Which theory says that in each stage of development a child focuses on a specific pleasure seeking area of the body quizlet?

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Terms in this set (138)

Psychologists use the term ________ to refer to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur during life.


________ describes development as a cumulative process, whereas ________ views development as taking place in unique, specific stages.

continuous development; discontinuous development

Stage theories hold that the sequence of development is ________.


Those who argue that the environment and culture have the strongest influence on development emphasize ________.


Those who argue that biology and genetics have the strongest influence on development emphasize ________.


Who developed the theory of psychosexual development?

Sigmund Freud

Which theory says that in each stage of development, a child focuses on a specific pleasure-seeking area of the body?


According to Erikson, adolescents are in the ________ stage of development.

identity versus role confusion

Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of development, there is a/an

conflict that needs resolution

Rae grew up learning that Pluto was a planet. Since it was later reclassified as only a dwarf planet, Rae was forced to adjust her concept of what a planet is, and create a new concept for dwarf planets to include Ceres, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake. What process would Piaget say took place in Rae's mind?


The concept of "types of desserts I like" is an example of ________.

a schemata

Daniel excitedly yells from the backseat of the car to his mom, telling her to look at the bug crawling on his seat. He doesn't yet understand that his mom can't see his carseat while she's driving. This inability to see from another perspective is known as


The ________ stage is when children can think and reason about abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.

formal operational

What is true of a child in the concrete operational stage of development?

She can perform mathematical operations, understand transformations, and understand the principle of reversibility.

Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of prenatal development?

zygotic, embryonic, fetal

Which of the three stages is the longest?

fetus (fetal)

Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are all examples of ________ that cause damage to a developing baby.


If Jolene drinks alcohol while pregnant, particularly during the sensitive period of prenatal development, then it is possible that her baby will be born with facial deformities or other delays characteristic of

fetal alcohol syndrome

Babies who show the ________ will spread their arms and quickly pull them back if they feel like they are falling.

moro reflex

A newborn baby knows how to nurse from her mother because of the ________.

sucking reflex

If you put your finger inside of a newborn's hand, they will probably hold on tight because of the

grasping reflex

Jamal, at age 6, is already an excellent athlete, fast runner, and accomplished gymnast. He has excellent ________.

gross motor skills

________ focus on the muscles in our fingers, toes, and eyes, and enable coordination of small actions.

fine motor skills

While we are born with all of the brain cells we will ever have, there is a period of rapid neural growth, called ________, which occurs during the first few years of life, which is followed by ________ through the rest of childhood and adolescence.

blooming; pruning

Infants who do not show distress when the mother leaves the room and are indifferent when the mother returns exhibit which pattern of attachment?


If a caregiver demonstrates inconsistent responses toward their child, then the child may develop ________ attachment, becoming both clingy and upset with their caregiver.


Kids of abusive parents often display ________ attachment, and may run away from their parents in the Strange Situation experiment.


Parents who believe it's important to be friends with their children and are set very few rules for their behavior are considered to have a ________ parenting style.


Which parenting style is most likely to help children develop a healthy self-concept and other positive psychological outcomes?


Children who freeze, run around the room in an erratic manner, or try to run away when the caregiver returns in the Strange Situation experiment most likely have been ________.


Physical changes that occur during puberty include the maturing of the ________ and the ________ glands.

adrenal; sex

According to Erik Erikson, the primary developmental dilemma of adolescence is

identity vs. confusion

What is Erikson's primary developmental conflict of middle adulthood?

generativity vs. stagnation

Amber, a manager for a large company, wants to motivate her employees by offering them large bonuses for productivity. This is an example of which type of motivation?


Ben asks his daughter to clean her room and always rewards her when she does. He's doing this because he thinks it's a good way to get her motivated to do it on her own. What type of motivation is Ben using?


Which type of motivation arises from external factors or rewards?


What is motivation?

wants or needs that direct behavior towards a goal

A new born baby knowing how to suck to get food is an example of a


An individual's belief in her own capability to complete a task is called

self efficacy

A pattern of behavior that we regularly engage in is known as a/an


Jenessa's low blood sugar signals to her brain that she need some food. This is an example of ________ theory.


