Which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic?

Which of the following is considered the driving force for European colonialism in Asia and Africa?






Which of the following is true regarding women and the French Revolution?

Women were widely excluded from revolutionary activities

Women were given leadership roles in the revolutionary movement

Women sided against the revolution to maintain their social position

Women were active participants in the French Revolution

Women were active participants in the French Revolution

What made immigration from Europe appealing during the 19th century?

Demand for labor in other countries

Which of the following elements of the French Revolution did Napoleon preserve?

End of the Monarchy

Secular legal code

maintaining aristocratic privilege

open warfare against the wealthy and nobility

Secular legal code

The working class movement of England differed from Russia by...

England was more committed to Marxism than Russia.

England adopted the idea of class warfare against industrialists.

England enacted reforms and had a peaceful transition toward socialism.

The monarchy in England had more power over the people than anywhere else

England enacted reforms and had a peaceful transition towards socialism.

Railroads were the main form of European investment in which area of the world?

Latin America

A marked rise in fear in the Americas regarding slave rebellions occurred due to which revolution

The Haitian Revolution

In pre-industrial Britain, most nobility calculated their wealth based on

Land ownership

In industrial Britain, the use of ____ replaced manual labor power in industry.

Fossil Fuels

What set Mexico apart from other Latin American countries during the early 20th century?

It had a transformative, nationwide, revolution

The Industrial Revolution began in which country?


Post Revolutionary Latin America depended on ___ to maintain their economy.

Foreign investment.

Which of the following countries were united through nationalism?

England and France

China and Japan

Canada and the United States

Germany and Italy

Germany and Italy

Which group began to attain rights and freedoms denied to them in most industrialized countries by the early 1900s?


The abundance of ___ was the reason for Britain's emergence as the 1st industrial power.


Which of the following IS NOT an argument made for the rights of women in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Enlightenment ideas must apply to women too

Women deserve equal treatment to men

Women should remain in their homes as that is in their best interest

If the lives of women are improved, the country is also improved

Women should remain in their homes as that is in their best interest

Which event had the greatest impact on the Atlantic Revolutions?

The enlightenment.

How was industrialization different in the United States vs Britain?

American's government was more supportive of business.

What is true of the social makeup of Post Revolutionary Latin America?

Latin America united easily

Latin Americans dropped their old tribal identities for new ones

Latin America quickly industrialized

European born Creoles still held high positions in society

European born Creoles still held high position in society.

What was the appeal of colonies to industrial societies in the Industrial Age?

They were sources of materials, labor, and markets to sell to

The chief beneficiaries of all but one of the atlantic revolutions were

propertied white men of the "middling classes"

what did the Atlantic revolutions share in common?

a common political vocabulary

in contrast to the American Revolution, the French Revolution

sought to re-create society from scratch

in the nineteenth century, nationalism in Europe fueled

a competitive drive for colonies in Asia and Africa

which of the following was an outcome of the American Revolution?

existing democratic tendencies in the colonial societies were accelerated

in which of the countries shown on map 16.3 did the only completely successful slave revolt in world history occur


which of the following is an example of the influence of nationalism outside the euro-American world in the nineteenth century?

the "Egypt for the Egyptians" movement

in response to napoleons conquest and reform of European lands outside France, the people in the conquered lands

accepted many of the reforms, but revolted against French control

which of the following was an effect of the Haitian Revolution throughout the Atlantic world?

slave owners and whites were filled with a deep caution and fear

how did the end of the international space trade affect Africa?

reliance on slave labor increased in west and east Africa

which of the following is one reason why the Spanish American Revolutions took longer and were more difficult than the (north) American revolution?

divisions of class, race, and region within Spanish america

in Latin America, creole elites pursued independence and political change out of fear that

social unrest from the lower classes and nonwhites would get out of control

which of the following is true of the women's movement by the early 1900s?

in the most industrialized countries of the west, it had become a mass movement

some feminists based their arguments for women's rights on the role of women as


which of the following arguments made the cause of abolition widely acceptable in the nineteenth century?

slavery was not necessary for economic progress

the Atlantic revolutions were inspired by the enlightenment belief that political and social arrangements

could be improved by human action

the American Revolution erupted as a response to increasing

British control over the economic affairs of the colonies

which of the following is true about women's participation in the French Revolution?

women of all classes joined in the major events of the revolution

which of the following elements of the French Revolution did Napoleon preserve?

secular legal code

which of the following was an outcome of the Haitian Revolution ?

definition of political citizenship as "black"

what did the leaders of the various independence movements in Latin America do to gain the support of the general population?

