Wii spiel auf Wii U starten

Featuring a wealth activities built around Wii U’s bespoke functionality, Wii Fit U used the same Balance Board but improved upon the original Wii title in virtually every way. The exercises it offered still aren't intensive enough to replace traditional exercise — and don't provide the sort of intense workout Nintendo integrated into Ring Fit Adventure — it nevertheless remains an entertaining way for players of all ability levels and ages to be more active and conscious of the importance of keeping fit.

It was a shame that the community feature felt so limited and that the data from the bundled Fit Meter wasn't used to greater effect, but as exergaming software goes, it didn't get much better than this until Ring Fit arrived.

49. Pokkén Tournament (Wii U)

  • 7.55
  • Review 9/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Bandai Namco

Release Date: 18th Mar 2016 (USA) / 18th Mar 2016 (UK/EU)

Pokkén Tournament attempted to break into the fighting game genre with a bang, although it remains relatively niche. It stripped back unnecessary complexity from the controls which made it easy to pick-up-and-play, but with a skill ceiling that left hardcore fans with plenty of room to explore. The visuals could have been sharper — something that's also true for the only-slightly improved DX port on Switch — but these are grotesquely outweighed by the sheer polish and replayability of the core gameplay. As a lovechild of such disparate properties as Tekken and Pokémon, Pokkén Tournament was a spectacularly scrappy surprise.

48. Minecraft: Wii U Edition (Wii U eShop)

  • 7.58
  • Review 8/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Mojang / Developer: 4J Studios

Release Date: 17th Dec 2015 (USA) / 17th Dec 2015 (UK/EU)

Mojang did a wonderful job of porting the full Minecraft experience over to the Wii U. A game such as this felt right at home on the system, it's just a pity that it didn't arrive sooner. The open-ended nature of the gameplay means that virtually endless hours of fun are possible, and it can be tough to put down once it's really gotten its hooks in you. There's little to justify a double dip — world size aside, it was pretty much the same experience you'd find elsewhere — but it was a fine version of a fine game.

47. Runbow (Wii U eShop)

  • 7.58
  • Review 9/10
  • Profile

Publisher: 13AM Games / Developer: 13AM Games

Release Date: 27th Aug 2015 (USA) / 3rd Sep 2015 (UK/EU)

Runbow is a game that is very ‘Nintendo’ in every single aspect, from concept to art and sound direction, to the point that Nintendo itself held a launch party for Runbow at the Nintendo World Store in NYC. It's an excellent party game with a solid single player campaign and more unlockables than the colours of the rainbow; you won't regret playing this gem on the Wii U (or Switch).

46. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Wii U)

  • 7.6
  • Review 8/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Ubisoft

Release Date: 29th Oct 2013 (USA) / 22nd Nov 2013 (UK/EU)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag delivered an, exceptionally crafted, immensely beautiful and consuming open world that felt fantastic on Wii U. The clumsiness of the free-running mechanics showed up every so often, and low frame counts crept in here and there, but not enough to break the illusion Ubisoft painstakingly constructed in this open-world seafarer. Black Flag effortlessly sucks you into even the most insignificant of activities as you sail the high seas, and Wii U owners found plenty of gold for the plundering on their travels.

45. Resident Evil Revelations (Wii U)

  • 7.61
  • Review 8/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Capcom / Developer: Capcom

Release Date: 21st May 2013 (USA) / 24th May 2013 (UK/EU)

Another game that has since come to Switch, Resident Evil Revelations began life on 3DS before coming to Wii U in HD form. This title delivers the trademark franchise experience with moody environments, scares, action set-pieces and silly, campy storytelling in one enjoyable package. Raid mode was a fantastic extra, adding hours and hours of value as you can brainlessly gunned down creatures with a stranger, levelling up as you go.

Visually and mechanically, the game was designed for 3DS, but this version (and the ports on subsequent consoles) held up well. More importantly, this spin-off from the 'mainline' series demonstrated that bombast and eye-watering budgets aren't the secrets to capturing the essence of survival horror and helped steer the RE ship back on course after the perilous waters of Resident Evil 6.

44. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Wii U)

  • 7.68
  • Review 8/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Bandai Namco

Release Date: 18th Nov 2012 (USA) / 30th Nov 2012 (UK/EU)

Another great addition to the roster of the console with 'no games', Tekken Tag Tournament 2 launched alongside Wii U and threw exclusive Nintendo costumes and power-ups into its quality fighting mix, plus DLC content from other platforms, too. This entry in Namco's franchise had already cemented itself as a quality participant contender in the genre, but add in the Wii U exclusive modes, bells, and whistles and you're left with perhaps the best console version of a fine fighter.

43. Need for Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U)

  • 7.68
  • Review 9/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Electronic Arts / Developer: Criterion Games

Release Date: 19th Mar 2013 (USA) / 21st Mar 2013 (UK/EU)

Need for Speed: Most Wanted U a stunning port that went above and beyond in terms of tailoring a multiplatform title specifically for Nintendo's hardware and its feature set. Criterion's game is fast, fun, and absolutely beautiful, with an open-world design that creates a real feeling of freedom to go with the sense of speed, but it's the graphical upgrades and GamePad-specific features that made this the definitive console version at the time. It's one of the finest open-world racers we've ever played — the perfect example of a Nintendo port done right. Most wanted, indeed.

42. NES Remix (Wii U eShop)

  • 7.7
  • Review 9/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: indies zero

Release Date: 18th Dec 2013 (USA) / 18th Dec 2013 (UK/EU)

It would be simple to write off NES Remix as something only die-hard retro gamers would enjoy, but developer Indies Zero was really on to something here. The 200+ challenges are short enough to be interesting and fun to replay, but not long enough to outstay their welcome. The developer has even managed to make challenges based on games like Urban Champion and Baseball fun, which is an achievement in itself. If you're the type who likes to relentlessly collect stuff, the stars and stamps will also keep you entertained.

Pairs well with its sequel, too. Who wouldn't want to play Super Mario Bros. backwards?

41. Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (Wii U)

  • 7.74
  • Review 7/10
  • Profile

Publisher: Nintendo / Developer: Tecmo Koei

Release Date: 22nd Oct 2015 (USA) / 30th Oct 2015 (UK/EU)

Koei Tecmo's Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is drenched in the atmosphere and intrigue the Fatal Frame series is known for, and added some innovations that spark interest and excitement for fans to this day. It's not perfect — a bit too much repetition and a few rough edges do mar the experience a little — but that absolutely shouldn't stop you from taking the plunge if you're able. Given the mechanics and the excellent camera-based GamePad integration, this is likely to remain one of the few true Wii U exclusives.

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  • 125
  • GameManAdvance
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

The Wii U launch kind of reminds me of the PS3 launch. It came right off the heels of the massive success of its predecessor but just couldn't reach previous heights due to poor marketing, lack of software that really took advantage of the system, and an overall lack of focus on what the system is supposed to be. The difference here is that Nintendo just ditched it early instead of committing to fixing it like Sony did with the PS3.

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  • 126
  • Sooezz
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

@RainbowGazelle Oops, I just always had it in my head that Skyward Sword was on Wii U. So that's just extra funny to me then, that Wii U didn't really have a Zelda game to call its own (BotW is a Switch game and you can't tell me otherwise)

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  • 127
  • Sooezz
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

@Strumpan Oops, guess I just had it in my head this whole time that Skyward Sword was a Wii U game, since it was between Twilight Princess and BotW. The way you describe it, it sounds fun enough, but I am not a fan of the visual style I've seen in clips.

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  • 128
  • Arcata
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

I have 40 out of these 50 games my top 10 are.

1 Super Mario 3D World
2 Pikmin 3
3.Mario Kart 8
4. Bayonetta 2
5. Smash Bros Wii U
6. Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
7. Shovel Knight
8. Zelda Twilight Princess HD
9. Zelda Windwaker HD
10.Game and Wario

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  • 129
  • DonkeyKongBigBoy
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

@BenAV 500 switch games? How do you have time for that?

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  • 130
  • BenAV
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

@DonkeyKongBigBoy I doubt I'll ever get through them all but I've actually been doing a pretty good job of getting through a large chunk of them. Had a big gaming year last year with lockdown and have already finished like seven games so far this year.