If Renae is feeling bored and goes out of her dorm to find something fun going on, a psychologist would say that her behavior is consistent with

arousal theory

The Yerkes-Dodson law, which holds that ________ are performed best when arousal levels are relatively high and ________ are best performed when arousal levels are lower.

simple tasks; complex tasks

According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, when is the most efficient time for Bronte to complete the easy task of vacuuming her apartment?

after coming back in from a short jog

Which needs need to be met first, according to Maslow's hierarchy?


According to Maslow, which needs should be met just before self-actualization can be achieved?


Once a person feels physiologically comfortable and secure, Maslow would say they can then focus on the ________ level in the hierarchy of needs.


Based on the Carol Dweck's research on mindsets, what would be the best advice a teacher could offer his student while working on some difficult problems?

"I like the way you're working so hard on that"

David is a decent student in school and enjoys learning. He feels that he can be just as "smart" as anyone else, just as long as he works hard. David's way of thinking could be called a ________.

growth mindset

Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck's research found that students with a ________ prefered challenging work and were not discouraged by failure.

growth mindset

The hormone ________ signals feelings of fullness to the brain.


Most people feel ________ after eating, which signals to the brain that they should stop eating.


Several areas of the ________ are particularly important to regulating eating behavior.


Measuring a person's height and weight reveals their ________, which is in the normal range between 18-25.

body mass index

Social and environmental factors play large roles in the regulation of body weight. These factors are not necessarily considered in the ________, which claims that each individual has an ideal body weight that is resistant to change.

set point theory

Shalisha doesn't play sports or workout at the gym, but she does make an effort to walk to class everyday. She seems to always have a big appetite and eats large meals at least 4 times a day. She still remains quite thin. You could say that Shalisha probably has a high ________.


If Neveah eats large meals and then forces herself to vomit afterwards, she probably has ________ nervosa.


Bradley is constantly checking his weight in the mirror and on the scale. He restricts his diet to a small amount of calories a day and forces himself to run at least 10 miles a day. His body weight is excessively low. He probably suffers from ________ nervosa.


How is bulimia different from binge eating?

Bulimia consists of binge eating and then purging the food, while binge eating consists of overeating and then feeling guilty.

When participants in a study were forced to smile while watching cartoons, they labeled them as even funnier and happier than participants who were frowning. This supports

the facial feedback hypothesis

________ are culturally specific standards that govern the types and frequencies of displays of emotions that are acceptable.

cultural display rules

The seven universal emotions are

happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, and anger

Emotional information is often conveyed through

tone, facial expressions, and body language

Which is the best definition of personality?

the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways

Freud's psychodynamic theory of personality focused on topics like

unconscious forces and childhood

According to Freud, when Martin accidentally said, "nice to beat you" while being introduced to his friend's acquaintance on the opposing soccer team instead of "nice to meet you," Martin's unconscious desires were revealed. This is called a/an

Freudian slip

What is the partly conscious self-evaluative, moralistic component of personality that is formed through the internalization of parental and societal rules?


What is the completely unconscious, irrational component of personality that seeks immediate satisfaction of instinctual urges and drives; ruled by the pleasure principle?


What is the partly conscious rational component of personality that regulates thoughts and behavior and is most in touch with reality?


Which Neo-Freudian emphasized the importance of the collective unconscious?


According to Jung, the "memories" and stories that are shared in the collective unconscious of all people are known as


Alysha believes that she is good at basketball because she has put forth countless hours of practice and effort. Julian Rotter would say that Alysha has ________.

an internal locus of control

Jordan got in a car accident and blamed it all on his mom for making him hurry home and the other driver for not pressing on their brakes sooner. Julian Rotter would say that Jordan has ________.

an external locus of control

According to Carl Rogers, we find ________ when our thoughts about our real self and ideal self are very similar.


What are the big five traits measured in the five factor model of personality?

opens, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Unconscious processes and hidden thoughts or desires are tested through ________ personality tests, such as the Rorsasch ink blot test.


