Which tenet of outlining states that if a main point is divided into Subpoints there must be two or more sub points?


Communication apprehension


The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others is called


Self-fulfilling prophesy


Convincing yourself that something is going to happen before it does, thus leading to the occurrence of what you originally expected, is called


Communication apprehension


As she stands up to give her speech, Dana notices that her palms are sweaty, hands are shaking, mouth is dry, and she is experience shortness of breath. What phenomenon is Dana probably experiencing?


Self-fulfilling prophesy


Before he gives his speech, James is convinced that he is going to do an excellent job and persuade his audience. He spends time thinking about how his audience will respond to his arguments, practices his speech out loud several times, and is confident when he walks into the classroom. When he gives his speech for the class the next day, James gives an outstanding speech. Which phenomenon is James' experience illustrating?


Numbness in fingers and toes


Which of the following is NOT an example of the physical effects of communication apprehension?


Galvanic skin tightening


The physical response to communication apprehension in which a person's skin tightens and, as a result, tends to produce sweat, is called


Visualize success


The strategy in which you reduce communication apprehension by relaxing, closing your eyes, and imagining yourself giving your speech confidently and effectively from beginning to end is called


Practice, practice, practice


The strategy in which you reduce communication apprehension by giving your speech several times alone, in front of a mirror, and in front of an audience that provides honest feedback is called


Drink an extra cup of coffee


Which of the following is NOT an example of a relaxation technique?


Systematic desensitization


The process whereby you overcome your fear of public speaking by giving speeches to one person, and later to groups of two or three people, and then to larger and larger groups over time, is a communication apprehension reduction technique known as


Dialogue with the audience


Rui is nervous about giving her speech, so she decides to think about her speech as a conversation with her audience. During her speech, she even includes some questions for her audience and givers her audience a chance to provide some verbal feedback. Which communication apprehension reduction strategy is Rui using?


Jerome is having trouble hearing the speaker because there is a loud air conditioner in the room. What is Jerome experiencing?


During her speech, Silvia sees audience members nodding in agreement when she starts talking about why she believes it is important to take care of the environment. Which part of the communication process is Silvia experiences when she observed her audience members nodding?


Which of the following is NOT an element of the communication environment?


The process by which a speaker converts an idea into words or symbols is called


The process by which a receiver processed symbols and draws meaning from them is called


An audience member's emotional reaction to the topic


Which of the following is NOT an example of physical noise?


Distraction from flickering lights in the room


Which of the following is NOT an example of psychological noise?


Both can use stories for effect


Which of the following is a similarity between conversations and speeches?


Frequent interruptions


Which of the following is usually true for having a conversation, but not for giving a speech?


While giving her speech, Angelica notices that some students look bored, while others appear to be very interested in what she is saying. When she adds a little humor, she sees her audience laugh, which lets her know that her audience understood her joke. What are these nonverbal cues that Angelica is receiving from her audience while she is speaking?


While listening to a speech, Jaime hears the words that are being said and draws meaning from them. Which communication process is Jaime engaging in?


Amelia lives far from her granddaughter but wants to be an active part of her life, so she has a Skype conversation with her granddaughter every weekend. When Amelia and her granddaughter talk, which part of the communication process would Skype be considered?


Categories of definable characteristics of groups of people, such as age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, and sexual orientation are included what kind of data about your audience?


Which of the following is NOT a type of demographic data?


Which of the following is NOT a type of demographic data?


Direct observation


While giving his speech, Jaime watches his audience members' facial expressions, head nods, yawns, and smiles to find out whether his audience is engaged and interested in his speech. Which method of audience analysis is Jaime using?


Polling the audience


In the introduction to her speech, Alyssa asks her audience members to raise their hands if they took the bus, train, or another type of public transportation to campus that morning. Which method of audience analysis is Alyssa using?


Javier has been asked to deliver the keynote speech at a Young Entrepreneurs Convention. As part of his preparation for his speech, he asks the conference planner how big the room is, how it will be set up, how many people will be in attendance, and whether there are any special guests or audience characteristics that he should keep in mind. What method of audience analysis is Javier using?


Physical location


The immediate environment in which the speaker will be speaking is the


What does your audience already know about your topic?


Which of the following is NOT a question that is concerned with the physical location of your speech?


Will I be speaking indoors or outdoors?


Which of the following is a question about the physical location of your speech?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a speaking tool that might assist a speaker during a speech?