appeal to nativist feelings by defining all those born in the Americas as "americanos"

how did the Atlantic revolutions influence subsequent movements that spread throughout Europe?

all were committed to republicanism and social equality

which of the following was a result of the end of slavery in the Atlantic world?

new forms of dependent labor like share cropping emerged

what common set of circumstances contributed to the abolition of slavery in the Atlantic world and the end of serfdom in Russia in the nineteenth century?

fear of rebellion, economic inefficiency, and moral concerns

which of the following reflects an understanding of the nation in the nineteenth century?

a diverse group of people who assimilate into the dominant culture of a particular territory

which of the following represents a way that governments in the nineteenth century instilled national loyalties in their citizens?

sponsoring public rituals

which of the following represents the influence of nationalism in the nineteenth century?

the political unification of Germany and Italy

which of the following was used by intellectuals in nineteenth-century Europe to argue for women's rights?

maternal feminism

in countries outside of Western Europe and the United States, arguments for women's rights were often linked with

modernization and nation strengthening

the Atlantic revolutions challenged the absolute and divine authority of


which statement best expresses the relationship between rights and law articulated in the French declaration of the rights of man and citizen?

people exercise their rights within the limits of the law

in "the Jamaica letter", simón bolívars reference to "the rights of humanity" included

those of Spanish decent born in Latin America

what did the Fourth of July mean to Fredrick Douglas?

a reminder that African Americans continued to be denied freedom in the land of the free

Elizabeth cady stanton based her claim for women's rights on

the responsibility for ones life

in the nineteenth century, the language of rights was invoke to oppose


the image entitled "the joyous accord" reflects the relationship among the three estates in France in


the image entitled "the awakening of the third state" highlights the

increasing activism of the third estate in the French Revolution

the cartoon "hell broke loose or the murder of Louis" condemns


what attitude towards religion during the French Revolution is suggested in the cartoon with the caption, "patience, monsignor l, your turn will come"?

harsh criticism of the Catholic Church

when considered chronologically, the visual sources representing the French Revolution show a marked shift from

cooperation to violence

the wars of independence in Latin America in the early nineteenth century resulted in which of the following?

few changes in social structure

which of the following pairs of countries ended coerced labor in the decade of the 1860s?

Russia and the United States

which of the following contributed most to the growth of nationalism in the period 1750 to 1914?

European imperialism

France lost most of its holdings in India, while England gained territory in North America. these events were the results of the

seven years' war (1756-1763)

which of the following was characteristic of absolute monarchies in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

legislative, judicial, and executive power was substantially under the control of the monarch

which of the following is true of both the American and the Haitian revolutions

they created constitutions that granted legal equality to all citizens

which of the following European development is most closely associated with the revolution in haiti?

the French Revolution

the north and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following?

Revolutionary demands based on enlightenment political ideas

which of the following groups was bolívar most trying to influence with this letter?

creole elites

bolívar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies?


the untied states Declaration of Independence and the French declaration of the rights of man and citizen reflect a shared concern for

protection of private property

which of the following contributed the most to the growth of the movement to abolish slavery in the Atlantic world?

the adaptation of enlightenment ideas challenging established social hierarchies

judging from the excerpt above, which of the following was the main purpose of morelos' speech?

to offer a vision of Mexican history that could be used as a basis for national building

the quotation above best supported which of the following conclusions about the authors motives for resistance to Spanish colonial rule in Latin America?

bolívar rejected Spanish mercantilist policies that restricted free trade in Latin America

by 1830 Revolutions in the Atlantic world resulted in which of the following changes?

the political independence of colonies in both north and South America

historians who take this position are likely to place the greatest emphasis on the importance of which of the following in the decolonization process?

the role of the desire for natural rights in independence movements

What contributed to the abolition of slavery?

The abolition of slavery in the Atlantic world occurred during the 19th century, but its origins are generally recognized to be the intellectual ferment of the 18th-century Enlightenment, the political turmoil of the Age of Revolution, and the economic transformations associated with the development of modern ...

What factors led to the abolition of slavery in the North?

The American Revolution finally produced conditions under which the cause of abolition could gain public support. Antislavery advocates argued that the Revolutionary ideology of natural rights applied equally well to slaves, and the war itself disrupted trade and made slavery less important economically.

What methods were used to abolish slavery?

These groups sent petitions with thousands of signatures to Congress, held abolition meetings and conferences, boycotted products made with slave labor, printed mountains of literature, and gave innumerable speeches for their cause.

What were three reasons for the growth of slavery?

High European demand for cash crops (Tobacco, sugar, and rice), Difficulty in enslaving Natives, and lack of indentured servants were the reasons for growth of slavery.


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