One of the most widely used personality tests, consisting of several hundred true/false questions is the

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Inferences that we make about the causes of our own and others' behavior are termed ________.


A social role is defined as a

socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group

The famous Stanford prison experiment was conducted by ________.


The Stanford prison experiment mostly showed that

social roles have an impact on behavior

The behaviors by the prison guards in the Stanford prison experiment coincided with expected________; the guards gave orders and expected the prisoners to follow them.

social roles

JoJo believes firmly that abortion is wrong and that life begins at conception. This is an example of the ________ component of an attitude.


If someone cuts Stevie off on her drive to work, she gets angry and has a hard time getting over it. This is an example of the ________ component of an attitude.


Scott has always strongly believed that it is wrong to cheat. But after he cheats on a physics test, his attitude toward cheating becomes significantly less harsh. What best accounts for this attitude shift?

cognitive dissonance theory

The process of changing our attitude toward something based on some kind of communication is called


Sam, a 17-year-old high school student, has just moved to a new city and enrolled in a new school. At his old school, there were strong social norms against teenagers smoking cigarettes. At his new school, several of his friends regularly smoke and say that "It's no big deal." As a result, Sam begins smoking also. Which type of conformity is this?

normative conformity

________ designed the obedience study to test if subjects would give "learners" electric shocks when they missed test questions.


A group of operating room nurses were asked about their beliefs and best practices in the operating room. When a doctor ordered some things during a procedure, all of the nurses obeyed, even if that meant doing things they previously said they would not do. This behavior is supported by

Stanley Milgram's obedience studies

Perhaps the most surprising result from Milgram's study was that

so many of the "teachers" continued to provide shocks because they were told to do so

What is groupthink?

modification of the opinions of members of a group to align with what they believe is the group consensus

Wendy is a good runner. In her last half marathon, her speed improved at every mile marker, where people were there to cheer her on. Her improved performance can be explained by

social faciliation

Professor Wilcox has students work in groups, but also requires that each group member submit a paper detailing what exactly they did for the project. He does this to prevent

social loafing

Ramona heard screams in the subway station, and fearlessly jumped onto the tracks to rescue a young boy who had fallen onto the tracks. Ramona's behavior is an example of ________.

bystander intervention

Sam sees a woman stumbling and clumsily tripping over her feet on her way to her car. She looks like she is either drunk or ill in some way. Sam wants to help, but has groceries in his hand and sees other people who are closer to her car and will probably step up to help. This failure to act is called

the diffusion of responsibility

Kitty Genovese was brutally murdered in front of several eyewitnesses who did not intervene or call for help. According to social psychologists, this failure to assist Kitty was due to ________.

a diffusion of responsibility

A person is most likely to assist another

when the costs of helping are low and the rewards are high

According to the Batson's ________ model of prosocial behavior, putting yourself in the shoes of someone else and thinking about how they feel will make you more likely to help.


Companionate love consists of intimacy and commitment, but may be lacking in ________.


Fatuous love includes passion and commitment, but is lacking in


Sternberg argues that the healthiest relationships have consummate love, which includes

intimacy, passion, and commitment

Believing that old people think slowly is an example of ________, but refusing to hire a person because they are advanced in age is an example of ________.

a stereotype; discrimination

Racism is both prejudice and ________ toward another group because of their skin color.


The group we identify with and feel a part of is known as our ________.


Jamal is placed in the remedial reading class at school and labels himself as a bad reader, thereby causing him to read less and not improve his reading. This is an example of the

self-fulfilling prophecy

Bobby performed poorly during his soccer game, and gets in a fist fight with his brother later that night. According to the ________, Bobby became aggressive because of is disappointing performance.

frustration aggression theory

Hans Selye defined stress as the response of the body to any ________.


The good kind of stress known to promote health and motivation is called ________.