Which aspect of the speaking environment is concerned with how you carry yourself, your posture, and how you dress?


A raised platform on which the speaker stands is called a


A table at which people sit in the front of a room is called a


A stand behind which people speak and on which they place their notes is called a


Which tool should a speaker use if he or she does not have a powerful enough voice to project through the entire room or is speaking in a room that is too large for a voice to carry well?


All of the above.


Which of the following is an appropriate recommendation for how to dress when giving a speech?


Specific purpose statement


"My speech will convince my audience that Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player of his time because of his scoring, defense, and willingness to be a team player " is an example of a


General purpose statement


"My speech will teach my audience something new" is an example of a


Specific purpose statement


"My speech will inform my audience that the keys to succeeding in college are seeing an advisor often to make a clear plan, setting aside time to prepare for each class every week, and proofreading all papers before turning them in" is an example of a


"To ensure success in college, you should meet with an advisor often to make a clear plan, set aside time to prepare for each class every week, and proofread all papers before turning them in" is an example of a


Jonas decides that he is going to give a speech about microlending. "Microlending" is Jonas's


High fructose corn syrup


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. What is Tara's speech topic?


High fructose corn syrup is included in a vast number of foods today, but today, I want you to consider eliminating it from your diet because of the nutritional concerns, health risks, and uncertainties associated with consuming genetically modified foods.


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's thesis statement?


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's general purpose?


My audience will be convinced to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup because of the nutrition concerns, health risks, and uncertainties associated with genetically modified foods.


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's specific purpose?


In his speech, Andres says, "Recreational use of marijuana should be legalized in the United States for three reasons: first, it will save money; second, it will reduce violent crime associated with drug cartels; and third, it will reduce the number of inmates in our overcrowded prison system." What is Andres's general purpose?


Recreational marijuana


In his speech, Andres says, "Recreational use of marijuana should be legalized in the United States for three reasons: first, it will save money; second, it will reduce violent crime associated with drug cartels; and third, it will reduce the number of inmates in our overcrowded prison system." What is Andres's topic?


Your specific purpose statement should be declarative in nature.


Which of the following is a good recommendation for writing a specific purpose statement?


Know where to find the most attractive website for your topic


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of information literacy?


Create new criteria for assessment


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of information literacy?


Know why you want an area of information for the speech


When using information, you may want the information to catch the attention of the audience, to provide background facts, or to make an argument and try to persuade an audience. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?


Know where to get the information that you seek


While doing research for a speech, Elliot searches the internet, checks a couple of books out of the library, finds several scholarly journal articles, reads several newspaper articles, and interviews someone who is an expert on his topic. Which characteristic of information literacy is Elliot demonstrating?


Phil should not use the article because William Shatner is a biased source.


When doing research for a speech about making travel affordable while in college, Phil finds an article in which William Shatner, the spokesperson for Priceline who is paid to appear in Priceline commercials, claims that you can get the best travel deals by searching on Priceline.com. Should Phil use this article? Choose the best answer below:


The unfair preference or distortion of information, particularly if the source will gain sometime by getting the audience to believe a certain way, is called


Create new knowledge


Speakers often pull together information from various sources to create a coherent explanation of how those pieces of data fit together, thus helping the audience see something in a different, more complex light. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?


Be accountable for your use of information


Which characteristic of information literacy involves not misrepresenting yourself or someone else when you speak?


Background information


If you are looking for information that will provide context for your speech, such as the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your topic, what kind of information are you searching for?


Evidentiary information


Janis is looking for information that lends direct support to her thesis and the main points of her speech, such as statistics, testimony, and examples. What kind of information is Janis searching for?


Statistics about the number of people executed and then found to be innocent


Jeff is planning to give a speech about the capital punishment. Which of the following would be an example of evidentiary information that he might include in his speech?


Information about the history of hospice care in the United States


Rui is giving a persuasive speech to convince her audience that doctors should be required to discuss hospice care options with all patients who receive a terminal diagnosis. Which of the following would be an example of background information that she might include in her speech?


Which of the following are examples of Boolean operators?


Boolean operators


When doing a search in a library database, Anna uses words such as "and," "or," and "not" to make her search more accurate. What are these types of words called when used in a search engine?


Jim is searching for information about the Mars Curiosity Rover. Which of the following websites is the most credible source of information?


When outlining, the process of creating a hierarchy of ideas in which the most general ideas appear first followed by more specific ideas is called


Which tenet of outlining states that all information on the same level should have the same significance?


