All of the following have been found to be good for running effective project meetings EXCEPT

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Terms in this set (44)

Which of the following is commonly associated with high-performing project teams?

a. Risk taking is controlled and not allowed to jeopardize the overall project.
b. Roles and specific responsibilities are well-defined.
c. A degree of competition among team members is encouraged.
d. Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning.
e. Team members are selected with similar talents to enhance cohesion.

d. Mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning.

During which stage of team development do close relationships develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness?

a. Norming
b. Storming
c. Performing
d. Adjourning
e. Forming

a. Norming

During which stage of team development is the team fully functional and accomplishing project goals?

a. Norming
b. Storming
c. Performing
d. Adjourning
e. Forming

c. Performing

During the ________ stage of group development, there is conflict over who will control the group and how decisions will be made.

a. storming
b. norming
c. performing
d. forming
e. adjourning

a. storming

Project managers and team members have to recognize the _________________ they are operating under in order to do the best that they can.

a. circumstances
b. circumstantial constraints
c. situation
d. situational constraints
e. scenario

d. situational constraints

Research indicates that high-performance project teams are much more likely to develop under certain conditions. One of these conditions is that members are assigned to the project _______ time.

a. part
b. full
c. split
d. over
e. by ending

b. full

High performing teams can

a. create breakthrough products.
b. exceed customer expectations.
c. complete projects ahead of schedule and under budget.
d. provide exceptional services.
e. All of these alternatives are correct.

e. All of these alternatives are correct.

________ rewards typically should be used only when everyone on the team recognizes that a member is deserving of special recognition.

a. Individual
b. Group
c. Project
d. Program
e. Monetary

a. Individual

All of the following have been found to be good for running effective project meetings EXCEPT

a. start meetings on time regardless of whether everyone is present.
b. allow a time period for socializing to support the development of a team identity.
c. thoroughly document all decisions.
d. prepare and distribute an agenda prior to the meeting.
e. identify an adjournment time.

b. allow a time period for socializing to support the development of a team identity.

Which of the following is not a consideration that needs to be factored into the process of recruiting team members for a project?

a. Familiarity
b. Integrity
c. Ambition, initiative and energy
d. Political connections
e. Credibility

b. Integrity

Which of the following would be an appropriate situation to require facilitating group decision making?

a. A mechanical engineer is stuck trying to meet performance criteria for a prototype.
b. When strong group commitment is needed to decide methods to reduce project scope.
c. Expectations are unclear regarding a specific task.
d. Materials needed to finish a custom kitchen have not been determined.
e. Dysfunctional conflict between two project team members needs to be resolved

b. When strong group commitment is needed to decide methods to reduce project scope.

The project manager must quickly establish operational ground rules for how the team will work together. These include planning, tracking, managing change, and relationship decisions. Which of the following is an example of a planning decision?

a. What departments will the team need to interact with during the project?
b. What are the specific roles and responsibilities of all the participants?
c. Who will generate and distribute reports?
d. How will changes be documented and evaluated?
e. How will progress be assessed?

b. What are the specific roles and responsibilities of all the participants?

Project managers play a key role in developing high-performance project teams. Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor to this role?

a. Conduct project meetings
b. Recruit team members
c. Manage a reward system
d. Manage conflict
e. Report progress to top management

e. Report progress to top management

Which of the following is not a consideration that needs to be factored into the process of recruiting team members for a project?

a. A sense of humor
b. Problem-solving
c. Availability
d. Technological expertise
e. Credibility

a. A sense of humor

Researchers have found that high-performance teams have norms for team interaction. Which of the following is NOT one of those norms?

a. Hard work does not get in the way of having fun.
b. No information is shared outside the team unless all agree to it.
c. It is acceptable to be in trouble, but not to surprise others.
d. When a decision has to be made, everyone should agree before moving forward.
e. There is no tolerance for bulling a way through a problem or issue.

d. When a decision has to be made, everyone should agree before moving forward.

The main source of conflict in the delivering stage of the project life cycle is __________.

a. priorities
b. schedules
c. workforce
d. technical
e. procedures

b. schedules

Strategies to manage dysfunctional conflict do NOT include _____ the conflict.

a. control
b. arbitrate
c. mediate
d. accept
e. encourage

e. encourage

How can a project manager support and encourage functional conflict?

a. Conflict should not be encouraged or supported
b. By asking tough questions and by challenging the rationale behind recommendations
c. By imposing a solution to the conflict after listening to each party
d. By negotiating a resolution by reasoning and persuasion
e. As soon as emotions flare, he or she can intervene and attempt to control conflict because it has become dysfunctional

b. By asking tough questions and by challenging the rationale behind recommendations

Challenges to managing geographically distributed teams are

a. developing trust.
b. keeping time-zones straight.
c. effective communication.
d. both developing trust and effective communication.
e. both developing trust and keeping time-zones straight.

d. both developing trust and effective communication.

When a project team will only consider a couple of solutions and ignore alternatives, this is ___________, which is a symptom of Groupthink.

a. direct pressure.
b. illusion of invulnerability.
c. putting on blinders.
d. negative stereotypes of outsiders.
e. whitewash of critical thinking.

e. whitewash of critical thinking.

