Is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior?


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    (Iverson, 1992, P.1). Skinner studied this experiment and decided to come up with his own experiment through rats. Skinner took a different path than Thorndike did with his experiment. Skinner was mainly interested in how the rat behaved to finding food. Thorndike based his study on the object that was being experimented on and if it could escape by accomplishing the same task by learning to do it over and over again.

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  • Watson's Classical Conditioning Research

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  • Operant Conditioning: The Law Of Process

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    Operant conditioning is something that is learned as a response by being rewarded and by having consequences. Operant conditioning was first created by Edward L. Thorndike (Bernstein, 2016). Thorndike studied how people and animals have the ability to solve problems, behavior, and intelligence. Thorndike would place a cat in a maze and watch it learn how to get out. It was a slow process but the cat eventually learned and continued to do the same thing to exit the maze, which psychologist now call law of effect.

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    Within the frame of ethical egoism, this lie for her own personal gain would be morally permissible. From the perspective of ethical egoism, the author acted permissibly because the discounted rate brought about more good than evil. Vaughn notes that, “Ethical egoism says that one’s only moral duty is to promote the most favorable balance of good over evil for oneself” (78). When the author made the decision to lie on the application, she benefitted herself by obtaining a discount on her membership. There is a very low chance of her being caught.

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  • Importance Of Bandura's Social Learning Theory

    This decides the frequency of the intended behaviour. Positive reinforcement strengthens the desired behaviour by rewarding something to encourage the behaviour again. Whereas negative reinforcement is the removal of the reward to strengthened the desired behaviour. Positive punishment is to discourage the behaviour by adding onto something unpleasant. Whereas negative punishment is to discourage the behaviour too but by removing something pleasant (Rodriguez, 2013).

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    When talking about pleasure there needs to be a distinction between the quality and the quantity. While having many different kinds of pleasures can be considered a good thing, one is more likely to favor quality over quantity. With this distinction in mind, one is more able to quantify their pleasures as higher or lesser pleasures by ascertaining the quality of them. This facilitates the ability to achieve the fundamental moral value that is happiness. In his book Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill offers a defining of utility as pleasure or the absence of pain in addition to the Utility Principle, where “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness” (Mill 7).

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  • The Little Albert Case Study

    The aim of the box was to teach the rat in the box to press the lever by giving him food when he did. After spending some time inside the box, the rat realized that pressing the lever would bring him food, the reinforcement Skinner used. This experiment revealed another type of learning called operant conditioning, in which behavior is acquired because of the desired (or despised) consequences of the action. Operant conditioning is another confirmation that our brain determines our actions rather than our conscious control because the learning happens only because the results are somewhat pushing one to do the

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Is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in the behavior because it is reinforced?

Operant conditioning. A simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in behavior because it is reinforced.

Which type of conditioning is defined as a simple form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior?

Operant conditioning is defined as a form of learning in which an organism learns to engage in certain behavior because of the effects of that behavior.

Which type of learning is considered to be the simplest form of learning?

Habituation is the simplest form of learning and the one first seen in infants. Infants who habituate more rapidly, have short looking time, and have a greater preference for novelty, have higher IQ's later.

Which method of learning is a type of learning in which an organism learns through the consequences of its behavior?

In operant conditioning, organisms learn to associate a behavior and its consequence (Table 1). A pleasant consequence makes that behavior more likely to be repeated in the future.


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