Which tenet of outlining states that if a main point is divided into subpoints, there must be two or more sub points


When Mark is preparing his outline, he makes sure that each main point has at least two subpoints. Which tenet of outlining is Mark following?


When Tong is preparing her outline, she makes sure that all three of her main points have the same amount of significance. Which tenet of outlining is Tong following?


When preparing her outline, Angie uses Roman numerals to designate main points, letters to designate subpoints, and numbers to designate sub-subpoints. Which tenet of outlining is Angie using?


Preparation outline


Which type of outline utilizes symbols and full sentences and includes everything that you plan to say?


Which type of outline is a truncated version of what you plan to say and does not include complete sentences, except in places where you plan to directly quote a source?


Key words and phrases next to each outline symbol


Which of the following would NOT be included in a preparation outline?


Complete sentences that correspond with each outline symbol


Which of the following would NOT be included in a speaking outline?


Which speaking tool scrolls slowly through the text of your speech as you speak, allowing you to read it word for word while looking at your audience or a camera?


Note cards Teleprompter Manuscript


Which of the following are possible tools that speakers might use when giving a speech in some contexts?


When Zeneida is preparing her persuasive speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles. She makes sure that all three of her main points are equally significant and are given approximately the same amount of emphasis. Which outlining principle is Zeneida following?


In Zeneida's speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles, her first main point is about the environmental costs of disposable water bottles. Zeneida makes sure that she has two subpoints for her first main point. Her first subpoint is about how much plastic from water bottles is thrown away each year, and her second subpoint is about the amount of fuel used to create and transport bottled water each year. Which tenet of outlining is Zeneida following when she makes sure she has two or more subpoints?


ParallelismIn Zeneida's speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles, her first main point is about the environmental costs of disposable water bottles. Zeneida makes sure that her two subpoints for her main point are equally significant and are given equal time.. Her first subpoint is about how much plastic from water bottles is thrown away each year, and her second subpoint is about the amount of fuel used to create and transport bottled water each year. Which tenet of outlining is Zeneida following when she makes sure her subpoints have the same signficance?


Stating your argument is also known as stating your Main points


Preview main points


Which part of your introduction provides a roadmap of your speech for your audience?


A connecting statement that lets the audience know that you are leaving one point and moving to another is called a(n)


Internal summary, signpost, and internal preview


What should be included in a transition between main points?


A statement that summarizes what you have already covered as you begin a transition between main points is called a(n)


Key words that signal to the audience that you are moving from one part of the speech to another are called


Which of the following is NOT a word or phrase that you might use to signal the conclusion at the end of the body of your speech?


Signal the conclusion, provide a summary, clinch the speech


Which three things should you do in the conclusion of your speech?


Provide a summary


In which part of the conclusion should you restate your thesis and main points?


Finish the story you began in your introduction End with a famous quotation Give a call to action to the audience


Which of the following could be effective clinchers for your speech?


Speeches about events


Phil is giving a speech about President Barack Obama's inauguration as the first biracial President of the United States. What type of informative speech is Phil giving?


Speeches about events


Alisha is giving a speech about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. What type of informative speech is Alisha giving?


Speeches about processes


Isaac is giving a speech about how to train for a marathon, outlining a step by step plan for creating a training schedule. What type of informative speech is Isaac giving?


Speeches about objects


Elsa is giving a speech about a molcajate, a stone kitchen tool that was traditionally used by the Aztecs and Mayans to grind spices and to make salsa and guacamole. What type of informative speech is Elsa giving?


Speeches about objects


Jonathan is giving a speech about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. What type of informative speech is Jonathan giving?


Speeches about processes


Chris is giving a speech about how to build a coffee table, starting with how to turn a tree trunk into flat wood planks, and finishing with how to apply the final coat of lacquer. What type of informative speech is Chris giving?


Chris is giving a speech about how to build a coffee table, starting with how to turn a tree trunk into flat wood planks, and finishing with how to apply the final coat of lacquer. Which pattern of organization should Chris use for his speech?


Jessica is giving a tour of her college campus for several first-year students who just moved into her sorority. She begins on one side of campus and walks with her house-mates to the other side of campus, winding through the various academic buildings where they will have class and explaining each place as they walk. Which pattern of organization is Jessica using for her informative speech during this campus tour?


