Self-esteem has been mistakenly touted as the “holy grail” of mental health, and this has meant that

Self-esteem has been mistakenly touted as the holy grail of mental health, and this has meant that

    a. many preventive and remedial efforts have focused directly on improving low self-esteem.
  b. many therapeutic approaches employ social cognitive strategies to improve social skills.
  c. many therapists have focused too much on the importance of their own self-esteem.
  d. preventative efforts have never embraced a skills first approach.

Q. 2

Schulman (2002) defines morality as composed of three interlocking systems, including

    a. sympathy, moral reasoning, and identification with authority.
  b. empathy, identification with moral others, and standards of right and wrong.
  c. rational competence, emotional competence, and identification with authority.
  d. moral feeling, moral reasoning, and moral action.

Q. 3

It is generally a best practice for counselors to approach working with youngsters who demonstrate anger, noncompliance, and aggression in which of the following ways?

    a. First assess level of academic ability because these children might be demonstrating underlying learning difficulties.
  b. Use nondirective and supportive counseling strategies to enhance the child's sense of self-esteem.
  c. Use guided imagery so that children can access motivations for anger and aggressive behavior.
  d. Provide structure and a clear set of guidelines for appropriate behavior while seeking to enhance social competence.

Q. 4

A person who perceives neutral events as containing aggressive or threatening meaning is said to possess a

    a. social information processing tendency.
  b. hostile attributional bias.
  c. coercive family interaction style.
  d. hypervigilant attentional process.

Q. 5

An effect size of .70 means that the

    a. average client receiving counseling displayed a better outcome than 76 of control group participants.
  b. average client receiving counseling displayed a better outcome than 50 of control group participants.
  c. effects of counseling are minimal.
  d. None of the above.

Q. 6

When a therapist maintains the perspective that what the client reports is earnest, sincere, then he is

    a) Suspending disbelief
  b) Being nave
  c) Exhibiting classical analytic technique
  d) Working out a diagnosis

Q. 7

Charles was a temperamentally irritable baby who was difficult for his parents to handle. Now at 6, he is showing behavior problems in school.

    He has not mastered his alphabet letters and gives up easily. Charles' parents also have difficulty making rules stick with him at home. They remember how easy their other two children were to raise and now have less patience with their youngest son. Based on research, which of the following characteristics is least likely to be related to Charles' conduct problems?
  a. Weaknesses in verbal skills.
  b. Birth order.
  c. Coercive family interaction.
  d. Difficult temperament.

Q. 8

Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior?

    a. Low social anxiety.
  b. Popularity among peers.
  c. Coherent self-concept.
  d. Intelligence.

How would Gilligan's theory explain why Selena if she were an adult?

According to Gilligan's theory, how would Selena, if she were an adult, most likely explain why she chose not to steal? Selena would explain that she does not steal because stealing is wrong and because it would cause harm to the shop owner.

Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior group of answer choices?

2 out of 2 points Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior? Selected Answer: Low social anxiety.

Which of the following best represents Mead's contribution to our understanding of self development?

Which of the following best represents Mead's contribution to our understanding of self-development? Children internalize the orientations and values of their families and cultural groups in constructing their sense of self.

How would an individual in Kohlberg's Preconventional stage of moral reasoning explain Selena's behavior?

How would an individual in Kohlberg's conventional stage of moral reasoning explain Selena's behavior? Selena didn't take the candy because it belonged to someone else. overemphasized the importance of gender differences in moral reasoning. hostile attributional bias.


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