Which of the following statements best describes standards describing parents roles in their childrens learning?

Which of the following statements best describes standards describing parents' roles in their children's learning?
A) Parents should be involved in their children's extracurricular activities but should avoid involvement in activities directly related to what students learn in their classes.
B) Parents are welcome in schools to promote communication and support for their students, but learning decisions are left in the hands of school leaders, such as principals and guidance counselors.
C) Parents should regularly communicate with the school, and they should play an integral role in assisting their children's learning.
D) Parents should communicate with the school, and they should be involved in their children's learning, but decisions that directly affect their children's learning are left in the hands of school professionals.

What is the role of parental education in children's learning?

A kid's education starts from home. Parents are their first teachers and they have a key role in shaping up their character. A balance of education at home and school moulds a student's actual learning. Be a helping hand in their educational journey and travel with them with true inspiration.

How will you describe the role of parents and teachers in the learning process?

By showing their children how to plan, monitor, and be aware of the learning process, involved parents help them develop the language and other skills needed for learning. Moreover, teachers may pay more attention to students if they know that their parents are more involved (OECD, 2012: 13).

What are the roles and responsibility of the parents in school?

Ultimately, parents must maintain discipline and control of their children's behavior, whether at school or away from school. The parental duty in this regard includes direct responsibility for all aspects of children's conduct and financial liability for their misconduct or negligence.

Which of the following statements best describes beginning teachers expectations about their abilities to help children learn?

Which of the following statements best describes beginning teachers' expectations about their abilities to help children learn? Beginning teachers expect their confidence in their abilities to help children learn to increase as they gain experience.


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