Which of the following is a form of psychotherapy that aims to change cognitive distortions and self defeating behaviors?

Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present

It was once believed that people with psychological disorders, or those exhibiting strange behavior, were possessed by demons. These people were forced to take part in exorcisms, were imprisoned, or executed. Later, asylums were built to house the mentally ill, but the patients received little to no treatment, and many of the methods used were cruel. Philippe Pinel and Dorothea Dix argued for more humane treatment of people with psychological disorders. In the mid-1960s, the deinstitutionalization movement gained support and asylums were closed, enabling people with mental illness to return home and receive treatment in their own communities. Some did go to their family homes, but many became homeless due to a lack of resources and support mechanisms.

Today, instead of asylums, there are psychiatric hospitals run by state governments and local community hospitals, with the emphasis on short-term stays. However, most people suffering from mental illness are not hospitalized. A person suffering symptoms could speak with a primary care physician, who most likely would refer him to someone who specializes in therapy. The person can receive outpatient mental health services from a variety of sources, including psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage and family therapists, school counselors, clinical social workers, and religious personnel. These therapy sessions would be covered through insurance, government funds, or private (self) pay.

Types of Treatment

Psychoanalysis was developed by Sigmund Freud. Freud’s theory is that a person’s psychological problems are the result of repressed impulses or childhood trauma. The goal of the therapist is to help a person uncover buried feelings by using techniques such as free association and dream analysis.

Play therapy is a psychodynamic therapy technique often used with children. The idea is that children play out their hopes, fantasies, and traumas, using dolls, stuffed animals, and sandbox figurines.

In behavior therapy, a therapist employs principles of learning from classical and operant conditioning to help clients change undesirable behaviors. Counterconditioning is a commonly used therapeutic technique in which a client learns a new response to a stimulus that has previously elicited an undesirable behavior via classical conditioning. Principles of operant conditioning can be applied to help people deal with a wide range of psychological problems. Token economy is an example of a popular operant conditioning technique.

Cognitive therapy is a technique that focuses on how thoughts lead to feelings of distress. The idea behind cognitive therapy is that how you think determines how you feel and act. Cognitive therapists help clients change dysfunctional thoughts in order to relieve distress. Cognitive-behavioral therapy explores how our thoughts affect our behavior. Cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to change cognitive distortions and self-defeating behaviors.

Humanistic therapy focuses on helping people achieve their potential. One form of humanistic therapy developed by Carl Rogers is known as client-centered or Rogerian therapy. Client-centered therapists use the techniques of active listening, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy to help clients become more accepting of themselves.

Often in combination with psychotherapy, people can be prescribed biologically based treatments such as psychotropic medications and/or other medical procedures such as electro-convulsive therapy.

Treatment Modalities

There are several modalities of treatment: individual therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, and family therapy are the most common. In an individual therapy session, a client works one-on-one with a trained therapist. In group therapy, usually 5–10 people meet with a trained group therapist to discuss a common issue (e.g., divorce, grief, eating disorders, substance abuse, or anger management). Couples therapy involves two people in an intimate relationship who are having difficulties and are trying to resolve them. The couple may be dating, partnered, engaged, or married. The therapist helps them resolve their problems as well as implement strategies that will lead to a healthier and happier relationship. Family therapy is a special form of group therapy. The therapy group is made up of one or more families. The goal of this approach is to enhance the growth of each individual family member and the family as a whole.

Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: A Special Case

Addiction is often viewed as a chronic disease that rewires the brain. This helps explain why relapse rates tend to be high, around 40%–60% (McLellan, Lewis, & O’Brien, & Kleber, 2000). The goal of treatment is to help an addict stop compulsive drug-seeking behaviors. Treatment usually includes behavioral therapy, which can take place individually or in a group setting. Treatment may also include medication. Sometimes a person has comorbid disorders, which usually means that they have a substance-related disorder diagnosis and another psychiatric diagnosis, such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. The best treatment would address both problems simultaneously.

The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization

The sociocultural perspective looks at you, your behaviors, and your symptoms in the context of your culture and background. Clinicians using this approach integrate cultural and religious beliefs into the therapeutic process. Research has shown that ethnic minorities are less likely to access mental health services than their White middle-class American counterparts. Barriers to treatment include lack of insurance, transportation, and time; cultural views that mental illness is a stigma; fears about treatment; and language barriers.