The body tries to return to a state of homeostasis (attempts to return to previous levels of functioning). As such, the body will keep fighting the perceived danger. Towards the end of the stage, levels of exhaustion, weariness, and anxiousness may occur as the body is becoming physically exhausted. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is this?

resistance stage

The initial stage where a perceived threat or danger is experienced. This is when physiological reaction occurs that includes heightened energy and/or facial expressions of fear or tension. You may also experience shallow breathing with perspiration and accelerated heart beat. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is this?

alarm reaction stage

You are now totally tired and drained of all energy and the body is more vulnerable to illness. Your energy may deplete to the point that you do not have the desire or the drive to go to work or school. You are also vulnerable to extreme health issues that may include heart diseases, high blood pressure, and stroke. Which stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is this?

exhaustion stage

Holmes and Rahe's Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) measured

life events requiring significant changes in a person's normal routines

The minor irritations and annoyances that are part of our everyday lives, or ________, were found to be more strongly associated with physical health problems than were life change events.

daily hassles

Someone with a ________ behavior pattern is likely to feel rushed and a need to constantly be working on something.

type A

Someone with a ________ behavior pattern is likely to feel relaxed and laid-back much of the time.

type B

Destinee failed three of her classes during her first semester of college. She decides to set things in order and visits a school counselor, arranges for tutoring, and adopts better time management strategies. What type of coping does Destinee demonstrate?

problem focused

Axel tends to look on the bright side of things. His tendency towards ________ is a good predictor of positive health outcomes.


A condition characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is called

a psychological disorder

According to the APA, a psychological disorder includes significant disturbances in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that reflect some type of dysfunction. These disturbances lead to

significant distress or disability in one's life

Most mental health professionals use the ________ to diagnose and read about the details, symptoms, prevalence, and risk factors of mental disorders.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Attributing psychological disorders to genetic factors, chemical imbalances, and brain abnormalities gives merit to the ________ perspective.


Which view of mental illnesses integrates biological and psychosocial factors to predict the likelihood of a disorder?

diathesis-stress model

Intense fear, anxiety, and avoidance of public places and spaces is known as


While nearly ¼ of Americans may experience a panic attack at some point during their lives, in order to be diagnosed with a ________, a person should have attacks along with at least one month of anxiety and worry about the attacks.

panic disorder

Mahdi locks the door before she goes to bed at night, then checks it exactly 10 more times before she can actually fall asleep. This may be a sign that Mahdi suffers from

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessions, which are ________ and/or compulsions, which are ________ .

repetitive, distressing thoughts; repetitive behaviors

Brian, an officer in the Air Force, was injured while serving in Iraq. He was involved in a roadside ambush and although he sustained only minor injuries to his arm, one of his soldiers was killed during the gunfire. He has had a hard time sleeping ever since and often has nightmares of the event. He often blames himself for what happened and feels terribly guilty about it all. Brian has symptoms of

post traumatic stress disorder

If someone is generally depressed in the winter or has "winter blues", they may have ________ depression.

seasonal pattern

Giada is sad and melancholy much of the time, and has felt that way for several years. Her symptoms are milder than major depressive disorder, so she likely has ________.

persistant depressive disorder

If a person experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania, they may have ________.

bipolar disorder

Major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


Devin was convinced that people were following him. He started hearing voices, and would stare out the window for hours without moving. He eventually dropped out of school and lost his job because of the paranoia. Devin most likely has ________.


Paranoid delusions are those

that involve the (false) belief that other people or agencies are plotting to harm the person

John was the victim of a violent crime when he was a freshman in college. While he suffered no head injuries as a result, he cannot remember anything from the time period of his assault. He most likely may be diagnosed with the following:

dissociative amnesia

Diana exhibits two separate personalities, each well-defined with distinct characteristics. She could be diagnosed with ________ disorder.

dissociative identity

A/An ________ is a style of thinking, feeling, behaving and relating to others is significantly different from normal cultural expectations.

personality disorder

Carrie is dramatic and emotionally volatile. She rapidly forms intense relationships that seem to blow up or fall apart just as quickly. Although she tends to distrust others, she also needs their attention. Carrie might be diagnosed with ________ personality disorder.


Paris is manipulative and impulsive. She frequently steals or commits minor crimes and feels no remorse. What personality disorder seems to describe her?

antisocial personality disorder

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