What elements of art pertains to a light reflected off seen in objects and it has three main characteristics hue value and intensity?

Colors Express Emotions

As the saying "ten people, ten colors" suggests, colors have their own emotional associations. The many colors created through the combination of the three principal color elements known as the three chromatic properties, hue, value, and chroma, express the various color tones. Tone is described in terms of attribute pairs such as light-deep, bright-dark or strong-weak. Thus, the color red come as a light or a deep red, as a bright or dark red, or as strong or weak red. The richness or fullness of expression associated with a color is determined by the way in which we express its tone.
As shown in Figure. 1, tone generates an intuitive color impression or image resulting from a complex overlaying of value (brightness) and Chroma. With this conceptual background, we are equipped to take a closer look at the world of color expression.

Hue - H - Color

Hues denote qualities that can be differentiated by color words such as red, yellow, green, blue or purple. These properties we describe as hues are not independent entities in themselves but form part of a color continuum which, like a ring, has no beginning and no end but forms a seamless continuum. Between red and yellow there is an infinite number of colors possessing the elements of both these colors.
We refer to these intermediate colors as yellowish-red, reddish-orange, orange, yellowish-orange, reddish-yellow and so on. As hues change, so do their emotional expressions, shifting from warm to cool. This dimension concerns the "warmth" of colors.

Value - V - Brightness

This describes the relative brightness of colors. As well as differentiating colors by their hues, we can express them as brighter or darker. Bright yellow is a pure bright color. Clear blue, though pure, is a darker color. The color of the sky is clear and bright, but olive has a color value that is dark. Color brightness increases as we go up from the bottom to the top of Figure. 1. Bright colors are crisp and refreshing, giving a pleasant, cheerful impression. Dark colors are heavy and subdued. This is the dimension of color "weighting."

Chroma - C - Brilliance

Apart from hue and brightness, colors can be differentiated by their brilliance or strength. Take the red color range. You may have the powerful glow of the red "sun" in the Japanese flag or a somber brick-red. The brownish-green that is the plumage color of the warbler is a dull yellow-green whereas foliage in the sunlight of early summer is a brilliant green. The brilliance or dullness of colors can be expressed in quantitative terms on the basis of chroma (C). A brilliant color stands out and strikes us as gorgeous. A dull color creates a quiet, subdued impression, the image we frequently associate with gentler, more refined colors. This is the dimension of color brilliance.

The 3 properties of color are:

  • Hue
  • Value &
  • Intensity

Let’s explore each one in detail.

  • is the purest form of a color
  • and the name of the color itself
  • monochromatic is design using a single hue

 For Example: Blue, Red,Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple are hues.

Other hues of importance are:
• Neutrals: created by different amounts of reflected light
• Earth Tones: created by mixing opposite colors

Neutrals and Earth Colors


  • is the lightness or darkness of a color
  • used to make objects look three dimensional
  • white, black & gray are sometimes referred to as values without hue or intensity 

Edward Law. Pencil drawing by H. M. Raeburn, 1909. Wellcome V0003431, via Wikimedia Commons

Example: when you add shades (dark values) and highlights or tints (light values) to a drawing to make it looks real, like it has mass and volume.

  • Tint = color mixed with white
  • Tone= color mixed with gray
  • Shade = color mixed with black


  • is the brightness or dullness of a color
  • creates the illusion of depth
  • A color is most intense in its purest form (pure hue)
  • Intensity is the % of pure hue in a color & is measured as high or low
  • To lower the intensity of a color
    • Mix the colors opposite (complementary color)
    • Add a neutral  (white, gray, brown, or black ) to the color

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As co-founder of STEAMism and TimeforAI, Divya is a creative force with a million ideas running through her head at any single moment. She is motivated and curious - involving herself in multiple initiatives, including being a VolunTeen at Thinkery Children's Museum and a Teen Court volunteer.. She loves debate, writing, learning, connecting to others, and mentoring.

What element of art has three characteristics hue value and intensity?

Color An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity.

What are the three main characteristics of hue value intensity?

Color has three properties: hue, value, and intensity (brightness or dullness). The one-dimensional path of a dot through space used by artists to control the viewer's eye movement; a thin mark made by a pencil, pen, or brush.

What is the element of art that refers to reflected light?

Color The element of art derived from reflected or absorbed light.

Is perceived by the way light reflects off a surface hue intensity and value are its 3 properties?

Color is perceived by the way light reflects off a surface. There are three properties of color: hue (color name), intensity (strength/purity), and value (lightness and darkness). Value describes the lightness or darkness of a surface. Texture describes the surface quality of an object.


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