What action does the nurse take during the implementation phase of the nursing process related to drug therapy?

NURS 220

Foundations of Therapeutic Interventions

Rhode Island College

A nurse is beginning the apply the nursing process during a new client interaction. What activity should the nurse perform?
A. Identify potential client problems related to drug therapy. B. Educate the client about basic medication safety. C. Confirm or rule out nursing diagnoses. D. Obtain a medication history.

Obtain a medication history.

A nurse is assigned to care for a client in a health care facility. What is the nursing responsibility before administering a drug to the client?
A. Review the subjective and objective data. B. Review the related nursing diagnosis. C. List the potential goals to be achieved by the client. D. Provide the basis for the selection of nursing interventions.

Review the subjective and objective data.

The nurse understands that an admission assessment is completed to accomplish what goal?
A. Develop a nurse-client relationship. B. Initiate the plan. C. Collect data. D. Establish outcomes.

A client who just picked up a prescription at the pharmacy asks the nurse why the client was prescribed a medication for mental health issues when the client sought treatment for allergies. What is the nurse’s best response?
A. “The prescriber probably wanted to treat any anticipated depression you may experience.” B. “Have you been experiencing any hallucinations lately?” C. “Tell me the name of your prescription please.” D. “What symptoms of allergies do you have?”

“Tell me the name of your prescription please.”

Which would the nurse expect to do during implementation?
A. Identify the client’s social support network. B. Provide client teaching about a drug therapy regimen. C. Obtain baseline information about the client’s pattern of health care. D. Develop statements about a client’s actual problem.

Provide client teaching about a drug therapy regimen.

The nurse is teaching the parents of a school-aged child who is to receive medication therapy. What instructions should the nurse include?
A. "Over-the-counter medicines are usually safe, but make sure not to exceed the recommended dose." B. "Carefully use a common household teaspoon or tablespoon to administer the liquid medication." C. "Tell your health care provider about all the medicines that your child is taking." D. "Teach your child to take the medication independently in order to promote autonomy."

"Tell your health care provider about all the medicines that your child is taking."

Most institutions have their own policies for reporting medication errors.
A. False B. True

Before teaching a client about diagnosis and therapy, what information is essential for the nurse?
A. discharge plans  B. social support systems C. physician consent D. level of education

The nurse is planning to educate a client about medication therapy. What is an essential part of the nursing process?
A. the delegation of teaching to licensed personnel B. the delegation of teaching to students C. that the nurse perform all teaching and evaluation D. informing the physician about who has taught the client

that the nurse perform all teaching and evaluation

A nurse is administering IV acyclovir to a client. The pharmacy sent the correct dose in an IV bag with the instructions to give over one hour. The nurse realizes that the dose was ordered for 1 PM and it is now 1:45 PM. What should the nurse do?
A. So that the medication is administered completely by the normal finishing time, start the infusion and set the pump so that the total amount will be given by 2 PM. B. Run the infusion as directed (over one hour) and note the time that it was started in the chart. Fill out any medication discrepancy reports that the institution requires when a medication is given late. C. Run the infusion at the normal rate but stop the pump and infusion at 2 PM so that the client does not get too much of the medication too close to the next dose. D. Run the infusion as directed (over one hour) and document in the chart the time that it should have been started instead of the actual time.

Run the infusion as directed (over one hour) and note the time that it was started in the chart. Fill out any medication discrepancy reports that the institution requires when a medication is given late.

The nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client who will be discharged home with several new medications. When preparing the teaching session, what is the nurse’s best action?
A. Ask the client if he or she would like to receive information on the new medications. B. Make copies of medication package inserts for the client. C. Determine the client’s level of education. D. Administer the medications as a way of prompting discussion.

Determine the client’s level of education.

The nurse is teaching a client about the drug therapy regimen before being discharged. The nurse is emphasizing safety in the home setting. Which statement by the client indicates a need for additional teaching?
A. "I need to take the medicines like the doctor said, before each meal and at bedtime." B. "I will make sure to store the medications in the bathroom medicine chest." C. "The drugs that the doctor prescribed are used to control my blood pressure." D. "I'll keep a written record of all medicines, prescription or otherwise, that I take."

