Which of the following is an effective strategy for communicating with a dying person quizlet?

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Terms in this set (25)

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for communicating with a dying person?

Express your regard and love for the dying person.

Allow the dying person to express guilt or anger.

Make small talk to keep their mind off their situation.

Encourage the dying person to reminisce.

Make small talk to keep their mind off their situation.

Psychologists recommend that dying individuals know they are dying

so they can do all of these things.

so they may be able to complete some plans and projects.

so they can make arrangements for survivors.

so they have the opportunity to reminisce and talk with loved ones.

so they can do all of these things.

Conversations with a dying individual should focus on

what the medical staff is doing to them.

external accomplishments.

strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life.

the funeral and burial.

strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life.

Eva misses her deceased ex-husband, Pete, terribly; however, she feels that she cannot grieve openly because Pete was remarried to someone else. What type of grief is this?






A recent study showed that most negative feelings associated with the death of a loved one diminishes by ______ after the death.

6 months

In which of the following cultures are the deceased forgotten as quickly as possible and life carried on as usual?

Hopi in Arizona

Maori in New Zealand



Hopi in Arizona

Regarding widowhood, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Men have more social support after the death of a spouse.

Widowers usually have more money than do widows; hence they are more likely to remarry.

Men do better in responding to the death of a spouse.

Older widows do better than younger widows do in responding to the death of a spouse.

Older widows do better than younger widows do in responding to the death of a spouse.

Which of the following is the Jewish practice of a 30-day period following the burial of the deceased?






What is the typical sequence of emotions in Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

During which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is it suggested that the person might become silent, refuse visitors, and spend a great deal of time crying and grieving?


During which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is it suggested that the person develops the hope that death can somehow be postponed or delayed?






________ refers to an adaptive strategy in which individuals believe they can influence and control events.

Perceived control

Individuals who are dying may use adaptive denial in order to

insulate themselves from feelings of anger and hurt.

Most societies throughout history have had ______ about death.

philosophical beliefs, rituals, religious beliefs

all of these

According to Robert Kastenbaum, all of the following are components of the death system, EXCEPT WRONG

people and places.


objects and symbols.

afterlife destinations.

people and places.

The skull and crossbones, grim reaper, and angels are examples of which death system component?


More than ___ of Americans die in hospitals.


One consequence of our mobile society and its aging population is

more adults dying apart from their families.

Two hundred years ago, one parent died before children grew up, and almost _______ of children died before the age of 10. WRONG


The definition of brain death that is currently followed by most physicians includes the cessation of

higher and lower brain functioning.

Supporters of the cortical-death policy argue that

when one's intelligence and personality functions are lost, the human being is no longer alive.

The higher portions of the brain often die sooner than the lower portions. The lower portions of the brain

monitor heartbeat and respiration.

A(n) _____________ is a document signed by a person whom is terminally ill, which states that life-sustaining procedures shall not be used to prolong life when death is imminent.

advance directive

Dr. Jack Kevorkian's activities were associated with

active euthanasia.

A __________ has the goal of making the end of life free from pain, anxiety, and depression, and a __________ has the goal of curing illness and prolonging life.

hospice; hospital

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Which of the following is an effective strategy when communicating with a dying person?

Express your regard and love for the dying person. Allow the dying person to express guilt or anger. Make small talk to keep their mind off their situation. Encourage the dying person to reminisce.

Which of the following is not an appropriate strategy for communicating with a dying person?

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Which of the following are common for a person in Kübler

The second stage is anger. Once the dying person accepts that the diagnosis is correct he or she may become very angry. Feelings of rage or resentment may overcome this person and the anger may be directed at others as well.

What to say to someone who is ready to die?

What to Say to Someone Who Is Dying Soon.
"I love you so much.".
"Thank you for teaching me....".
"I will never forget when....".
"My favorite memory we share.....".
"I'm sorry for.....".
"I hope you'll forgive me for.....".
"It sounds like you're seeing....".
"It sounds like you're hearing....".


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