A project manager responsible for building a new office building that started this week has noticed some unusual behavior amongst the team. Team members are trying out different behaviors to see what is acceptable to the project and personal relations. Which stage of development is the team in?

a. norming
b. storming
c. performing
d. adjourning
e. forming

e. forming

A high school basketball coach has noticed that some close relationships have formed as well as feelings of camaraderie and shared responsibilities for the team's success. Which stage of development is the team in?

a. norming
b. storming
c. performing
d. adjourning
e. forming

a. norming

During which stage of team development is high performance not a top priority and attention is devoted to wrapping up the project?

a. norming
b. storming
c. performing
d. adjourning
e. forming

d. adjourning

Which of the following conditions is not conducive to the creation of high-performance teams?

a. Members are assigned to the project full time.
b. Members report solely to the project manager.
c. All relevant functional areas are represented on the team.
d. The project involves a compelling objective.
e. Members are co-located and/or internationally dispersed if necessary.

e. Members are co-located and/or internationally dispersed if necessary.

Experienced project managers understand the value of having team members ________ the project as opposed to appointing team members.

a. volunteer for
b. coerced into
c. suggested by superiors for
d. invited to
e. asked to join

a. volunteer for

The first project meeting is critical to the early functioning of the project team. Which of the following is NOT true regarding this meeting?

a. An overview of the project's scope and objectives should be addressed.
b. Interpersonal interaction concerns should be addressed.
c. The project manager must model how the team will work together.
d. The meeting will need to be as long as necessary to cover the main objectives of a first meeting
e. The meeting should be productive, well-organized and realistic.

d. The meeting will need to be as long as necessary to cover the main objectives of a first meeting

When recruiting project team members, which of the following factors is NOT something a project manager might consider?

a. The political connections the potential team member may have
b. Their problem-solving ability
c. Their ambition, initiative, and energy
d. Their skillset as it compares to the project manager
e. Their availability

d. Their skillset as it compares to the project manager

Individual rewards for outstanding work would NOT include

a. letters of commendation.
b. public recognition.
c. desirable job assignments.
d. judiciously making exceptions to the rules.
e. All of these are examples of individual rewards for outstanding work.

e. All of these are examples of individual rewards for outstanding work.

The first _________ is critical to the early functioning of the project team. It sets the tone for how the team will work together.

a. deliverable
b. milestone
c. meeting
d. announcement
e. day

c. meeting

Symbolic actions at the project level that can contribute to a unique team subculture are called team ________.

a. vision
b. identity
c. characteristics
d. rituals
e. disciplines

d. rituals

An image a project team holds in common about how the project will look upon completion, how they will work together, and/or how customers will accept the project is known as a __________. It is a less tangible aspect of project performance.

a. vision
b. identity
c. characteristic
d. ritual
e. discipline

a. vision

There are two important factors that affect the recruitment of project members. Which of the following is one of those factors?

a. The budget available
b. The size of the project
c. The management structure being used to complete the project
d. The level of innovation and technical expertise needed
e. Organizational culture

c. The management structure being used to complete the project

Establishing a team identity is facilitated by members working in a common space.
b. creation of a project team name.
c. effective use of meetings.
d. team rituals.
e. All of these are facilitators of establishing a team identity.

e. All of these are facilitators of establishing a team identity.

While some conflict can be beneficial, the absence of conflict can mask

a. project mistakes.
b. lowered customer expectations.
c. useful information.
d. what appears to be unification.
e. All of these alternatives are correct.

c. useful information.

.Members who are geographically situated so that they may never be able to meet face-to-face would be a characteristic of a ________ project team.

a. virtual
b. diverse
c. international
d. geographically dispersed
e. co-located

a. virtual

Symptoms of groupthink include

a. encouraged functional conflict.
b. negative stereotypes of outsiders.
c. optimized critical thinking.
d. failed projects.
e. positive synergy.

b. negative stereotypes of outsiders.

Teams that are able to use identified individual talents to meet a projects' given needs is a common characteristic of:

a. resource allocation
b. scheduling
c. synergy
d. budgeting
e. storming

c. synergy

During which stage of team development do team members establish ground rules and try to find out what behaviors are acceptable and what performance expectations are?

a. Norming
b. Storming
c. Performing
d. Adjourning
e. Forming

e. Forming

The essential qualities of an effective vision all of the following EXCEPT

a. all team members have the same vision
b. the vision should be communicated to all
c. the vision has to make strategic sense
d. there should be a passion for the vision
e. vision should be a source of inspiration to others.

a. all team members have the same vision

The use of meetings outside of accepted work hours to get a project back on schedule is an example of ______ reinforcement to motivate project performance.

a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. creative
e. substantial

b. negative

Because most project work is a collaborative effort, most project managers advocate the use of _____ rewards.

a. individual
b. group
c. project
d. program
e. monetary

b. group

Project managers should manage _______ conflict.

a. functional
b. dysfunctional
c. creative
d. diverse
e. emotional

b. dysfunctional

During the delivery phase of a project's life cycle, the most significant source of conflict is

a. schedules
b. priorities
c. technical
d. procedures
e. costs

a. schedules

Which of the following is NOT one of the tips for alleviating communication problems of virtual teams?

a. Insist team members travel at least once during the project for a face-to-face meeting
b. keep team members informed on how well the overall project is going
c. share the pain when team members reside in different time zones
d. establish clear norms and protocols for surfacing assumptions and conflicts
e. establish a code of conduct to avoid delays


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