Which designing a questionnaire it is important to do each of the following except?

Answer the following questions and then press 'Submit' to get your score.

Question 1

An open question is one that:

a) Allows respondents to answer in their own terms

b) Does not suggest or provide a limited range of responses

c) Can help to generate answers for closed questions

d) All of the above

Question 2

In order to post-code answers to open questions, it is necessary to:

a) Count the frequency with which each answer has been given

b) Categorize unstructured material and assign a code number to each category

c) Identify the three most commonly cited responses and give them a code

d) Find out where each respondent lives and make a note of their postcode

Question 3

Which of the following is not an advantage of using closed questions in a survey?

a) It reduces the risk of variability in the way answers are recorded

b) It makes answers easier to process and analyse

c) They prevent respondents from giving spontaneous, unexpected answers

d) Closed questions are quicker and easier for respondents to complete

Question 4

Informant factual questions are those that:

a) Enquire about personal details such as age, income and occupation

b) Ask people about the characteristics of a social setting or entity that they know well

c) Seek to find out about people's attitudes and opinions on a range of topics

d) Try to identify the normative standards and values held by a social group

Question 5

Which of the following is a general rule of thumb for designing questions?

a) Always bear in mind your research questions

b) Never ask a closed question

c) Always use vignettes rather than open questions

d) Use ambiguous terms to put respondents at ease

Question 6

You should avoid using double-barrelled questions in a survey because:

a) They rely too much on a respondent's memory

b) They make the questions too long, so respondents lose interest

c) They are too abstract and general in scope

d) They confuse respondents by asking about two different things

Question 7

Leading questions should also be avoided because:

a) They suggest ways of answering and so may bias the results

b) They create a mismatch between the question and its possible answers

c) They involve negative terms and unnecessary jargon

d) They ask about several different things at the same time

Question 8

A vignette question is one that asks respondents to think about:

a) Family obligations to care for sick relatives

b) An intensely painful and sensitive issue in their personal life

c) A scenario involving imaginary characters in a realistic situation

d) Their favourite kind of salad dressing

Question 9

The value of piloting a questionnaire is that it helps you to:

a) Test out your questions on some of the people who will be in the final sample

b) Identify and amend any problems in the question wording, order and format

c) Find out what a trained pilot would think of the subject matter

d) All of the above

Question 10

The UK Data Archive is a useful resource for:

a) Studying the way questions have been successfully used in previous surveys

b) Stealing other people's questions without their permission

c) Learning more about your topic so that you can devise leading questions

d) Keeping your research questions in a safe place


When designing questionnaire it is important to do each of the following except?

When designing questionnaire, it is important to do each of the following EXCEPT: use leading questions.

What is important when designing a questionnaire?

A good questionnaire should be valid, reliable, clear, succinct and interesting. It is important to design the questionnaire based on a conceptual framework, scrutinise each question for relevance and clarity, and think of the analysis you are going to perform at the end of the day.

What is the 6 steps in designing questionnaire?

Six steps to good questionnaire design.
#1: Identify your research aims and the goal of your questionnaire. ... .
#2: Define your target respondents. ... .
#3: Develop questions. ... .
#4: Choose your question type. ... .
#5: Design question sequence and overall layout. ... .
#6: Run a pilot..

Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire?

Decide the information required keeping in mind the primary and secondary aims of the study. Define the target respondents. Choose the method(s) of reaching your target respondents. Decide on question content.


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