Which of the following would most likely shift the production possibilities curve inward quizlet?

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Terms in this set (16)

Attending college is a case where the _____ exceeds the monetary cost.

Opportunity cost

Scarcity exists because of:

Unlimited wants and limited resources

Gomer decides to spend an hour playing basketball rather than studying. His opportunity cost is:

The benefit to his grades from studying for an hour

The opportunity cost of attending university is likely to include all except which of the following?

The cost of haircuts received during the school term

The choice on a production possibilities set that is socially preferred, or the choice on an individual's budget constraint that is personally preferred, will display ______.

Allocative efficiency

Marginal thinking is best demonstrated by:

Choosing to spend one more hour studying economics because you think the improvement in your score on the next quiz will be worth the sacrifice of time

The marginal benefit of a slice of pizza is the:

Maximum amount that a consumer is willing to pay for the slice

The lesson of ______ is to forget about the money that's irretrievably gone and instead focus on the marginal costs and benefits of future options.

Sunk costs

Philosophers draw a distinction between _______, which describe the world as it is, and normative statements, which describe how the world should be.

Positive statements

The law of ______ explains why people and societies rarely make all-or-nothing choices.

Diminishing marginal utility

Which of the following would most likely shift the production possibilities curve inward?

A decrease in the average number of hours worked per week as the labor force chooses to enjoy more leisure time

The leader of a federal political party made the following campaign promise: "My administration will increase national defense without requiring sacrifices elsewhere in the economy." The promise can be kept if:

Either the economy moves from a point inside the production possibilities curve toward a point on the production possibilities curve or the production possibilities frontier shifts outward due to an improvement in technology but not as a result of the economy moves along the production possibilities in the direction of a greater quantity of defense

The opportunity cost of an action:

Is a subjective valuation that can be determined only by the individual who chooses the action

In deciding how many hours to work, Beulah will make a choice that maximizes her _______; that is, she will choose according to her preferences for leisure time and income.


The model that economists use for illustrating the process of individual choice in a situation of scarcity is the budget constraint, sometimes also called the _____, diagram which shows what choices are possible.

Opportunity set

Most real-world choices aren't about getting all of one thing or another, instead, most choices involve ______, which involves comparing the benefits and costs of choosing a little more or a little less of a good.

Marginal analysis

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Which of the following is most likely to shift the production possibility curve inward?

The decrease in the average number of hours worked per week of the labor force depicts the decrease in output production and underutilization of resources. It leads to a shift in PPC inwards.

Which of the following will cause the production possibilities curve to shift inward quizlet?

Terms in this set (40) An increase in available resources will tend to cause a society's production possibilities curve to shift inward.

Which of the following will cause a shift in the production possibilities curve?

The correct answer is b. decrease in the size of the labor force. This shifts the production possibility curve inward.

What may cause the production possibilities of an economy to shift inward quizlet?

What may cause the production possibilities of an economy to shift inward? a decline in the level of technology which may force an economy to revert back to backward technology.


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