"I will make sure to store the medications in the bathroom medicine chest."

A client is experiencing difficulty swallowing a large oral tablet. What action by the nurse would be most appropriate?
A. Check to determine whether the drug can be crushed or mixed with food. B. Have the client drink a large glass of water to aid in swallowing. C. Contact the pharmacy to order the drug in liquid form. D. Ask the prescriber to change the medication to a parenteral form.

Check to determine whether the drug can be crushed or mixed with food.

What is conducted by the nurse during the evaluation step of the nursing process? (Select all that apply.)
A. Initial assessment B. Ongoing assessment C. Collection of objective data  D. Collection of subjective data E. Independent nursing actions

  • Collection of objective data
  • Collection of subjective data
  • Ongoing assessment

When learning about the medications the client takes, it would be important to do what regarding herbal supplements?
A. Make sure that the client takes them one hour before prescription medications. B. Research them for possible interactions with other medications. C. Discontinue them if the client is taking prescription medications. D. Make sure that the client takes them three hours after prescription medications.

Research them for possible interactions with other medications.

A nurse has committed a medication error. After ensuring the client’s safety, the nurse should perform what action?
A. Report the event to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices. B. Report the event according to the health care facility’s policies. C. Submit a drug error report to the National League for Nursing. D. Ensure that each of the nurse’s colleagues knows about the event.

Report the event according to the health care facility’s policies.

Effectiveness of medication therapy is associated with which of the following phases of the nursing process?
A. Assessment B. Planning C. Analysis D. Evaluation

The nurse understands that an admission assessment is completed to accomplish what goal?
A. Initiate the plan. B. Establish outcomes. C. Collect data. D. Develop a nurse-client relationship.

The charge nurse on the unit transcribes a physician’s order onto the medication administration record. She writes, “Digoxin 0.25 mg PO qod ×3d” on the MAR. How should the order be written to prevent medication error?
A. Digoxin 0.25 mg PO qod ×3d B. Digoxin 0.25 mg PO qod for three doses C. Digoxin 0.25 mg PO every other day ×3d D. Digoxin 0.25 mg by mouth every other day for three doses

Digoxin 0.25 mg by mouth every other day for three doses

Place these steps in the nursing process in the proper sequence from beginning to end.

  • Assessment
  • Nursing diagnosis
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation

In discussing the drug regimen with the client, what factors should be included? (Select all that apply.)
A. Cut the tablet in half if the client does not have enough. B. Call the physician only after two unexpected reactions occur. C. Steps to minimize adverse reactions D. Adverse reactions to expect E. Length of time before desired therapeutic effect will occur

  • Length of time before desired therapeutic effect will occur
  • Steps to minimize adverse reactions
  • Adverse reactions to expect

Which medication order by the health care provider will require the nurse to seek clarification of that order?
A. Furosemide (Lasix) 20 mg. IV every 8 hours. B. Warfarin (Coumadin) 5 mg. PO every evening at 6 PM. C. Meperedine (Demerol) 25 mg. IM every 4-6 hours PRN D. Heparin 5,000 u SC every day

Heparin 5,000 u SC every day

Which organization is responsible for the continuation of defining, explaining, classifying, and researching summary statements about health problems related to nursing?
A. The Joint Commission B. The individual states' nursing board C. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing D. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International (NANDA-I)

The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-International (NANDA-I)

During assessment, a nurse asks a client about any chronic conditions that might have an impact on the client’s prescribed drug therapy. What issue, if reported by the client, would alert the nurse to a possible problem?
A. episode of gastroenteritis last month B. nearsightedness for the past 10 years C. two episodes of pneumonia over the last 5 years D. kidney disease diagnosed 2 years ago

kidney disease diagnosed 2 years ago

A nurse notes a medication error. Which action would be most appropriate?
A. Inform the Institute for Safe Medication Practices.  B.Make a report to the institution. C. Notify the drug manufacturer. D. Contact the Food and Drug Administration.

Make a report to the institution.

