When you combine one or more elements of theater to create interest this is the principle of

Remember, the ELEMENTS OF ART are the basic building blocks of any artwork or design. 
The Elements of Art are:

The PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN are how you combine those elements together.
The Principles of Design are:

The conductor is the artist - they are directing the elements of art (musicians) to create the principles of design (the music).


The way in which the elements in visual arts are arranged to create a feeling of equilibrium in a work of art. The three types of balance are symmetry, asymmetry, and radial. Equal distribution of visual “weight”within a composition 

​​Symmetrical Balance:

Equal weights are on equal sides of a composition. Also called Formal Balance

​Asymmetrical Balance:

Equal distribution of "visual weight", but not identical elements.

Radial Balance: Elements radiate from a common center.

A simple video to illustrate symmetrical and asymmetrical balance: 


The act or an instance of repeating or being repeated.

Repetition is perhaps the most ubiquitous form of unity in the visible world. Repeat something and you’ve created that something’s twin. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

Combining one or more elements of art in different ways to create interest. Elements visually contrast with one another.

Three hundred identical black dots could become a bit predictable especially if identically spaced. Change just a few of those gray dots to gray or white and you’ve created a dynamic event called variety.


Intentional, regular repetition of lines or shapes to achieve a specific repetitious effect or pattern.

Exercise #1:
Repetition, Variation 
with Rhythm

This can be done on paper or digitally.

Pick an item found in nature that contains lines such as an orange slice; a leaf, etc.

Repeat it multiple times. Transform at least one of the repeated images into something very different from the original image but maintain a visual thread so that the repeated item(s) shares the same “visual DNA” with the original.

Exercise #2:
 Variation & Rhythm

This can be done on paper or digitally.

Use the same item as the first exercise.

Duplicate this item several times.
For one - enlarge it.
For another - reduce it.

​Take either the enlargement or the reduction and change something about it to make it appear somewhat different from the original.

Next, create a few words and arrange them in a way that repeats something about the shape or structure of the original item.

In this example, both the typography (text) and the leaves share a similarity due to the use of a central axis. Repetition and variation are on display on multiple levels.

DOMINANCE The emphasis of one aspect in relation to all other aspects of a design.

SUBORDINATION Making an element appear to hold a secondary or lesser importance within a design or work of art.

CONTRAST Difference between two or more elements (e.g., value, color, texture) in a composition; juxtaposition of dissimilar elements in a work of art; also, the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of a picture.

EMPHASIS Special stress given to an element to make it stand out.


The principle of design dealing with the creation of action.

Total visual effect in a composition achieved by the careful blending of the elements of art and the principles of design. Elements are visually similar to one another.  Unity & Variety generally exist in relationship to one another in 2-D compositions

What are the art elements and principles that you can see in the picture?

The 7 principles of art and design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement. Use the elements of art and design – line, shape/form, space, value, colour and texture – to create a composition as a whole. The elements of art and design are the tools of visual artists.

What principle of art refers to the use of differences or modifications to create visual interest?

Contrast refers to differences in values, colors, textures, shapes, and other elements. Contrasts create visual excitement and interest to a work of art.

When you organize elements within a work of art this is called the principle?

PRINCIPLES OF ART: Balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, rhythm, unity, and variety; the means an artist uses to organize elements within a work of art. by the careful placement of repeated elements in a work of art to cause a visual tempo or beat.

Which principle of design features the use of an assortment of art elements in an artwork to create interest?

Variety is the principle of art that adds interest to an artwork. Variety works through juxtaposition and contrast. When an artist places different visual elements next to one another, he/she is using variety.


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