Key Terms

asyluminstitution created for the specific purpose of housing people with psychological disorders aversive conditioningcounterconditioning technique that pairs an unpleasant stimulant with an undesirable behaviorbehavior therapytherapeutic orientation that employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviorsbiomedical therapytreatment that involves medication and/or medical procedures to treat psychological disorderscognitive therapyform of psychotherapy that focuses on how a person’s thoughts lead to feelings of distress, with the aim of helping them change these irrational thoughtscognitive-behavioral therapyform of psychotherapy that aims to change cognitive distortions and self-defeating behaviorscomorbid disorderindividual who has two or more diagnoses, which often includes a substance abuse diagnosis and another psychiatric diagnosis, such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophreniaconfidentialitytherapist cannot disclose confidential communications to any third party, unless mandated or permitted by lawcounterconditioningclassical conditioning therapeutic technique in which a client learns a new response to a stimulus that has previously elicited an undesirable behaviorcouples therapytwo people in an intimate relationship, such as husband and wife, who are having difficulties and are trying to resolve them with therapycultural competencetherapist’s understanding and attention to issues of race, culture, and ethnicity in providing treatmentdeinstitutionalizationprocess of closing large asylums and integrating people back into the community where they can be treated locallydream analysistechnique in psychoanalysis in which patients recall their dreams and the psychoanalyst interprets them to reveal unconscious desires or struggleselectroconvulsive therapy (ECT)type of biomedical therapy that involves using an electrical current to induce seizures in a person to help alleviate the effects of severe depressionexposure therapycounterconditioning technique in which a therapist seeks to treat a client’s fear or anxiety by presenting the feared object or situation with the idea that the person will eventually get used to itfamily therapyspecial form of group therapy consisting of one or more familiesfree associationtechnique in psychoanalysis in which the patient says whatever comes to mind at the moment group therapytreatment modality in which 5–10 people with the same issue or concern meet together with a trained clinicianhumanistic therapytherapeutic orientation aimed at helping people become more self-aware and accepting of themselvesindividual therapytreatment modality in which the client and clinician meet one-on-oneintaketherapist’s first meeting with the client in which the therapist gathers specific information to address the client’s immediate needsinvoluntary treatmenttherapy that is mandated by the courts or other systemsnondirective therapytherapeutic approach in which the therapist does not give advice or provide interpretations but helps the person identify conflicts and understand feelingsplay therapytherapeutic process, often used with children, that employs toys to help them resolve psychological problemspsychoanalysistherapeutic orientation developed by Sigmund Freud that employs free association, dream analysis, and transference to uncover repressed feelingspsychotherapy(also, psychodynamic psychotherapy) psychological treatment that employs various methods to help someone overcome personal problems, or to attain personal growthrational emotive therapy (RET)form of cognitive-behavioral therapy relapserepeated drug use and/or alcohol use after a period of improvement from substance abuseRogerian (client-centered therapy)non-directive form of humanistic psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers that emphasizes unconditional positive regard and self-acceptancestrategic family therapytherapist guides the therapy sessions and develops treatment plans for each family member for specific problems that can addressed in a short amount of timestructural family therapytherapist examines and discusses with the family the boundaries and structure of the family: who makes the rules, who sleeps in the bed with whom, how decisions are made, and what are the boundaries within the family systematic desensitizationform of exposure therapy used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders by exposing a person to the feared object or situation through a stimulus hierarchytoken economycontrolled setting where individuals are reinforced for desirable behaviors with tokens (e.g., poker chip) that be exchanged for items or privilegestransferenceprocess in psychoanalysis in which the patient transfers all of the positive or negative emotions associated with the patient’s other relationships to the psychoanalystunconditional positive regardfundamental acceptance of a person regardless of what they say or do; term associated with humanistic psychologyvirtual reality exposure therapyuses a simulation rather than the actual feared object or situation to help people conquer their fearsvoluntary treatmenttherapy that a person chooses to attend in order to obtain relief from her symptoms

What are the 3 types of cognitive therapies?

Cognitive Therapy (CT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

What are the 3 types of cognitive distortions?

The distortions listed include:.
All-or-Nothing Thinking;.
Discounting the Positive;.
Jumping to Conclusions;.
Mind Reading;.
Fortune Telling;.
Magnification (Catastrophizing) and Minimizing;.
Emotional Reasoning;.

What are the 4 major forms of psychotherapy?

Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories:.
Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. ... .
Behavior therapy. ... .
Cognitive therapy. ... .
Humanistic therapy. ... .
Integrative or holistic therapy..

What type of therapy is cognitive restructuring?

Cognitive restructuring is one of the core components of cognitive behavioral therapy. Most of the time, cognitive restructuring is collaborative. A patient typically works with a therapist to identify faulty thought patterns and replace them with healthier, more accurate ways of looking at events and circumstances.


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