Which of the following is not a category associated with Kraljics Portfolio Matrix

A key part of supply chain management is segmenting the vendor base. From there, organizations can match design supplier relationship management strategies against this map of suppliers. The Kraljic Matrix is one of the most effective ways to deliver accurate supplier segmentation.

In 1983, Peter Kraljic devised a means to segment the supplier base in the article in HBR. In this, he argued that supply items should be mapped against two key dimensions: risk and profitability.

Risk relates to the likelihood for an unexpected event in the supply chains to disrupt operations. For instance, in important areas of spend, such as tire suppliers for an automotive are business critical, and should a disruption occur, the auto company is likely itself to face substantial problems.

The supplier suffers from a range of risks depending on its geographic location, business model and supply chain length. If the vendor  is based in Switzerland, it is unlikely that political uncertainty or logistical delay will impact upon operations. On the other hand, facilities based in the developing world may be subject to legislative risk, political upheaval and unreliable transportation routes. All such risk factors have a bearing upon the buying company.

Profitability describes the impact of a supply item upon the bottom line. For certain areas of spend, such as stationery, supplies have only a negligible effect on profits. In other categories, a single source of supply can make or break a business.  For Apple, a large proportion of its profits are determined by Foxconn’s ability to manufacture the scale of products required to a precise specification.

Putting these two dimensions together yields a classic two-by-two matrix.

Each of these boxes represent a different buyer-supplier relationship type and suggests a set of distinct sourcing strategies.

Non-critical items

These items are low risk and have a low impact upon organizational profitability. The most commonly used example in this segment is office stationery. Although important for employees to perform their duties, pens and paper do not have a significant impact upon the business, nor does their absence represent a serious threat.

For buyers, stationery is a nuisance. It clogs up time with peripheral concerns. As such, the sourcing strategies deployed here focus on efficiency and reducing administrative burden. Techniques such as e-auctioning and catalogs are an excellent means to redirect responsibilities either directly to suppliers or to internal customers that are requisitioning the goods.

Leverage items

Where items have a high profitability, but a low risk factor, buyers possess the balance of power in the relationship and leverage this strength to obtain greater returns. Traditionally, procurement professionals have exploited this status to lower prices, but increasingly more advanced companies are looking to unlock the innovative potential of their suppliers.

The market dynamics of this relationship rest upon an abundance of highly commodified parts. Suppliers can be easily substituted as their offerings are much the same. The only limitation for buyers is perhaps over-playing their hand and forcing a low-profit margin vendor into insolvency.

Bottleneck items

The flip side of leverage: risk is high, but profitability is low. Here, the strength is in the hands of the supplier. The market consists of few suppliers that can behave oligopolistically to force prices upward. Procurement Leaders found that these suppliers absorb more of buyers’ time compared to any other segment. The supplier relationship is demanding, even though they have a limited impact upon company profitability. The market structure forces buyers to accept an unfavorable deal.

The main strategy rests upon damage limitation. Procurement must recognize that few opportunities will arise from this category. More creative buyers will seek to alter the terms of trade. Innovative internal activities can redevelop product requirements such that the material can be replaced with another and preferably sourced from a leverage supplier.

Strategic items

Lastly, high supplier risk and high profit impact items cover strategic suppliers. These are critical to the business. These items only represent a handful of suppliers, but ensuring an effective and predictable supplier relationship is key to the future of the buying company.

Managing such suppliers requires a diverse array of skills and can subsume a significant proportion of executive time in sponsoring and directing the relationship. Unlike the non-critical items, each contract is unique and focuses upon the shared gains that equal partners enjoy in a collaborative relationship. Strategic partners should look to innovative both product and process innovation and in return they can expect long-term commitment from the buyer as well as proactive development.

Getting segmentation right

Although the Kraljic Matrix may appear simple to many procurement professionals, it is often inaccurately applied and this leads to misfiring supplier relationship management programs. Individual buyers invariably believe that their suppliers are truly strategic (in contract to the business-wise reality). This miscategorization creates expensive and resource-intensive relationship that have little genuinely impact upon profitability.

Conversely, companies that treat their strategic suppliers as non-critical, have the potential to lose substantial profit. Over time, these may affect the viability of the business.

Peter Kraljic’s basic insight was to urge the buyer community to manage their resources in a more intelligent fashion. Even though he first argued for this in 1983, his argument is just as relevant in corporate purchasing as ever.

What are the four types of buy that are described by the purchasing portfolio matrix?

The starting point of the Kraljic matrix: purchasing categories.
Non-critical purchases;.
Leveraged purchases;.
Bottleneck purchases;.
Strategic purchases..

How to use Kraljic Matrix?

The model involves four steps: Purchase classification. Market analysis..
Step 1: Purchase Classification. ... .
Step 2: Market Analysis. ... .
Step 3: Strategic Positioning. ... .
Step 4: Action Plans..

What are leverage items?

Leverage Items. Definition: Leverage Items are products that represent a high percentage of the profit of the buyer and there are many suppliers available. It is easy to switch supplier. The quality is standardized. Buyer-seller power situation: buyer dominated, moderate level of interdependency.

What is the first step in a global sourcing development model?

Planning is the first step in global procurement.


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