What are the main functions of federal and state governments as outlined in the Constitution?

After the American colonies won their freedom from England, the thirteen colonies became thirteen states. The new states decided to work together. Their system of government was described in the Articles of Confederation. In this system, the state governments had most of the power. The Federal Government was very weak. This was very different from the government under the King of England.

The Founding Fathers thought that this system left the nation too weak. They decided to develop a new system of government. They wrote a new document called the Constitution, to replace the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution made a stronger Federal Government. It gave power to both the Federal Government and the state governments. This system is called federalism.

Here are some examples of how powers are shared between the Federal Government and state governments.

Federal GovernmentState Governments
  • Make money
  • Declare war
  • Manage foreign relations
  • Oversee trade between states and with other countries
  • Ratify amendments 
  • Manage public health and safety
  • Oversee trade in the state

In addition, the Federal Government and state governments share these powers:

  • Making and enforcing laws
  • Making taxes
  • Borrowing money

What are the main functions of state and federal government?

Federal Versus State Government.

What are the main functions of federal and state government quizlet?

The federal government makes legislation to take care of its peoples rights. The state governments take care of state legislation (whatever federal government doesn't cover) and have the senate and house of representatives to voice the rights of their citizens.

What are the main functions of a state constitution?

The state constitutions provide for all forms of state and local government finances, establish the state and local tax systems in force, and designate the range of civil liberties to be protected under state law.

What are 2 main functions of federal government?

What does the federal government do? Only the federal government can regulate interstate and foreign commerce, declare war and set taxing, spending and other national policies. These actions often start with legislation from Congress, made up of the 435-member House of Representatives and the 100-member U.S. Senate.


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