices very quickly

    D. being sensitive to new cultural customs and practices

    Which of the following pieces of evidence most strongly supports the author's arguments about the quality of highways described in the passage?

    Which of the following pieces of evidence most strongly supports the author's arguments about the quality of the highways described in the passage? They were very broad, and some extended across the entire kingdom.

    Which of the following would best support Schama's argument in the first paragraph about the role of Churchill's speeches in Great Britain's war effort?

    Which of the following would best support Schama's argument in the first paragraph about the role of Churchill's speeches in Great Britain's war effort? New mass media such as radio greatly expanded the reach of governments' mobilization efforts.

    Which of the following pieces of evidence most strongly supports the authors conclusion about the importance of exotic goods to the Maya regions economy?

    Which of the following pieces of evidence most strongly supports the author's conclusion about the importance of exotic goods to the Maya region's economy? - Exotic goods were exchanged over long distances within the Maya lowlands. Correct.

    Which of the following best describes the author's claim about the Chinese examination system in the second paragraph?

    Which of the following best describes the author's claim about the Chinese examination system in the second paragraph? The system provided limited but important opportunities for social advancement in Chinese society.


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