Which of the following factors contributed to the racialization of slavery in the new world? quizlet

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Identify the author of the following primary source quote:
"The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding in at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted in to terror, which I am yet at a loss to describe . . . I was now persuade that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and they were going to kill. Their complexions too differing from ours, their long hair, and the language they spoke. . . I was soon put down under the decks, and there I received such a salutation in my nostrils as I had never experienced in my life; so that with loathsomeness of the stench and crying together, I became so sick and low that I was not able to eat."

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Read the excerpt from History and Present State of Virginia, published in 1705:
"Slaves are the Negroes, and their Posterity, following the condition of the Mother, according to the Maxim, partus sequitur ventrem [status follows the womb]. They are call'd Slaves, in respect of the time of their Servitude, because it is for Life.Servants, are those which serve only for a few years, according to the time of their Indenture, or the Custom of the Country. The Custom of the Country takes place upon such as have no Indentures. The Law in this case is, that if such Servants be under Nineteen years of Age, they must be brought into Court, to have their Age adjudged; and from the Age they are judg'd to be of, they must serve until they reach four and twenty: But if they be adjudged upwards of Nineteen, they are then only to be Servants for the term of five Years."An analysis of the excerpt reveals two different labor systems at work in the Southern colonies.
Choose the true statement about these systems.

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The English Colonies: 1607-1700

Terms in this set (28)

"A business arrangement in which investors financed colonies with the expectation of profits.

"Which of the following concepts is being described?

a. West Indies Company
b. Mercantile exchange
c. Joint-stock company
d. Mayflower Compact

Joint-stock company

Define Joint Stock Companies

A business arrangement where investors provided the capital for and assumed the risk of a venture in order to reap significant returns.

"Unlike other colonists, these men and women were motivated by religion and a desire to create a successful community."

Which English colony is most likely being described here?

a. Jamestown
b. Virginia
c. Roanoke
d. Massachusetts Bay

Massachusetts Bay

"Many of the male settlers came from wealthy families in England. They were too far down the line to inherit any familiar wealth, however, so they hoped to find immediate riches in the New World without actually having to work."

Which English colony is most likely being described here?

a. Plymouth
b. Massachusetts Bay
c. Maryland
d. Jamestown


Define Mayflower Compact

An agreement signed by the male passengers of the Mayflower, creating a temporary government for the Plymouth colony

Define Puritans

English Protestants dissatisfied with the Church of England, seeking simpler forms of worship

Which factor led to the implementation of the Headright System?
a. The racialization of slavery in the New World
b. Abundant land and the desire to attract more migrants
c. Landowners abusing the system of indentured servitude
d. The desire to equalize opportunity for Englishmen

Abundant land and the desire to attract more migrants

Which of the following complaints was at the heart of Nathaniel Bacon's 1675-76 rebellion?

a. Indentured servants had too many rights and too much freedom, so plantation owners wanted the Virginia government to legalize slavery.
b. The Virginia governor refused to take more land from Native Americans, exacerbating class tensions.
c. Black plantation owners who had come to Virginia as indentured servants and later bought their freedom were being forced into slavery.
d. Many plantation owners were not happy about tobacco overproduction and wanted the Virginia government to stop doling out new farmland.

The Virginia governor refused to take more land from Native Americans, exacerbating class tensions.

Immigrants from what other colony played a large role in bringing slavery to the southern colonies?
a. Barbados
b. Bermuda
c. Jamaica
d. Hispaniola


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between church and government in the northern colonies?

a. Government in the northern colonies excluded all but wealthy members of the Puritan Church.
b. The Puritan Church and the government were completely separated in all ways.
c. The northern colonies had no form of government, as politics was banned by Puritan Church.
d. The Puritan Church exercised a large degree of influence over the government of the northern colonies.

The Puritan Church exercised a large degree of influence over the government of the northern colonies.

Define Wassailing

Public celebration of Christmas by the lower classes during the seventeenth century; entailed marching on the houses of the well-to-do to demand gifts

Define Covenant

Agreement signed by all members of a township in Puritan New England.

Define Town Meeting

A style of government focused on local participation, in Puritan New England these meetings centered around a central religious building and were often attended by the men of the surrounding community.

Which factor led to the creation of a maritime-based economy in the northern colonies?

a. Religious intolerance in the northern colonies
b. Need for slave labor in the northern colonies
c.) Agricultural surpluses that could be sold in foreign markets
d.) Settlers with diverse backgrounds and tastes in the northern colonies

Agricultural surpluses that could be sold in foreign markets

Define Maritime-Based Economy

System of labor and trade that comprised ships and crews from New England transporting regional and foreign goods throughout the Atlantic World.