Melanie is giving an informative speech about the impact that pollution has had on orca whales. First, she plans to talk about the pollution in the oceans, and then she plans to talk about what this has done to orca whales. Which pattern of organization is Melanie using?


Eli is giving a speech about recycling. First, he plans to talk about how different materials are recycled. Second, he plans to talk about where to find recycling centers throughout the region. Finally, he plans to talk about how recycling regulations vary in other countries. Which pattern of organization is Eli using?


Which type of delivery involves committing an entire speech to memory and delivering the speech word for word with no notes?


Manuscript speech


In which type of delivery does the speaker have the entire speech written out word for word in front of them while speaking, whether on a sheet of paper or a teleprompter?


In which type of delivery does the speaker have little or no preparation before giving the speech?


Extemporaneous speech


With which type of delivery does the speaker prepare and practice the speech in advance and then deliver the speech with limited notes in front of them?


Manuscript speech


When he gives a major speech, such as the State of the Union Address, President Obama usually has his entire speech written out word for word in front of him on a teleprompter. What type of delivery is President Obama using?


Organization and adjusting the outline of the speech


What should you focus on during the early stages of practicing your speech?


Get feedback from others on the outline, manuscript, and delivery of your speech


After you have practiced your speech enough that you are comfortable with the overall organization and outline, what kind of practice should you emphasize next?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be constituted by the body of your speech?


Were the main points clear and organized in a logical fashion? Were there parts of the speech that were confusing or hard to understand? Did I cite enough sources?


What question(s) should you ask when obtaining feedback from others?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be used for the introduction of your speech?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be used for the conclusion of your speech?


Having a timed speech will better mimic the actual speech situation. You will know approximately how long your speech is. You run less risk of rambling.


Why should you practice with a stopwatch?


Communication apprehension


The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another or others is called


Self-fulfilling prophesy


Convincing yourself that something is going to happen before it does, thus leading to the occurrence of what you originally expected, is called


Communication apprehension


As she stands up to give her speech, Dana notices that her palms are sweaty, hands are shaking, mouth is dry, and she is experience shortness of breath. What phenomenon is Dana probably experiencing?


Self-fulfilling prophesy


Before he gives his speech, James is convinced that he is going to do an excellent job and persuade his audience. He spends time thinking about how his audience will respond to his arguments, practices his speech out loud several times, and is confident when he walks into the classroom. When he gives his speech for the class the next day, James gives an outstanding speech. Which phenomenon is James' experience illustrating?


Numbness in fingers and toes


Which of the following is NOT an example of the physical effects of communication apprehension?


Galvanic skin tightening


The physical response to communication apprehension in which a person's skin tightens and, as a result, tends to produce sweat, is called


Visualize success


The strategy in which you reduce communication apprehension by relaxing, closing your eyes, and imagining yourself giving your speech confidently and effectively from beginning to end is called


Practice, practice, practice


The strategy in which you reduce communication apprehension by giving your speech several times alone, in front of a mirror, and in front of an audience that provides honest feedback is called


Drink an extra cup of coffee


Which of the following is NOT an example of a relaxation technique?


Systematic desensitization


The process whereby you overcome your fear of public speaking by giving speeches to one person, and later to groups of two or three people, and then to larger and larger groups over time, is a communication apprehension reduction technique known as


Dialogue with the audience


Rui is nervous about giving her speech, so she decides to think about her speech as a conversation with her audience. During her speech, she even includes some questions for her audience and givers her audience a chance to provide some verbal feedback. Which communication apprehension reduction strategy is Rui using?


Jerome is having trouble hearing the speaker because there is a loud air conditioner in the room. What is Jerome experiencing?


During her speech, Silvia sees audience members nodding in agreement when she starts talking about why she believes it is important to take care of the environment. Which part of the communication process is Silvia experiences when she observed her audience members nodding?


Which of the following is NOT an element of the communication environment?


The process by which a speaker converts an idea into words or symbols is called


The process by which a receiver processed symbols and draws meaning from them is called


An audience member's emotional reaction to the topic


Which of the following is NOT an example of physical noise?


Distraction from flickering lights in the room


Which of the following is NOT an example of psychological noise?


Both can use stories for effect


Which of the following is a similarity between conversations and speeches?


Frequent interruptions


Which of the following is usually true for having a conversation, but not for giving a speech?


While giving her speech, Angelica notices that some students look bored, while others appear to be very interested in what she is saying. When she adds a little humor, she sees her audience laugh, which lets her know that her audience understood her joke. What are these nonverbal cues that Angelica is receiving from her audience while she is speaking?