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  • 131
  • Nintendo_Thumb
  • Thu 21st Jan 2021

That's a good list, but, I wish Armillo would have made it. That was a great game that I don't think very many people ever heard of.

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  • 132
  • dcstud
  • Fri 22nd Jan 2021

I have the bulk of these and way too many other games to count. Pretty sure over 100. The Wii U was also an amazing Lego machine that I've sunk hundreds of hours into counting Lego Dimensions. And, probably the best Skylanders platform. And, it's virtual console support was great. I have lots of GBA games on it. And, don't forget Zen Pinball and all the various pinball tables.

The Wii U is still in regular rotation and I'll be playing my backlog of games for many years. It's my BOTW machine and I only have about 50 hours in. Really a great console.

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  • 133
  • GamingDude800
  • Fri 22nd Jan 2021

@dronesplitter I personally completely plan on getting a Wii U specifically for GameCube games!

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  • 134
  • IcarusUnwinged
  • Sat 13th Mar 2021

The fact that there are so many people suggesting so many different titles that 'should have been' on this list, I think really says something about the library of Wii U games. I mean, go back and look at how many bad games there were for the first Playstation. Like, really garbage games. You don't have to, I'll tell you: a huge number. Probably more than everything released for the Wii U. Out of a big enough pool, of course you'll find gems. But this under-appreciated console's pool, though much smaller, was a jewelry store.

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  • 135
  • iflywright
  • Mon 22nd Mar 2021

If you don't own a wii u, buy one and load it full of digital games and VC while it lasts. Years from now you'll have an HD version of the most unique Nintendo console with a classic library that you will never have to subscribe for. The only thing I regret is not buying up the wii vc games while they were there. Oh well. It's a well designed system that in my opinion is the last of the traditional Nintendo consoles. Years from now there's going to be articles on this site about how cool and expensive Wii U's are. Buy it, load it, and keep it for years. It's arguably Nintendo's most interesting work.

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  • 136
  • Picola-Wicola
  • Tue 24th Aug 2021

I loved my Wii U, still remember getting it at midnight launch and playing Nintendo Land with my family. Plus Mass Effect multiplayer was an awesome online experience with voice chat implemented perfectly (arguably the best on a Nintendo console)

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  • 137
  • InkIdols
  • Thu 6th Jan 2022

Given the mechanics and the excellent camera-based GamePad integration, this is likely to remain one of the few true Wii U exclusives.

Well, this didn't age well. Another one bites the dust

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  • 138
  • BlueGBAMicro
  • Thu 14th Apr 2022

❗️I never had a Wii U but would LOVE to see 'TLOZ: TWW HD' on the Switch as well as 'Zombie U'.

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  • 139
  • nowthisisepic
  • Tue 3rd May 2022

@RushDawg but can you play animal crossing amiibo festival of mario tennis ultra smash on switch? Nope, you cant. Bad system, bad comment, bad take. You know it's true.

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  • 140
  • Donkey-Kong-Fan
  • Fri 11th Nov 2022

I’m so happy Tropical Freeze ended up on the top 5! Donkey Kong is my favorite fictional character! 😁

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  • 141
  • Jens5367
  • Fri 11th Nov 2022

I love pikmin 3, Mario 3D world. Windwaker HD. Come on the Wii U is so good.

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  • 142
  • Ax0710gon
  • Wed 16th Nov 2022

@1ofUs how

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  • 143
  • Schizor88
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

A top 50 Wii U games?!?!? 😂 Did 50 games even release? 😁

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  • 144
  • mr12calvin
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

No ZombieU and Nintendoland!???

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  • 145
  • fabiop
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

wii u had 50 games?

waiting for xenoblade x to come to switch
loved that game

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  • 146
  • FatWormBlowsASparky
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

That. Is one impressive lineup.

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  • Uncle_Franklin
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Where the hell is Rainbow Curse?

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  • 148
  • Mgalens
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Xenoblade X was definitely my favourite game on the wiiu and would love to see a remaster on the switch successor (hopefully it wouldn't need the data packs)

Though i also loved woolly world and tropical freeze (fortunately the latter is on switch)

For me atm the wiiu is mainly there to play Xenoblade X and the virtual console games, i remember most of my time on the system was using off-TV play.