A nurse is beginning the apply the nursing process during a new client interaction. What activity should the nurse perform?
A. Identify potential client problems related to drug therapy. B. Confirm or rule out nursing diagnoses. C. Educate the client about basic medication safety. D. Obtain a medication history.

Obtain a medication history.

A client is experiencing difficulty swallowing a large oral tablet. What action by the nurse would be most appropriate?
A. Contact the pharmacy to order the drug in liquid form. B. Check to determine whether the drug can be crushed or mixed with food. C. Have the client drink a large glass of water to aid in swallowing. D. Ask the prescriber to change the medication to a parenteral form.

Check to determine whether the drug can be crushed or mixed with food.

The nurse brings the client's afternoon medications and attempts to teach the client about them. The client states, "Just tell my wife about them, she will take care of me at home." What is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client?
A. Noncompliance  B. Effective Self Health Management C. Deficient Knowledge D. Ineffective Self Health Management

Ineffective Self Health Management

Which would the nurse expect to do during implementation?
A. Provide client teaching about a drug therapy regimen. B. Obtain baseline information about the client’s pattern of health care.  C. Identify the client’s social support network. D. Develop statements about a client’s actual problem.

Provide client teaching about a drug therapy regimen.

Which of the following would be least important to include when teaching a client about drug therapy?
A. Drug toxicity warning signs B. Alternative therapies to avoid C. How to report a medication error D. Timing of administration

How to report a medication error

The nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client who will be discharged home with several new medications. When preparing the teaching session, what is the nurse’s best action?
A. Ask the client if he or she would like to receive information on the new medications. B. Make copies of medication package inserts for the client. C. Determine the client’s level of education. D. Administer the medications as a way of prompting discussion.

Determine the client’s level of education.

Effectiveness of medication therapy is associated with which of the following phases of the nursing process?
A. Assessment B. Evaluation C. Planning D. Analysis

To correctly administer a medication, when should the nurse compare the medication with the medication administration record (MAR)? (Select all that apply.)
A. when removing the medication from the medication cart B. when initially looking at the medication label C. immediately prior to medication administration D. after administering the medication E. after documenting the medication

  • immediately prior to medication administration
  • when removing the medication from the medication cart
  • when initially looking at the medication label

A client who just picked up a prescription at the pharmacy asks the nurse why the client was prescribed a medication for mental health issues when the client sought treatment for allergies. What is the nurse’s best response?
A. “Tell me the name of your prescription please.” B. “Have you been experiencing any hallucinations lately?” C. “The prescriber probably wanted to treat any anticipated depression you may experience.” D. “What symptoms of allergies do you have?”

“Tell me the name of your prescription please.”

A client recently discovered that she is pregnant. She currently takes herbal medications to control her diabetes and the symptoms related to pregnancy. She asks the nurse if it is safe to take herbal medications while she is pregnant. What would the nurse tell this client?
A. “Most herbal and dietary supplements are safe during pregnancy and are used by many cultures to control the symptoms of nausea.” B. “Herbal and dietary supplements will cause premature labor.” C. “Most herbal and dietary supplements should be avoided during pregnancy or lactation.” D. “Dietary supplements are high in fat and protein; they are safe to take during pregnancy and help to maintain health during lactation.”

“Most herbal and dietary supplements should be avoided during pregnancy or lactation.”

Which actions does the nurse take during the implementation phase of the nursing process related to drug therapy?

In the implementation phase, the nurse intervenes on behalf of the patient to address specific patient problems and needs. This is done through independent nursing actions; collaborative activities such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and music therapy; and implementation of medical orders.

What action should the nurse perform during the implementation step of the nursing process?

During the implementation phase of the nursing process, the nurse prioritizes planned interventions, assesses patient safety while implementing interventions, delegates interventions as appropriate, and documents interventions performed.

What actions are involved in implementing the nursing process?

The nursing process functions as a systematic guide to client-centered care with 5 sequential steps. These are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

What is involved in each steps of the nursing process as it relates to drug therapy?

Knowledge of, and skill in, the nursing process is required for drug therapy as in other aspects of patient care. The five steps of the nursing process are assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning and establishing goals for care, interventions, and evaluation as it is applied to medication administration.


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