Define Soul Liberty

A concept advocated by Roger Williams in which individuals were allowed to follow their consciences and tolerate all religions.

Why did Roger Williams' doctrine of Soul Liberty conflict with Puritanism?

a. Soul Liberty made individual conscience a higher authority than the Puritan Church.
b. Soul Liberty was "not Protestant enough," as it did not account for direct revelation.
c. Soul Liberty valued free expression and intoxication, which were forbidden by Puritanism.
d. Soul Liberty was born of Williams' desire to reunite with the Church of England.

Soul Liberty made individual conscience a higher authority than the Puritan Church.

Define Salem Witch Trials

The 1692 accusations, trials, and executions that swept through the town of Salem, Massachusetts.

Define Household Economy

System of labor centered around the family and a religious call to work, particularly in Puritan New England. Large families were encouraged, while the entire family unit was expected to do the work necessary to run homes, farms, and businesses.

Which of the following distinguished Pennsylvania from the other English colonies?

a. Pennsylvania was the first colony to elect a representative government.
b. Slavery was never legalized in Pennsylvania due to the influence of the Quakers.
c. Poorer immigrants fared better in Pennsylvania than in other English colonies.
d. Pennsylvania's economy was based largely on livestock, as opposed to cash crops.

Poorer immigrants fared better in Pennsylvania than in other English colonies.

Define Proprietary Colonies

Land in North America granted to key individuals, families, or groups who, in turn, administered a colony on behalf of the English Crown.

Define Quaker

Member of the Society of Friends; devoted to principles of peace and the doctrine of the "Inner Light."

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

a. Colonial fur traders refused to trade with Native Americans
b. Native Americans viewed colonists as an impediment to their economic expansion
c. Colonists in New England faced a single, powerful Native American tribe
d. Colonists were largely ignorant of Native American customs and codes of respect

Colonists were largely ignorant of Native American customs and codes of respect

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

a. Disease ravaged colonial settlements, which colonists blamed on Native Americans.
b. Native Americans sought to convert colonists to their religion.
c. Native Americans tried to expand their territory into lands held by colonists.
d. Livestock belonging to colonists disrupted Native American agricultural practices.

Livestock belonging to colonists disrupted Native American agricultural practices.

Which of the following was a source of tension between English colonists and Native Americans?

a. Native Americans took pity on the colonists for their lack of preparedness.
b. Colonists viewed Native Americans as weak and easily conquerable.
c. Colonists were envious of Native Americans' agricultural know-how.
d. The growing population in the colonies led to colonists claiming more territory.

The growing population in the colonies led to colonists claiming more territory.

Consider the excerpt from Robert Johnson's "Nova Britannia" and the possible bias it represents.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Johnson's purpose in writing?

a. Johnson's purpose was to provide an accurate description of Jamestown for future historians to study.
b. Johnson's purpose was to attract people to invest in the Virginia Company and settle in Jamestown.
c. Johnson's purpose was to give investors a carefully constructed idea of how the Virginia Company operated internally.
d. Johnson's purpose was to instruct settlers on how to thrive in Virginia and profit from its resources.

Johnson's purpose was to attract people to invest in the Virginia Company and settle in Jamestown.

Consider the excerpt from George Percy's "Starving Time" and the possible bias it represents.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Percy's purpose in writing?

a. Percy's purpose was to encourage English officials to record the events in Virginia for future historians.
b. Percy's purpose was to attract new settlers to Jamestown to help improve living conditions.
c. Percy's purpose was to convince Native Americans to stop attacking the Jamestown colonists.
d. Percy's purpose was to provide a personal account of his experience in the New World.

Percy's purpose was to provide a personal account of his experience in the New World.

Consider the excerpt from Richard Frethorne's letter to his parents and the possible bias it represents.

Which of the following statements most likely identifies Frethorne's purpose in writing?

a. Frethorne's purpose was to elicit sympathy for his circumstances from his parents.
b. Frethorne's purpose was to give his parents an update and an account of his daily routine.
c. Frethorne's purpose was to expose the lies he was told about life in Jamestown.
d. Frethorne's purpose was to educate his parents on the duties and benefits of indentured servitude.

Frethorne's purpose was to elicit sympathy for his circumstances from his parents.

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