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  • 149
  • sketchturner
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

I'm surprised Mario 3D World didn't rank higher.

In any case, my top games was Pikmin 3. I thought the gamepad touch controls were amazing how I could throw my Pikmin without ever looking down from the TV. It was a great feeling and possibly the only game that I felt justified the existence of the gamepad.

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  • 150
  • valcoholic
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Just came to check if Affordable Space Adventures is among these. its among the most original games on that console that really makes use of the concept in the best possible way.

To this day, the WiiU is mainly a machine to play Nintendoland. Its amazing how underrated this game is. There is barely anything out there, offering such a great asynchronous multiplayer experience. Like one player runs with a sword on one screen and the other one is shooting bows on the other. Everything with motion controls and superaccessible. My kids really love that. And we haven't even made it far yet although we play this for years but its really more like an arcade where we would just play the forst levels over and over. It has really become one of the greatest games inour household, at least for the family. It also offers so damn many cool experiences, like that DK-cart-thing. Its so much fun to just let one play and see how far they'll gonna get.

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  • 151
  • Shambo
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

@ManaOwls Yeah, insane... I changed my Wii U pre order when I saw they bundled it, with a pro controller in the box as well. It has always been one of my favourite Wii U games, and favourite survival horror games in general. It was later proven to be a game that worked only as well as it did because of the unique hardware, when they tried porting it. It really SHOULD be on the list.

The Wii U was both behind on its time and ahead of its time, people just weren't ready for its potential, and only saw what it had going against it. Nintendo kept pumping out great game after great game, at launch prices of 45€ instead of 60, all while they did the same for the 3ds that eventually DID catch up saleswise. They even gave free games to early adopters, free games if you registered a certain amount of games from a certain selection,... And so many absolute great ones... A great time to be a Nintendo fan, but most gamers were NOT, and therefore kept the myth alive that it had no games, making actally making games for it a waste of money for publishers, so the myth became "truth". It was actually nice in a way to NOT have so many games screaming for your attention. You could easily play most of the great releases, and keep up with the smaller ones, and not end up having paid a fortne, having played a few hours in every game, and having buyers remorse about most, only supressed by hype for the next disappointment in line.

Now i just skip many big releases, re-releases,.. and wishlist the interesting games, getting some of them when the reviews are favourable and the prices go down and the bugs are patched out and quality improvements patched in. Not bad either.

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  • 152
  • GamerGrandpa
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

I remember lots of gamers being so excited about the prospect of Minecraft on Wii U, and then we find out it doesn't have gamepad inventory management or anything. I guess Microsoft were afraid it would be the definitive console edition of the game.

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  • 153
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

We will quibble about placings, but there are many, many great games in that top 50. I think I played the vast majority of them as well. I can't remember if Sonic and SEGA ASRT is in there but that is a definitive Sonic racing game and is top 10 level for me. I also loved Wii Fit U dearly

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  • 154
  • JohnnyC
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Completed BOTW on Wii U (all main quests, side quests and shrines, as well as Champions Ballad). Didn't finish Koroks or Trial of the Sword. Halfway through a second playthrough on Switch. Aside from faster loading times, I haven't noticed any major differences on the Switch version. Maybe side by side shows up performance issues more clearly.

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  • 155
  • electrolite77
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Have to make some effort to get to 50. Not a good system and not a good time to be a Nintendo fan with the constant software droughts. Entire weeks were literally nothing released, let alone anything worthwhile, and Nintendo trying to string two years of releases out to fill four.

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  • 156
  • somnambulance
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Man, Pikmin 3 should be #2. What a stellar release

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  • 157
  • nukatha
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

"While the Deluxe version on Switch would include all the DLC, add the missing Battle Mode"
Did you know that you can use homebrew to bring the proper Battle maps to Wii U, and they work flawlessly?