While listening to a speech, Jaime hears the words that are being said and draws meaning from them. Which communication process is Jaime engaging in?


Amelia lives far from her granddaughter but wants to be an active part of her life, so she has a Skype conversation with her granddaughter every weekend. When Amelia and her granddaughter talk, which part of the communication process would Skype be considered?


Categories of definable characteristics of groups of people, such as age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, education level, and sexual orientation are included what kind of data about your audience?


Which of the following is NOT a type of demographic data?


Which of the following is NOT a type of demographic data?


Direct observation


While giving his speech, Jaime watches his audience members' facial expressions, head nods, yawns, and smiles to find out whether his audience is engaged and interested in his speech. Which method of audience analysis is Jaime using?


Polling the audience


In the introduction to her speech, Alyssa asks her audience members to raise their hands if they took the bus, train, or another type of public transportation to campus that morning. Which method of audience analysis is Alyssa using?


Javier has been asked to deliver the keynote speech at a Young Entrepreneurs Convention. As part of his preparation for his speech, he asks the conference planner how big the room is, how it will be set up, how many people will be in attendance, and whether there are any special guests or audience characteristics that he should keep in mind. What method of audience analysis is Javier using?


Physical location


The immediate environment in which the speaker will be speaking is the


What does your audience already know about your topic?


Which of the following is NOT a question that is concerned with the physical location of your speech?


Will I be speaking indoors or outdoors?


Which of the following is a question about the physical location of your speech?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a speaking tool that might assist a speaker during a speech?


Which aspect of the speaking environment is concerned with how you carry yourself, your posture, and how you dress?


A raised platform on which the speaker stands is called a


A table at which people sit in the front of a room is called a


A stand behind which people speak and on which they place their notes is called a


Which tool should a speaker use if he or she does not have a powerful enough voice to project through the entire room or is speaking in a room that is too large for a voice to carry well?


All of the above.


Which of the following is an appropriate recommendation for how to dress when giving a speech?


Specific purpose statement


"My speech will convince my audience that Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player of his time because of his scoring, defense, and willingness to be a team player " is an example of a


General purpose statement


"My speech will teach my audience something new" is an example of a


Specific purpose statement


"My speech will inform my audience that the keys to succeeding in college are seeing an advisor often to make a clear plan, setting aside time to prepare for each class every week, and proofreading all papers before turning them in" is an example of a


"To ensure success in college, you should meet with an advisor often to make a clear plan, set aside time to prepare for each class every week, and proofread all papers before turning them in" is an example of a


Jonas decides that he is going to give a speech about microlending. "Microlending" is Jonas's


High fructose corn syrup


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. What is Tara's speech topic?


High fructose corn syrup is included in a vast number of foods today, but today, I want you to consider eliminating it from your diet because of the nutritional concerns, health risks, and uncertainties associated with consuming genetically modified foods.


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's thesis statement?


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's general purpose?


My audience will be convinced to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup because of the nutrition concerns, health risks, and uncertainties associated with genetically modified foods.


Tara decides to give a speech to convince people to stop eating food that contains high fructose corn syrup. Which of the following could be Tara's specific purpose?


In his speech, Andres says, "Recreational use of marijuana should be legalized in the United States for three reasons: first, it will save money; second, it will reduce violent crime associated with drug cartels; and third, it will reduce the number of inmates in our overcrowded prison system." What is Andres's general purpose?


Recreational marijuana


In his speech, Andres says, "Recreational use of marijuana should be legalized in the United States for three reasons: first, it will save money; second, it will reduce violent crime associated with drug cartels; and third, it will reduce the number of inmates in our overcrowded prison system." What is Andres's topic?


Your specific purpose statement should be declarative in nature.


Which of the following is a good recommendation for writing a specific purpose statement?


Know where to find the most attractive website for your topic


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of information literacy?


Create new criteria for assessment


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of information literacy?


Know why you want an area of information for the speech


When using information, you may want the information to catch the attention of the audience, to provide background facts, or to make an argument and try to persuade an audience. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?


Know where to get the information that you seek


While doing research for a speech, Elliot searches the internet, checks a couple of books out of the library, finds several scholarly journal articles, reads several newspaper articles, and interviews someone who is an expert on his topic. Which characteristic of information literacy is Elliot demonstrating?


