Which of the following correctly describes how mitosis and meiosis are similar?

Answer the following questions and then press 'Submit' to get your score.

Question 1

Which of the following statements is not true of homologous chromosomes?

a) they possess two alleles of each gene

b) they contain the same set of genes

c) they are inherited from the same parent

d) they are generally the same size and shape

Question 2

If a mitotic cell contains 24 pairs of chromosomes just after completion of telophase, how many chromatids were present at metaphase?

a) 12

b) 24

c) 48

d) 96

Question 3

The X and Y chromosomes pair during prophase I of meiosis because of which of the following?

a) the SRY gene is located on the Y chromosome

b) there are two pseudoautosomal regions on the X and Y chromosomes

c) both X and Y are autosomes

d) the Y chromosome is a shortened version of the X chromosome

Question 4

The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome indicates which of the following?

a) transcription is occurring

b) DNA replication is occurring

c) the DNA is condensed into a 30nm fibre

d) the DNA double helix is exposed

Question 5

Which of the following correctly describes DNA that exists as heterochromatin?

a) highly condensed and highly active

b) highly condensed with few active genes

c) minimally condensed and highly active

d) only found in sex chromosomes

Question 6

Match the following terms with their correct description.

The state of fully differentiated cells that have stopped cycling
The first, and main stage of a cell cycle when cells are growing and carrying out their normal functions
The stage of the cell cycle following DNA replication
The pattern of light and dark bands in Giemsa stained chromosomes

Question 7

The cell plate denotes the site of cytoplasmic partitioning during cytokinesis

a) True

b) False

Question 8

Chiasmata occur between which of the following?

a) sister chromatids

b) any two chromatids

c) non-sister chromatids

d) maternal chromatids

Question 9

Which of the following statements regarding the restriction point in the cell cycle is correct?

a) It is controlled by restriction endonucleases

b) It commits a cell to mitosis and meiosis

c) It ensures cells become quiescent

d) It is the point in the cell cycle when chromatin condenses into separate visible chromosomes

Question 10

Which of the following correctly describes events that occur during meiosis?

a) pairs of homologous chromosomes separate during prophase I/pairs of chromatids separate during prophase II

b) pairs of chromatids separate during anaphase I/ pairs of homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase II

c) pairs of homologous chromosomes separate during prophase II/pairs of chromatids separate during anaphase II

d) pairs of homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I/pairs of chromatids separate during anaphase II


How are mitosis and meiosis similar?

State a few similarities between mitosis and meiosis. Both involve cell division. Both the processes occur in the M-phase of the cell cycle. In both cycles, the stages are common – prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Synthesis of DNA occurs in both.

How are meiosis and mitosis similar answers?

Answer and Explanation: Mitosis and meiosis are both types of cell division. Each of these processes results in daughter cells that contain the genetic information of the parent cells.

How are meiosis and mitosis the same quizlet?

The fundamental sequence of events in mitosis is the same as in meiosis (in meiosis it happens twice). Both processes include the breakdown of the nuclear membrane, the separation of genetic material into two groups, followed by cell division and the reformation of the nuclear membrane in each cells.

Which correctly describes mitosis and meiosis?

Which correctly describes mitosis and meiosis? Mitosis creates genetically identical cells, whereas meiosis creates genetically unique cells.


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