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  • 158
  • QuickSilver88
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

WiiU had a great library but was what baffling is that N didn’t support the dual screen concept better. Some of the best use of the GP was 3rd party titles. Missing from this list are Mass E3 which used the GP for real time map which no other system had, also Splinter Cell BL which was a great game with best version on WiiU. The fact it never got a real SRPG is baffling as GP was made for it and yet no FE, no AdvWars, no Starcraft or Xcom. Thankfully Switch has become a SRPG powerhouse. The biggest miss by N was never bringing CG to VC as the damned system runs GC natively. Honestly modding the WiiU makes it about 3x better. It becomes the ultimate Nintendo BC machine allowing you to play WiiU/Wii/GC/N64/SNES/NES/DS/GBA/GB and a host of other old 8 and 16bit systems all on the Gamepad. Cube game looks and play awesome on the GP and so does every other old SD system. You can patch Wii titles that use ProControls to play on GP and so I can play Wii games like DKC without the dumb wiimote waggle or others like Goldeneye, FE, RE4 which play and look great on the GP. If you have one laying around do yourself a favor, dust it off and mod it, put Nintendon’t on it and have the best GC player you can find. ZombiU, SCell BL, and COD BO2, and ME3 should all be on this top50 list as they were solid efforts that used the second screen creatively which was more than N did most the time. Also the 3 sports ports (Madden, FiFa, NBa2k) were all solid and deserve mention as well.

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  • 159
  • Ade117
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Super Mario Maker is by far my favorite Wii U game. Being able to make my own Mario levels was a dream come true. I also love all the amiibo costumes in the first game. They made for some fun themed levels from a variety of Nintendo franchises. Link, Ganondorf, Samus, Wario, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Captain Falco, Fox, and Falco were some of my favorite costumes.

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  • 160
  • daveMcFlave
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Super Mario Maker hit me harder than any other Wii U game. I was absolutely blown away with the interface and intuitive nature of the game. Breath of the Wild was also very good. I think Super Mario Maker deserves a higher spot, but it's not everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine.

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  • 161
  • Tandy255
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Steamworld Dig is awesome.
NES Remix games are awesome.
Pushmo/Pullblox World needs more love.

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  • 162
  • Toothball
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Nitpick! Project Zero Maiden of Black Water is noted as "Given the mechanics and the excellent camera-based GamePad integration, this is likely to remain one of the few true Wii U exclusives"

It was released on many other formats last year, including the Switch! Don't mind the list otherwise.

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  • 163
  • mr_me450
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Wii U: Still the only console that allows you to legally play every home console Zelda game all in the one place, and many of the handheld Zelda games too!

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  • 164
  • kkslider5552000
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Controversial opinion: Mario Kart 8 on Wii U has the exact same problems as the modern Mario sports games everyone complains about, except the free updates it should've had didn't happen until you bought the Switch version. This comparison is both me saying 8 on Wii U should not be in the top 3 and also that modern Mario sports games are overhated.

And Rayman Legends and Shovel Knight should absolutely be in the top 10. No one put in more effort for a Wii U release than Shovel Knight, a 2014 game you still got new, free content for in 2019 of all years, and no Wii U game (barring Nintendo Land) did more to justify the Wii U controller than Rayman Legends.

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  • 165
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

1. Smash Bros
2. MK 8
3. Super Mario Maker
4. SM3DW
5. Windwaker HD
6. Twilight Princess HD
7. Rayman Legends
8. Sonic and SEGA ASRT
9. LEGO City Undercover
10. Xenoblade Chronicles X
11. Tekken Tag Tournament 2
12. Nintendo Land
13. Bayonetta 2
14. Batman AC AE
15. Splatoon
18. Bayonetta 1
19. Wii Party U
20. Yoshi's WW
21. LEGO Marvel SH
22. Mass Effect 3 SE
23. Pikmin 3
25. Assassin's Creed BF IV
26. Captain Toad TT
27. Hyrule Warriors
28. Tokyo Mirage Sessions
29. Project Zero Maiden
30. NES Remix 1 & 2

(I think I have played nearly every game in your top 50!)

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  • 166
  • supermario4ever
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Great list. Even if the Wii U is already 10 years old, that's a still active console at me, because more Nintendo Switch games are Wii U ports, and because the Switch games are very expensive, we can play with them on Wii U with less content, but way cheaper. I save this list for myself.

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  • 167
  • Tandy255
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

@Toothball They republished this list. It probably was an exclusive when this was originally written.