Phil should not use the article because William Shatner is a biased source.


When doing research for a speech about making travel affordable while in college, Phil finds an article in which William Shatner, the spokesperson for Priceline who is paid to appear in Priceline commercials, claims that you can get the best travel deals by searching on Priceline.com. Should Phil use this article? Choose the best answer below:


The unfair preference or distortion of information, particularly if the source will gain sometime by getting the audience to believe a certain way, is called


Create new knowledge


Speakers often pull together information from various sources to create a coherent explanation of how those pieces of data fit together, thus helping the audience see something in a different, more complex light. Which characteristic of information literacy is this?


Be accountable for your use of information


Which characteristic of information literacy involves not misrepresenting yourself or someone else when you speak?


Background information


If you are looking for information that will provide context for your speech, such as the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your topic, what kind of information are you searching for?


Evidentiary information


Janis is looking for information that lends direct support to her thesis and the main points of her speech, such as statistics, testimony, and examples. What kind of information is Janis searching for?


Statistics about the number of people executed and then found to be innocent


Jeff is planning to give a speech about the capital punishment. Which of the following would be an example of evidentiary information that he might include in his speech?


Information about the history of hospice care in the United States


Rui is giving a persuasive speech to convince her audience that doctors should be required to discuss hospice care options with all patients who receive a terminal diagnosis. Which of the following would be an example of background information that she might include in her speech?


Which of the following are examples of Boolean operators?


Boolean operators


When doing a search in a library database, Anna uses words such as "and," "or," and "not" to make her search more accurate. What are these types of words called when used in a search engine?


Jim is searching for information about the Mars Curiosity Rover. Which of the following websites is the most credible source of information?


When outlining, the process of creating a hierarchy of ideas in which the most general ideas appear first followed by more specific ideas is called


Which tenet of outlining states that all information on the same level should have the same significance?


Which tenet of outlining states that if a main point is divided into subpoints, there must be two or more sub points


When Mark is preparing his outline, he makes sure that each main point has at least two subpoints. Which tenet of outlining is Mark following?


When Tong is preparing her outline, she makes sure that all three of her main points have the same amount of significance. Which tenet of outlining is Tong following?


When preparing her outline, Angie uses Roman numerals to designate main points, letters to designate subpoints, and numbers to designate sub-subpoints. Which tenet of outlining is Angie using?


Preparation outline


Which type of outline utilizes symbols and full sentences and includes everything that you plan to say?


Which type of outline is a truncated version of what you plan to say and does not include complete sentences, except in places where you plan to directly quote a source?


Key words and phrases next to each outline symbol


Which of the following would NOT be included in a preparation outline?


Complete sentences that correspond with each outline symbol


Which of the following would NOT be included in a speaking outline?


Which speaking tool scrolls slowly through the text of your speech as you speak, allowing you to read it word for word while looking at your audience or a camera?


Note cards Teleprompter Manuscript


Which of the following are possible tools that speakers might use when giving a speech in some contexts?


When Zeneida is preparing her persuasive speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles. She makes sure that all three of her main points are equally significant and are given approximately the same amount of emphasis. Which outlining principle is Zeneida following?


In Zeneida's speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles, her first main point is about the environmental costs of disposable water bottles. Zeneida makes sure that she has two subpoints for her first main point. Her first subpoint is about how much plastic from water bottles is thrown away each year, and her second subpoint is about the amount of fuel used to create and transport bottled water each year. Which tenet of outlining is Zeneida following when she makes sure she has two or more subpoints?


ParallelismIn Zeneida's speech about why we should use a refillable water bottle instead of buying disposable water bottles, her first main point is about the environmental costs of disposable water bottles. Zeneida makes sure that her two subpoints for her main point are equally significant and are given equal time.. Her first subpoint is about how much plastic from water bottles is thrown away each year, and her second subpoint is about the amount of fuel used to create and transport bottled water each year. Which tenet of outlining is Zeneida following when she makes sure her subpoints have the same signficance?


Stating your argument is also known as stating your Main points


Preview main points


Which part of your introduction provides a roadmap of your speech for your audience?


A connecting statement that lets the audience know that you are leaving one point and moving to another is called a(n)


Internal summary, signpost, and internal preview


What should be included in a transition between main points?


A statement that summarizes what you have already covered as you begin a transition between main points is called a(n)


Key words that signal to the audience that you are moving from one part of the speech to another are called


Which of the following is NOT a word or phrase that you might use to signal the conclusion at the end of the body of your speech?


