This is the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant.


Negative Deviance

Negative Deviance: Behavior that under conforms to accepted norms. Negative deviance is defiance of authority usually considered to be criminal by most low level bureaucrats who carry guns on the streets. People rioting against their government would be an example of negative deviance. People say words that are considered taboo is also negative deviance. This relates to my learning in that it teaches more about deviance and criminality which is our main focus currently. Positive effects are getting better lives for the next generation since the current one has been fighting oppression and the other has been learning to commit crime. Negative effects are increase in violence from both civilians and police.

Positive Deviance

Positive Deviance: over conforms to social expectations. Positive deviance would be people conforming to the letter so then they act abnormal instead of like human beings. Examples would be people who are bureaucrats and people who enforce their society without question. This relates to my learning in how over conforming can be deviant of norms. Positive effect would be more conforming to norms negatives would be being abnormal because they over conform

Strain Theory

Strain Theory

Strain Theory: In sociology and criminology, strain theory states that social structures within society may pressure citizens to commit crimes. People who live in depressing environments are more likely to commit crimes. Examples would be gangs forming from the L.A. riots in the sixties then evolving into more organized crime. And people who live in ghettos in several major cities in the world forming gangs and committing frequent crime. Positive would be people reacting logically to their environment negative would be since they are so many poor there are more criminals.

Victim Discounting

Victim Discounting

Victim Discounting: Process of reducing the seriousness of crimes that injure people of a lower status. This happens a lot in the real world people go crazy over their leaders dying but they are happy when criminals die. There is some positive people who can cope with people dying because they are discounted, the negative is that people who are deemed less worthy are also treated to be of lower value, so racism and prejudice become more prevalent even if it’s more of a latent behavior.

Control Theory

Control Theory

Control Theory: Theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between a society and the individuals. Most people who live a rule abiding home grow up to be law abiding citizens unless they were de-socialized then re-socialized to become deviants.

Differential Association

Differential Association Theory

Differential Association Theory: Theory that states individuals learn deviance in proportion of deviant acts they are exposed too. An example would be bathrooms in buildings that are not in homes, save for some hotels which have gender based rooms, opposite genders are not supposed to communicate in the bathroom as this might cause positive deviance. Another example would be people who live around gang neighborhoods are more likely to join a gang because they know everyone there so they won’t see joining as being that bad.

Labeling Theory

Labeling Theory

Labeling theory: Theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant. People get angry when they are labeled as criminal scum, and thus will respond by committing crimes to silence those who accuse them. There are really no positive effects of this, this is simple moronic prejudice. There are negatives abound, however, of course the obvious fact is that this is breeding new generations of criminals, by this act of identifying particular members as deviant.


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Rehabilitation: Process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization. In most instances, criminals will revert back to what they were because that is how they grew up from an early age, or they just find deviance to be more interesting than complacency. Positives are sometime criminals can be fully rehabilitated. The negative is most criminals revert back to criminality within a year.



Race: People sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society. People should be allowed to be who they are without society telling them otherwise though there are a few exceptions to that rule like someone who has some variant of insatiable hunger or desire that is harmful to others, that exception should be obvious. This is present in most other societies than ours perhaps it is better because people there can share the heritage of their forefathers. Since most people who live in America are descended from or are immigrants, there is no real historical significance culturally to them to save native Americans from their hardships.

Though America has made its own history it is not the home of most of their ancestors, though immigration is good is should be controlled or made to look more like a punishment then reward when it has reached the level it has today. Sometimes too much mixing into a stew will make it sour and putrid, the same can be said for race and for mixing too many of them, however a well mixed stew with variety in taste can also taste good when everything is mixed well. The positives are; most people in the same race usually act the same as well even though they grew up in different places people are happier around people who look like them; and people getting along who are of different races can be very good for society. The negatives are if too much mixing is done people will lose their heritage and perhaps not even have the heritage of another because of they are so blended, everyone should not be the same difference and variety make us unique.



Ethnicity: a member of an ethnic group, or a minority group. People who act similar and share similar beliefs are usually considered part of the same ethnicity.


Crime: An act or acts committed in violation of the law.

Criminal Gangs


Gangs: a group of persons associated for some criminal or other antisocial purpose

Rioters and Looters vs. Peaceful Protesters

Often those who peacefully protest are lump together who lose who are opportunistic looters using a tense political and social situation to steal and rob, and those who riot or protest violently and commit acts such as; tipping over cars, storming buildings; and attacking or killing citizens and police officers.

© 2013 Aaron James Hills

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What are the 4 theories of deviance?

While there are many different sociological theories about crime, there are four primary perspectives about deviance: Structural Functionalism, Social Strain Typology, Conflict Theory, and Labeling Theory.

Which theory states individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts they are exposed to?

Social disorganization theory points to broad social factors as the cause of deviance.

Which theory believes that deviance is most likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means?

Anomie is a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent. Strain theory is the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve these goals by legitimate means.

What theory states that deviance is relative?

secondary deviance. Which theory states that deviance is relative and depends on who or what group is defining the deviant behavior? How does positive deviance differ from negative deviance? Positive deviance occurs when people over-conform.


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