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  • 168
  • ComfyAko
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

Wii U was a brilliant gem

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  • 169
  • RECcer18
  • Fri 18th Nov 2022

I've got so much love for the wii u. Its helped me introduce gaming, gently, to my 4 year old son who loves the games on there. It's an underrated console that never got the recognition it deserved.

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  • 170
  • Mr_Gamecube
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

After spending several years with the Switch then jumping on Wii U to play Twilight Princess some time ago, I've developed a new sense of appreciation for the Wii U. The Wii U Gamepad was something I rarely used during it's time but having used it during a short run with Twilight Princess after having played Breath of the Wild on Switch, I really enjoyed the ability of just changing things on the fly without have to stop and spend time on menus.

Honestly, a part of me actually prefers the Wii U over the Switch. While the Switch is great with it's portability and extensive library of games like Super Mario Odyssey, Three Houses, and Pokemon Legends Arceus, I do miss the traditional virtual console, Wii U Gamepad features, Mii Verse, and the cringy personality of the system.

Also, I'm probably in the minority but I enjoyed Star Fox Zero.

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  • 171
  • locky-mavo
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

This list just reminds me, Xenoblade X is the only reason I still keep my Wii U.

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  • 172
  • Gamecuber
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

Nice list. I’m only missing 5 of them (Child of Light, Shantae and the pirate’s curse, Affordable Space Adventures, Project Zero and Guacamelee (which I have on Switch).

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  • 173
  • Banjo-
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

Compared to Switch, this proves that Wii U had a solid library in a few years, while "competing" with internal 3DS development. Some games that use the GamePad in a fantastic way are Project Zero/Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Super Mario Maker and Pikmin 3. Star Fox Zero tried but failed by combining traditional and motion controls at the same time. The GamePad was difficult to market and it was actually presented as the Wii's successor by Iwata held in hand.

The best Wii U game is Twilight Princess HD and the best Wii U new game is Xenoblade Chronicles X. Other rankings are fine but I'm surprised to see Super Mario 3D World much higher than New Super Mario Bros. U, because the latter is the only great entry in the "New Super Mario Bros." series. The atrocious New Super Mario Bros. 2 might be the culprit.

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  • 174
  • ModdedInkling
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

Let it sink in. Breath of the Wild, a Wii U-original game, win Game of the Year in 2017.

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  • 175
  • Oscarzxn
  • Sat 19th Nov 2022

Very happy for how high Tropical Freeze is and how much love the game gets now, I remember how the reviews were good but inferior to Returns at the time and overall most gaming pages considered it as nothing special, just another good 2D platformer, while it totally was something special, like Game of the Year contender good imo. I also have no idea why Rayman Legends got way better reviews than it just a few months before, since if it was also a 2D platformer similar to the previous entry

Welche Wii Spiele laufen nicht auf der Wii U?

Auf der Wii U im Wii-Modus spielen: So geht es Die gute Nachricht lautet: Die Wii U ist abwärtskompatibel. Ältere Wii-Spiele laufen auf der neueren Konsole somit problemlos. Um die alte Wii-Software auf der Wii U zu starten, müssen Sie einfach im Menü der Wii U auf das „Wii“-Symbol klicken.

Wie kann ich das Spiel starten bei der Wii?

Wählen Sie im Wii-Menü mit dem Cursor der Wii-Fernbedienung das Symbol für das von Ihnen eingelegte Spiel aus und bestätigen Sie Ihre Wahl durch Drücken der „A“-Taste. Starten Sie die Software, indem Sie mit dem Cursor der Wii-Fernbedienung „Start“ auswählen und durch Drücken der „A“-Taste bestätigen.

Kann man Mario Kart auf der Wii U spielen?

Mario Kart 8 ist das erste Spiel der Kult-Rennserie, das in brilliantem HD erscheint - exklusiv für Wii U.

Kann man Spiele von der Wii U auf die Switch übertragen?

Kann ich Spiele von älteren Konsolen und Systemen auf die Nintendo Switch-Konsole übertragen? Nein, Spiele für Nintendo 3DS und Wii U, die im Nintendo eShop gekauft wurden, können nicht auf die Nintendo Switch-Konsole übertragen werden.


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