Signal the conclusion, provide a summary, clinch the speech


Which three things should you do in the conclusion of your speech?


Provide a summary


In which part of the conclusion should you restate your thesis and main points?


Finish the story you began in your introduction End with a famous quotation Give a call to action to the audience


Which of the following could be effective clinchers for your speech?


Speeches about events


Phil is giving a speech about President Barack Obama's inauguration as the first biracial President of the United States. What type of informative speech is Phil giving?


Speeches about events


Alisha is giving a speech about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. What type of informative speech is Alisha giving?


Speeches about processes


Isaac is giving a speech about how to train for a marathon, outlining a step by step plan for creating a training schedule. What type of informative speech is Isaac giving?


Speeches about objects


Elsa is giving a speech about a molcajate, a stone kitchen tool that was traditionally used by the Aztecs and Mayans to grind spices and to make salsa and guacamole. What type of informative speech is Elsa giving?


Speeches about objects


Jonathan is giving a speech about Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. What type of informative speech is Jonathan giving?


Speeches about processes


Chris is giving a speech about how to build a coffee table, starting with how to turn a tree trunk into flat wood planks, and finishing with how to apply the final coat of lacquer. What type of informative speech is Chris giving?


Chris is giving a speech about how to build a coffee table, starting with how to turn a tree trunk into flat wood planks, and finishing with how to apply the final coat of lacquer. Which pattern of organization should Chris use for his speech?


Jessica is giving a tour of her college campus for several first-year students who just moved into her sorority. She begins on one side of campus and walks with her house-mates to the other side of campus, winding through the various academic buildings where they will have class and explaining each place as they walk. Which pattern of organization is Jessica using for her informative speech during this campus tour?


Melanie is giving an informative speech about the impact that pollution has had on orca whales. First, she plans to talk about the pollution in the oceans, and then she plans to talk about what this has done to orca whales. Which pattern of organization is Melanie using?


Eli is giving a speech about recycling. First, he plans to talk about how different materials are recycled. Second, he plans to talk about where to find recycling centers throughout the region. Finally, he plans to talk about how recycling regulations vary in other countries. Which pattern of organization is Eli using?


Which type of delivery involves committing an entire speech to memory and delivering the speech word for word with no notes?


Manuscript speech


In which type of delivery does the speaker have the entire speech written out word for word in front of them while speaking, whether on a sheet of paper or a teleprompter?


In which type of delivery does the speaker have little or no preparation before giving the speech?


Extemporaneous speech


With which type of delivery does the speaker prepare and practice the speech in advance and then deliver the speech with limited notes in front of them?


Manuscript speech


When he gives a major speech, such as the State of the Union Address, President Obama usually has his entire speech written out word for word in front of him on a teleprompter. What type of delivery is President Obama using?


Organization and adjusting the outline of the speech


What should you focus on during the early stages of practicing your speech?


Get feedback from others on the outline, manuscript, and delivery of your speech


After you have practiced your speech enough that you are comfortable with the overall organization and outline, what kind of practice should you emphasize next?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be constituted by the body of your speech?


Were the main points clear and organized in a logical fashion? Were there parts of the speech that were confusing or hard to understand? Did I cite enough sources?


What question(s) should you ask when obtaining feedback from others?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be used for the introduction of your speech?


Approximately how much of your total speech should be used for the conclusion of your speech?


Having a timed speech will better mimic the actual speech situation. You will know approximately how long your speech is. You run less risk of rambling.


Why should you practice with a stopwatch?

Which outlining principle requires that if a point is divided into Subpoints there must be two or more Subpoints?

Shorter phrases and keywords can make up the speaking outline, but you should write complete sentences throughout your formal outline to ensure coherence. The principle of coherence can also be met by making sure that when dividing a main point or subpoint, you include at least two subdivisions.

Which tenet of outlining states that all information on the same level should have the same significance quizlet?

Which tenet of outlining states that all information on the same level should have the same significance? Coordination means that all information on the same level has the same significance.

What are the 4 principles of outlining?

Four principles of outlining are consistency, unity, coherence, and emphasis (DuBois, 1929).

When creating an outline main points and Subpoints are written as words or phrases?

In a preparation outline, main points are identified by capital letters. In a preparation outline, main points and subpoints should be written as full sentences. Even though a speaking outline should be kept as brief as possible, you should usually write out quotations in full.

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