When consumer seeks information about the new product he she is on the stage of what adoption process?

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Philip Kotler considers five steps in consumer adoption process, such as awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. On the other hand, William Stanton considers six steps, such as awareness stage, interest and information stage, evaluation stage, trial stage, adoption stage, and post-adoption stage. We will follow six steps.

1. Awareness Stage:

Individual consumer becomes aware of the innovation. He is exposed to innovation but knows very little regarding the innovation. He has only limited information about it. He is aware of either by discussion with friends, relatives, salesmen, or dealers. He gets idea about a new product from various means of advertising like newspapers, magazines, Internet, television, outdoor media, etc. At this stage, he doesn’t give much attention to the new product.

2. Interest and Information Stage:

In this stage, the consumer becomes interested in innovation and tries to collect more information. He collects information from advertising media, salesmen, dealers, current users, or directly from company. He tries to know about qualities, features, functions, risk, producers, brand, colour, shape, price, incentives, availability, services, and other relevant aspects. Simply, he collects as much information as he can.

3. Evaluation Stage:

Now, accumulated information is used to evaluate the innovation. The consumer considers all the significant aspects to judge the worth of innovation. He compares different aspects of innovation like qualities, features, performance, price, after-sales services, etc., with the existing products to arrive at the decision whether the innovation should be tried out.

4. Trial Stage:

Consumer is ready to try or test the new product. He practically examines it. He tries out the innovation in a small scale to get self-experience. He can buy the product, or can use free samples. This is an important stage as it determines whether to buy it.

5. Adoption Stage:

If trial produces satisfactory results, finally the consumer decides to adopt/buy the innovation. He decides on quantity, type, model, dealer, payment, and other issues. He purchases the product and consumes individually or jointly with other members.

6. Post Adoption Behaviour Stage:

This is the last stage of consumer adoption. If a consumer satisfies with a new product and related services, he continues buying it frequently, and vice-versa. He becomes a regular user of innovation and also talks favourable to others. This is a crucial step for a marketer.

In every stage of consumer adoption, a marketer is required to facilitate consumers. He must take all possible actions to make them try, buy, and repeat buy the innovation. Be clear that every type of consumer (innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, or laggards) follows all the stages of adoption process, but takes different amount of time to adopt the innovation.

What are the 5 stages of adoption process?

Philip Kotler considers five steps in consumer adoption process, such as awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption..
Awareness Stage: ... .
Interest and Information Stage: ... .
Evaluation Stage: ... .
Trial Stage: ... .
Adoption Stage: ... .
Post Adoption Behaviour Stage:.

What are the stages of a product adoption process?

From start to finish, the product adoption process goes through six stages: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, activation, and finally adoption. You can promote product adoption by understanding the forces that influence user behavior (the push and pull of your product, versus inertia and anxiety about change).

What is the consumer adoption process?

Essentially, customer adoption is the process it takes for a customer to learn about a new product/service, express interest, evaluate, test, and then finally adopt a product/service by purchasing it and using it as intended.

Is the first stage in the new product adoption process?

1 – Awareness (Introduction Stage): In the first stage of the new product adoption process, potential customers enter your website to know about a product but they don't have sufficient knowledge about it yet.


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