Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between theory and philosophy?

Test Description: EDU 1010 Chapter Five Test

Instructions: Answer all questions to get your test result.

Aa system of beliefs about how the world works. Ba search for wisdom. Ca set of fundamental principles. Da guide for action in our daily lives.

AAn ontology of education. BAn epistemology of education. CAn axiology of education. DA philosophy of education.

AIt is an essential part of teachers’ classroom strategies. BIt is an essential part of the knowledge base teachers use to make decisions. CIt helps ensure that professional teachers will be ethical in their dealings with students. DIt ensures that students who are members of cultural minorities will be instructed without cultural bias.

APhilosophy is used to analyze ideas, but theories go beyond philosophy to explain observations and events. BTheories are based on principles, and philosophy is used to form the principles. CTheories explain observations in the world, and philosophy explains people’s thoughts and emotions. DTheories explain observations in the world, but philosophy goes beyond theory to describe how things ought to be.

Aepistemology. Bethics. Caxiology. Dontology.

Aontology. Bepistemology. Cpsychology. Daxiology.

Alogic. Baxiology. Cepistemology. Dontology.

Aessentialism. Bperennialism. Cprogressivism. Dsocial reconstructionism.

AEssentialism emphasizes epistemology (how we know), whereas perennialism emphasizes ontology (what we know). BEssentialism emphasizes learner-centered instruction, whereas perennialism emphasizes teacher-centered instruction. CEssentialism emphasizes the importance of knowledge and skills that are useful in today's world more than perennialism does. DEssentialism is more strongly grounded in idealism and realism than is perennialism.

Asocial reconstructionism. Bessentialism. Cperennialism. Dprogressivism.

AIt places too much emphasis on students’ interest and self-esteem at the expense of understanding. BIt too strongly emphasizes content that isn’t relevant to students’ present-day world. CIt is too teacher-centered, and as a result, it detracts from student motivation. DIt places too much emphasis on basic skills like reading, writing and math at the expense of other areas like history/science

AIt has abandoned schools as places for learning, instead using schools for political purposes. BIt places too much emphasis on the individual and student self-esteem. CIt places too much emphasis on basic skills at the expense of other parts of the curriculum. DIt is elitist and places too much emphasis on historical ideas irrelevant to students’ lives.

Aperennialism. Bprogressivism. Csocial reconstructionism. Dessentialism.

Aprogressivism. Bperennialism. Csocial reconstructionism. Dessentialism.

Aprogressivism. Bsocial reconstructionism. Cessentialism. Dperennialism.

Aessentialism. Bperennialism. Cprogressivism. Dsocial reconstructionism.

Ayour self-esteem. Byour personal philosophy. Cyour personal needs. Dyour work ethic and sense of responsibility.

ADeciding if you are able to balance a career with a family BDeciding whether or not you want to be a teacher CDeciding if you want to remain in teaching as a career DDeciding what kind of teacher you want to be

Ainfluence your thinking about teaching, but it will have limited influence on your teaching practice. Bclosely parallel one of the educational philosophies that you studied in the chapter. Cbe refined and change as you gather experience and learn. Dclosely follow the general philosophical patterns characterized by the ethnic group of which you are a member.

ASummarizing your personal experiences BIdentifying your professional beliefs CIdentifying your personal and professional goals DIdentifying your professional needs

*select an answer for all questions

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